请假 Taking a Leave


Useful  Words        第1步  熟悉词汇

manager    经理         workday      工作日        leave     假期

casual      临时的       coordinate     协调         approve   批准

vacation     休假        sick           生病的        signature   签名

boss         老板        clerk         职员           conductor   管理人

tired        疲劳的       pressure      压力          hardship     困难

Useful    Sentences     第2步    牢记句型

I wonder if I could take this afternoon off .我可不可以今天下午请个假。

May I have one day off tomorrow ?我明天能请一天假吗?

I have to ask for sick leave . 我得请个病假。

I’m asking for a week’s leave .我打算请一个星期的假。

I would like to take my two weeks vocation time .我想休假两周。

Take time off as necessary .如果有需要的话就请假吧。

1.       I wonder if I could take this afternoon off .我可不可以今天下午请个假。

Is it alright if I take a leave next Monday ?下周一我请一天假可以吗?

Could I take a leave on the 20th ?我20号能请一天假吗?

take off   休假,休息        take a leave    请假

2.       May I have one day off tomorrow ?我明天能请一天假吗?

Could I have one day off tomorrow ?我明天能请一天假吗?

May I ask for leave tomorrow ?我明天能请一天假吗?

ask for leave  请假

3.       I was absent on sick leave last Tuesday . 我上周二因病请假了。

I have to ask for sick leave .我得请个病假。

sick leave   病假

4.       I’m asking for a week’s leave .我打算请一星期的假。

I want to ask for leave , about a week .我想请一个星期的假。

I’d like to ask for a week’s leave .我想请一星期的假。

5.       I need to take a leave on the 24th of this month .这个月24号,我要请一天假。

I want to ask for leave on the 24th of this month .这个月24号,我想请一天假。

6.       I’d like to ask for my maternity leave .我想请产假。

I’m on maternity leave now .我在休产假。

maternity  adj. 产妇的,孕妇的

7.       I would like to take my two weeks vocation time .我想休假两周。

I’d like to have a week off to prepare for my wedding .我想休假一周准备我的婚礼。

8.       Take time off as necessary . 如果有需要的话就请假吧。

If it is necessary for you , just take time off .如果有需要的话就请假吧。

9.       He has been taken a lot of time off lately , hasn’t he ?他最近常请假,是不是?

He is always asking for leave these days .他这些天总是请假。

Useful   Conversations             第3步   模仿对话

1.       请假去度假  Take a Leave for Vacation

Desiree : Only two weeks left until my vacation !

Jessica : Oh , I’m so jealous ! Remind me again , how long are you going ?

Desiree: We'll be in Hawaii for a week , and then Japan for two weeks .

Jessica :That’s so wonderful . We’ll miss having you around the office though 1

Desiree : I’ll bring you back something nice , don’t worry . The time is going to fly by !






Jealous  adj. 羡慕的,嫉妒的       fly by  飞逝

2.       申请年假  Ask for the Annual Leave

Joan : I’m going to ask for my annual leave soon .

Tim  : Oh , really ?What plans do you have ?

Joan : None , really ,but I could really use some time off . I think I might use the time to get caught up on some reading , clean house , and maybe go visit some friends I haven’t seen in a long time .

Tim  : That sounds really nice . Make sure to ask soon though . It’s a popular time to travel and if you don’t get in early , they might not approve the time off .

Joan : That’s true . I’ll tell the boss today after lunch . Hopefully it’s early enough that it won’t be a problem .

Tim  : I think that’s a good idea . I may ask for my leave after you get back .

琼  :我打算最近就申请年假。


琼  :实际上还没有,但我确实需要休息一段时间。我想我可以用这段时间来多看一些书,打扫房间,可能还要去看看很久没见面的朋友。


琼  :没错。我今天吃过午饭就告诉老板。希望时间还算早,不会有什么问题。


annual leave  年假              get caught up 抓住,抓紧

Useful Paragraph      第4步   诵读短篇

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold . A mulberry leaf touched with the genius of man becomes silk . A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle . A cypress tree touché with the genius of man becomes a shrine . If it is possible for leaves and clay and wood to have their value multiplied a hundred , yea a thousand fold by man , cannot I do the same  with the clay which bears my name ?


multiply      v. 增加      mulberry  n.  桑树         genius   n.  天才

cypress      n..  柏树     shrine  n.   圣地           raiment  n. 衣服

yea  adv.    是的

Cultural  Background        第5步    了解文化




请假 Taking a Leave


Useful  Words        第1步  熟悉词汇

manager    经理         workday      工作日        leave     假期

casual      临时的       coordinate     协调         approve   批准

vacation     休假        sick           生病的        signature   签名

boss         老板        clerk         职员           conductor   管理人

tired        疲劳的       pressure      压力          hardship     困难

Useful    Sentences     第2步    牢记句型

I wonder if I could take this afternoon off .我可不可以今天下午请个假。

May I have one day off tomorrow ?我明天能请一天假吗?

