The Lion in Love

   A Lion demanded the daughter of a woodcutter in marriage. The father, unwilling to grant, and yet afraid to refuse his request, hit upon this expedient to rid himself of his importunities. He expressed his willingness to accept the lion as the suitor of his daughter on one condition. That he should allow him to extract his teach, and cut off his claws, as his daughter was fearfully afraid of both. The Lion cheerfully assented to the proposal. But when the toothless, clawless, Lion returned to repeat his request, the Woodman, no longer afraid, set upon him with his club, and drove him away into the forest.



The Lion in Love

   A Lion demanded the daughter of a woodcutter in marriage. The father, unwilling to grant, and yet afraid to refuse his request, hit upon this expedient to rid himself of his importunities. He expressed his willingness to accept the lion as the suitor of his daughter on one condition. That he should allow him to extract his teach, and cut off his claws, as his daughter was fearfully afraid of both. The Lion cheerfully assented to the proposal. But when the toothless, clawless, Lion returned to repeat his request, the Woodman, no longer afraid, set upon him with his club, and drove him away into the forest.



上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:狮子、狐狸和野兽
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