

树大招风 tall trees catch much wind
水滴石穿 constant dripping wears away a stone
说曹操曹操就到 talk of the devil and he will appear
死得其所,流芳百世 a fair death honors the whole life
司空见惯 order of the day
天经地义 a matter of course
天网恢恢 Justice has long arms
听其自然 let thing take their course
同舟共济 those are in the same boat should row together
痛改前非 thoroughly rectify one’s errors
徒劳无益 it’s no use pumping a dry well
退避三舍 retreat to avoid a conflict
吞吞吐吐 hesitate in speech
亡羊补牢 it’s never too late to mend
唯利是图 virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man
未老先衰 decrepit before one’s age
未雨绸缪 lay up against a rainy day
文如其人 like author ,like book
稳操胜券 have full assurance of success
问心无愧 feel no qualms upon self-examination
瓮中之鳖 feel no qualms upon self-examination
握手言和 kiss and be friends
乌合之众 sheep that have no shepherd
勿失良机 make hay while the sun shines
物以类聚 birds of a feather flock together
喜形于色 the joy of the heart makes the face merry
先苦后甜 no sweet without sweat
先入为主 first impressions are half the battle
泄露天机 let the cat out of the bag
心灰意冷 be in black despair
心旷神怡 a merry heart goes all the way\
心无而用 no man can do two things at once
心直口快 what the heart thinks, the tongue speaks
心心相惜 like knows like
心善积德 one good turn deserves another
袖手旁观 stand by with folder arms
虚有其表 many a fine dish has nothing on it



树大招风 tall trees catch much wind
水滴石穿 constant dripping wears away a stone
说曹操曹操就到 talk of the devil and he will appear
死得其所,流芳百世 a fair death honors the whole life
司空见惯 order of the day
天经地义 a matter of course
天网恢恢 Justice has long arms
听其自然 let thing take their course
同舟共济 those are in the same boat should row together
痛改前非 thoroughly rectify one’s errors
徒劳无益 it’s no use pumping a dry well
退避三舍 retreat to avoid a conflict
吞吞吐吐 hesitate in speech
亡羊补牢 it’s never too late to mend
唯利是图 virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man
未老先衰 decrepit before one’s age
未雨绸缪 lay up against a rainy day
文如其人 like author ,like book
稳操胜券 have full assurance of success
问心无愧 feel no qualms upon self-examination
瓮中之鳖 feel no qualms upon self-examination
握手言和 kiss and be friends
乌合之众 sheep that have no shepherd
勿失良机 make hay while the sun shines
物以类聚 birds of a feather flock together
喜形于色 the joy of the heart makes the face merry
先苦后甜 no sweet without sweat
先入为主 first impressions are half the battle
泄露天机 let the cat out of the bag
心灰意冷 be in black despair
心旷神怡 a merry heart goes all the way\
心无而用 no man can do two things at once
心直口快 what the heart thinks, the tongue speaks
心心相惜 like knows like
心善积德 one good turn deserves another
袖手旁观 stand by with folder arms
虚有其表 many a fine dish has nothing on it


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