I have to ask for sick leave . 我得请个病假。

I’m asking for a week’s leave .我打算请一个星期的假。

I would like to take my two weeks vocation time .我想休假两周。

Take time off as necessary .如果有需要的话就请假吧。

1.       I wonder if I could take this afternoon off .我可不可以今天下午请个假。

Is it alright if I take a leave next Monday ?下周一我请一天假可以吗?

Could I take a leave on the 20th ?我20号能请一天假吗?

take off   休假,休息        take a leave    请假

2.       May I have one day off tomorrow ?我明天能请一天假吗?

Could I have one day off tomorrow ?我明天能请一天假吗?

May I ask for leave tomorrow ?我明天能请一天假吗?

ask for leave  请假

3.       I was absent on sick leave last Tuesday . 我上周二因病请假了。

I have to ask for sick leave .我得请个病假。

sick leave   病假

4.       I’m asking for a week’s leave .我打算请一星期的假。

I want to ask for leave , about a week .我想请一个星期的假。

I’d like to ask for a week’s leave .我想请一星期的假。

5.       I need to take a leave on the 24th of this month .这个月24号,我要请一天假。

I want to ask for leave on the 24th of this month .这个月24号,我想请一天假。

6.       I’d like to ask for my maternity leave .我想请产假。

I’m on maternity leave now .我在休产假。

maternity  adj. 产妇的,孕妇的

7.       I would like to take my two weeks vocation time .我想休假两周。

I’d like to have a week off to prepare for my wedding .我想休假一周准备我的婚礼。

8.       Take time off as necessary . 如果有需要的话就请假吧。

If it is necessary for you , just take time off .如果有需要的话就请假吧。

9.       He has been taken a lot of time off lately , hasn’t he ?他最近常请假,是不是?

He is always asking for leave these days .他这些天总是请假。

Useful   Conversations             第3步   模仿对话

1.       请假去度假  Take a Leave for Vacation

Desiree : Only two weeks left until my vacation !

Jessica : Oh , I’m so jealous ! Remind me again , how long are you going ?

Desiree: We'll be in Hawaii for a week , and then Japan for two weeks .

Jessica :That’s so wonderful . We’ll miss having you around the office though 1

Desiree : I’ll bring you back something nice , don’t worry . The time is going to fly by !






Jealous  adj. 羡慕的,嫉妒的       fly by  飞逝

2.       申请年假  Ask for the Annual Leave

Joan : I’m going to ask for my annual leave soon .

Tim  : Oh , really ?What plans do you have ?

Joan : None , really ,but I could really use some time off . I think I might use the time to get caught up on some reading , clean house , and maybe go visit some friends I haven’t seen in a long time .

Tim  : That sounds really nice . Make sure to ask soon though . It’s a popular time to travel and if you don’t get in early , they might not approve the time off .

Joan : That’s true . I’ll tell the boss today after lunch . Hopefully it’s early enough that it won’t be a problem .

Tim  : I think that’s a good idea . I may ask for my leave after you get back .

琼  :我打算最近就申请年假。


琼  :实际上还没有,但我确实需要休息一段时间。我想我可以用这段时间来多看一些书,打扫房间,可能还要去看看很久没见面的朋友。


琼  :没错。我今天吃过午饭就告诉老板。希望时间还算早,不会有什么问题。


annual leave  年假              get caught up 抓住,抓紧

Useful Paragraph      第4步   诵读短篇

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold . A mulberry leaf touched with the genius of man becomes silk . A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle . A cypress tree touché with the genius of man becomes a shrine . If it is possible for leaves and clay and wood to have their value multiplied a hundred , yea a thousand fold by man , cannot I do the same  with the clay which bears my name ?


multiply      v. 增加      mulberry  n.  桑树         genius   n.  天才

cypress      n..  柏树     shrine  n.   圣地           raiment  n. 衣服

yea  adv.    是的

Cultural  Background        第5步    了解文化





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