That Not What I Meant
I was out of town and my wife, a high-school teacher, had to contend with a balky funace. Fortunately, a 24-hour repairman arrived that evening and worked until the early morning hours.
The next day my tried wife was late for school. She hastily scrawled an explanation for the vice principal and rushed to her class. Five minutes later the vice principal burst into her classroom, laughing, and asked if she would like to reword her note. My wife had written:“Husband out of town. No heat. Up all night with repairman. Totally exhausted.”
第二天,我的疲惫不堪的老婆上班迟到了,她匆匆忙忙给校长写了一个纸条做解释,就慌忙地跑到班里去上课,五分钟后,副校长匆匆地来到了她的班上,大笑不止,然后问她是否能把这个条子文字重新推敲一下。原来,我老婆的条子是这样写的:“丈夫不在家,没暖气。 我陪修理工在楼上待了一夜,闹得筋疲力尽。”