否极泰来 things at the worst will mend
七上八下 be greatly upset
骑虎难下 he who rides on a tiger can never dismount
千钧一发 at the critical time
前车之鉴 one man’s fault is other man’s lesson
穷则思变 adversity leads to prosperity
惹是生非 let sleeping dogs lie
人定胜天 man can conquer nature
人困马乏 the entire force was exhausted
人生苦短 life is but a span
人微言轻 the reasons of the poor weight not
人言可畏 give a dog a bad 【an ill】 name (and hang him)
人之常情 human nature
乳臭未干 wet behind the ears
入乡随俗 do in Rome as the Romans do
弱肉强食 the weakest goes to the wall
三缄其口 hold one’s peace
三思而后行 look before you leap
杀鸡取卵 if you sell the cow ,you sell her milk too
善始善终 a good beginning nakes a good ending
善有善报 do well and have well
舍本逐末 penny wise and pound foolish
胜者为王 losers are always in the wrong
时不我待 time and tide wait for no man
实事求是 seek the truth fron facts
事出有因 where there is smoke ,there is fire
势在必行 he must go where the devil drives
视而不见 none are so blind as those who won’t see
熟能生巧 practice makes perfect