英语故事-Who Is Not Qualified For His Job?
Who Is Not Qualified For His Job?
The sales manager was complaing to a colleague about one of his salesmen.”George is so forgetful that it’s a wonder he can sell anything. I asked him to pick up some sandwiches on his way back from lunch, but I’m not sure he’ll even remember to come back.”
Just then, the door flew open and in came George,”You’ll never guess what happened!” He shouted.”At lunch, I met Fred Brown, the president of a fortune 500 company. He hadn’t bought anything from us in ten years. Well, we got to talking, and he gave me an order worth 15 million dollars!”
“See!” said the sales manager. “I told you he’d forget the sandwiches.”



英语故事-Who Is Not Qualified For His Job?

Who Is Not Qualified For His Job?
The sales manager was complaing to a colleague about one of his salesmen.”George is so forgetful that it’s a wonder he can sell anything. I asked him to pick up some sandwiches on his way back from lunch, but I’m not sure he’ll even remember to come back.”
Just then, the door flew open and in came George,”You’ll never guess what happened!” He shouted.”At lunch, I met Fred Brown, the president of a fortune 500 company. He hadn’t bought anything from us in ten years. Well, we got to talking, and he gave me an order worth 15 million dollars!”
“See!” said the sales manager. “I told you he’d forget the sandwiches.”




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