a series of:一系列
avariety of:各种各样的
above all:首要的是,尤其                   
account for;说明(解释)…的原因
add uo to:总计达,总共是
after all:毕竟,究竟
ahead of:在…之前
all at once:突然,同时
all but:几乎,差不多,除了…之外
and so forth:等等
as a rule:通常,一般来说
as follows:列举如下
as regards:关于,至于
aside from:除了…之外
at a loss:不知所措,亏本
at all costs:不惜任何代价
at all events:在任何情况下,无论如何
 at intervals:相隔一定距离
at large:一般说来,
at length:充分地,详尽地
at the mercy of:任…摆布,在…前毫无办法
at times:有时
back and forth:来回地
be absorbed in:全神贯注于,专心致志于
be concerned with:与…有关系
e.g. This story is concerned with a Russian story in the 19th century.
break down:损坏,发生故障
break off:(使)突然结束,中断
e.g.We broke off (work) for a cup of tea.
brrak up:打碎,拆散
e.g. The ship broke up on the rocks.
bring into effect:实行,实施,使生效
bring into operation:实施,旅行
bring into practice:实行
build up:增进,增强,逐步建立
but for:要不是
by all means:当然可以,一定,务必
e.g. “May I borrow your paper?” “By all means.”
by means of:使用,依靠
e.g.We express our thoughts by means of words.
by no means:决不
by mistake:错误时
call for:去接(某人),去取(某物),需要,要求
call forth:使产生,引起
carry into effect:实施,实行
carry into practice:实施,实行
carry off:轻而易举地完成任务、职责等)
e.g.She carried off her part in the plan with no difficulty.
carry out:实行,执行,完成,实现
check in:(在旅馆)登记办理住宿手续;(在机场)办理登机手续
check out (在旅馆)输退房手续;结账后离开(旅店)
clear away:散去,驱除,消除
clear up:把…收拾干净,打扫干净
come into effect:实行,实施
come into force:生效
come into operation:生效
come off:1.脱落,掉落     
e.g. A button came off as I was climbing voer the wall.
 e.g. The wedding came off as planned.
come up:1.引起注意,得到注意
e.g.Your question came up at the meeting.
e.g. I will let you know if anuthing comes up.
consist in:存在于……中
cut down:砍到,消减
e.g.to cut down a tree
cut off:切掉,割断,中断,切断
e.g.Her little finger was cut off in an accident at the factory.
cut out:割掉,切掉,剪下
e.g. She cut the advertisement out of the newspaper.
drop in:顺便拜访
drop off:(数量等)减少,(价值等)降低
drop out:退出,不参加
ever so:非常
for ever:永远
for good:永远
for the moment:暂时,目前
for the present:目前,暂时
for the sake of:为了
gain access to: 取得……的机会,接触……的机会
get at:得到,接近,暗示,意指
get by:过活,度日,勉强对付过去,尚可,过得去
get in:  到达,收割,买进
get into:进入,陷入,养成
get off:离开,动身
get the best of:获胜,占上风,从……中得到最大好处                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
give away:赠送,赠予,颁发
give out:分发,散步,公布
go back on:背弃,违背(诺言,协议等)
go in for 参加,从事,致力于,喜欢,爱好
go into:进入,从事,进入(某种)状态
go into effect:实效
go into force:生效
go into operation:生效,开始工作
go off:爆炸,中断,熄灭
go in:1 (日、月等)被乌云遮蔽,2.参加,加入

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a series of:一系列
avariety of:各种各样的
above all:首要的是,尤其                   
account for;说明(解释)…的原因
add uo to:总计达,总共是
after all:毕竟,究竟
ahead of:在…之前
all at once:突然,同时
all but:几乎,差不多,除了…之外
and so forth:等等
as a rule:通常,一般来说
as follows:列举如下
as regards:关于,至于
aside from:除了…之外
at a loss:不知所措,亏本
at all costs:不惜任何代价
at all events:在任何情况下,无论如何
 at intervals:相隔一定距离
at large:一般说来,
at length:充分地,详尽地
at the mercy of:任…摆布,在…前毫无办法
at times:有时
back and forth:来回地
be absorbed in:全神贯注于,专心致志于
be concerned with:与…有关系
e.g. This story is concerned with a Russian story in the 19th century.
break down:损坏,发生故障
break off:(使)突然结束,中断
e.g.We broke off (work) for a cup of tea.
brrak up:打碎,拆散
e.g. The ship broke up on the rocks.
bring into effect:实行,实施,使生效
bring into operation:实施,旅行
bring into practice:实行
build up:增进,增强,逐步建立
but for:要不是
by all means:当然可以,一定,务必
e.g. “May I borrow your paper?” “By all means.”
by means of:使用,依靠
e.g.We express our thoughts by means of words.
by no means:决不
by mistake:错误时
call for:去接(某人),去取(某物),需要,要求
call forth:使产生,引起
carry into effect:实施,实行
carry into practice:实施,实行
carry off:轻而易举地完成任务、职责等)
e.g.She carried off her part in the plan with no difficulty.
carry out:实行,执行,完成,实现
check in:(在旅馆)登记办理住宿手续;(在机场)办理登机手续
check out (在旅馆)输退房手续;结账后离开(旅店)
clear away:散去,驱除,消除
clear up:把…收拾干净,打扫干净
come into effect:实行,实施
come into force:生效
come into operation:生效
come off:1.脱落,掉落     
e.g. A button came off as I was climbing voer the wall.
 e.g. The wedding came off as planned.
come up:1.引起注意,得到注意
e.g.Your question came up at the meeting.
e.g. I will let you know if anuthing comes up.
consist in:存在于……中
cut down:砍到,消减
e.g.to cut down a tree
cut off:切掉,割断,中断,切断
e.g.Her little finger was cut off in an accident at the factory.
cut out:割掉,切掉,剪下
e.g. She cut the advertisement out of the newspaper.
drop in:顺便拜访
drop off:(数量等)减少,(价值等)降低
drop out:退出,不参加
ever so:非常
for ever:永远
for good:永远
for the moment:暂时,目前
for the present:目前,暂时
for the sake of:为了
gain access to: 取得……的机会,接触……的机会
get at:得到,接近,暗示,意指
get by:过活,度日,勉强对付过去,尚可,过得去
get in:  到达,收割,买进
get into:进入,陷入,养成
get off:离开,动身
get the best of:获胜,占上风,从……中得到最大好处                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
give away:赠送,赠予,颁发
give out:分发,散步,公布
go back on:背弃,违背(诺言,协议等)
go in for 参加,从事,致力于,喜欢,爱好
go into:进入,从事,进入(某种)状态
go into effect:实效
go into force:生效
go into operation:生效,开始工作
go off:爆炸,中断,熄灭
go in:1 (日、月等)被乌云遮蔽,2.参加,加入

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