a greenhorn不懂事的小伙子
green在此处代表“年轻”(young)的意思,greenhorn 是指“新的犄角“,因此可以引申为”刚开始长犄角、蹦蹦跳跳的小牛“,再引申为”一个不懂事的小伙子“。此外,greenhorn 还有容易受骗(gullible)的涵义。至于老成世故(sophisticated)年轻人,英文里则称之为a man/woman of the world或是men/women of the world,也就是“这个世界的人”。
★ Paul is very much a man of the world.
★ Compared with him, you are an utter greenhorn.
The man in the street一般市民
在街上随处可见的人,英文里称之为the man in the street,亦即“一般市民(ordinary citizens)。其中有些人可能缺乏主见,只会随着旁人的意思行动,‘无足轻重“,就如漂浮水面的稻草般,因而被称之为a straw man.
★ After the election, the man in the street will have no choice but to trust the elected politicians to look after his interests.
★ The lawmakers are so well paid that nowadays even a straw man would like to think of having a try in the election.