鼎力相助 put your should to the wheel
多此一举 teach the dog to bark
恶有恶报 sow the wind and reap the whirlwind
耳濡目染/身教言传 children are what the mothers are
分秒必争 every minute counts
富贵无常 riches have wings
覆水难收 it is no good crying over the spilt milk
盖棺定论 do not praise a day before sunset
甘之如饴 smack one’s lips
隔墙有耳 walls have ears
各安职守 let the cobbler stick to his last
公事公办 business is business
光阴似箭 time flies as an arrow
好景不长 every day is not Sunday
先来后到 first come, first served
集思广益 four eyes see more than two
功败垂成 a skin betwixt cup and the lip
孤芳自赏 each bird loves to hear himself sing
孤掌难鸣 you cannot chap with one hand
过犹不及 overdone is worse than undone\
海底捞针 cry for the moon
海纳百川 all rivers run into sea
害人害己 harm set ,harm get
化敌为友 make your enemy your friend
火中取栗 pull the chestnut out of fire
祸不单行 misfortunes never come alone
饥不择食 nothing comes wrong to a hungry man
机不可失 all time is no time when it is past
积少成多 many a little make a mickle
积习难改 a leopard cannot change its spots
集腋成裘 every little helps a mickle