

When A Child Born
They were stranded in the middle of a traffic jam in a large Midwestern city, and the wife was about to give birth to her fist baby. The frustrated father-to-be-received the assistance of the occupant of a nearby paint truck. A sign was soon painted on a large tarpaulin. Hoisted aloft for all to see, it read: IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE? A scurrying of helpful motorists soon turned up a doctor, bag in hand, and rushed him to the emergency.
Minutes passed, and then came another banner-a hurried scrawling on the reverse side of the original tarpaulin. People shouted and whistled: horns blasted loud and long. The banner read simply: “IT’S A BOY!



When A Child Born
They were stranded in the middle of a traffic jam in a large Midwestern city, and the wife was about to give birth to her fist baby. The frustrated father-to-be-received the assistance of the occupant of a nearby paint truck. A sign was soon painted on a large tarpaulin. Hoisted aloft for all to see, it read: IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE? A scurrying of helpful motorists soon turned up a doctor, bag in hand, and rushed him to the emergency.
Minutes passed, and then came another banner-a hurried scrawling on the reverse side of the original tarpaulin. People shouted and whistled: horns blasted loud and long. The banner read simply: “IT’S A BOY!


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:在线阅读-验血
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