I. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
 1. Did Mr. Smith want to buy machine tools for himself?
 2. Who wanted to buy machine tools?
 3. What was Mr. Song’s line of business?
 4. How long do you think he’d been in this line of business?
 5. When Mr. Smith wanted to have a look at the catalogue, did Mr. Song happen to have one at hand?
 6. Do you think the customers in Pakistan will be interested in the goods on the
7.Did Mr. Smith place his order immediately on the spot?
 8. On what condition would he place his order with Mr. Song?
 9. When Mr. Song said he also took special orders, what did he mean? Try to answer this question in your own words.
10. What does FOB stand for? What does CIF stand for?
11. What price terms did Mr. Smith prefer?
12.Where did Mr. Smith want the goods to be sent to?
13. Was the business concluded on the spot?
II. Fill in the blanks with right words beginning with the letters given.
  1. Our company has s       in the export of machine tools for some twenty years.
  2. If your price is favorable, we shall p      an order with you right now.
  3. They said that they couldn’t m     your requirements to the full.
  4. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always a       to the
    Principle of equality and mutual benefit.
  5. Our open-t- the-world policy will r      unchanged.
  6. It is our wish to e     business relations with your corporation.
  7.One must h      the contract and keep to his words in doing business with
  8. I’m glad to see many businesses have been c      between us.
  9. It will perhaps i      you to know that we have a good supply of the first Grade.
 10. We will perhaps this sample will help you in m      your choice.
III. Make short dialogues in the following situations.
1.       Mr. Smith and Mr. Zhang are walking out of the Fair. They are talking about the exhibits they have just seen. Mr. Smith shows great interest in the products on display.
2.       Mr. Smith wishes to place an order for machine tools. He asks for the catalogue and wants to know something more about the specifications. Mr. Zhang tells him that special orders can also be considered if the type and specifications on display do not meet Mr. Smith’s requirements.
3.       Mr. Smith asks something about price terms. He wants to buy FOB.
IV. Translate the following sentences into English.
  A: 我们很高兴你能来我公司访问并有意和我们发展纺织品方面的业务。
 A:这一点你大可不必操心。目前我们可以出口的花色品种很多。 这儿有份目录和样品本,你不妨先看看,然后告诉我们你们感兴趣的品种。另外,我们还完全可以按照你提供的式样安排生产,满足你们市场的需求。你会发现我们的产品同你们提供的样品一模一样。
 A: 这得看你的需要了。你愿意哪一种呢?

上一篇:优朗英语最新开班   下一篇:


(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



I. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
 1. Did Mr. Smith want to buy machine tools for himself?
 2. Who wanted to buy machine tools?
 3. What was Mr. Song’s line of business?
 4. How long do you think he’d been in this line of business?
 5. When Mr. Smith wanted to have a look at the catalogue, did Mr. Song happen to have one at hand?
 6. Do you think the customers in Pakistan will be interested in the goods on the
7.Did Mr. Smith place his order immediately on the spot?
 8. On what condition would he place his order with Mr. Song?
 9. When Mr. Song said he also took special orders, what did he mean? Try to answer this question in your own words.
10. What does FOB stand for? What does CIF stand for?
11. What price terms did Mr. Smith prefer?
12.Where did Mr. Smith want the goods to be sent to?
13. Was the business concluded on the spot?
II. Fill in the blanks with right words beginning with the letters given.
  1. Our company has s       in the export of machine tools for some twenty years.
  2. If your price is favorable, we shall p      an order with you right now.
  3. They said that they couldn’t m     your requirements to the full.
  4. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always a       to the
    Principle of equality and mutual benefit.
  5. Our open-t- the-world policy will r      unchanged.
  6. It is our wish to e     business relations with your corporation.
  7.One must h      the contract and keep to his words in doing business with
  8. I’m glad to see many businesses have been c      between us.
  9. It will perhaps i      you to know that we have a good supply of the first Grade.
 10. We will perhaps this sample will help you in m      your choice.
III. Make short dialogues in the following situations.
1.       Mr. Smith and Mr. Zhang are walking out of the Fair. They are talking about the exhibits they have just seen. Mr. Smith shows great interest in the products on display.
2.       Mr. Smith wishes to place an order for machine tools. He asks for the catalogue and wants to know something more about the specifications. Mr. Zhang tells him that special orders can also be considered if the type and specifications on display do not meet Mr. Smith’s requirements.
3.       Mr. Smith asks something about price terms. He wants to buy FOB.
IV. Translate the following sentences into English.
  A: 我们很高兴你能来我公司访问并有意和我们发展纺织品方面的业务。
 A:这一点你大可不必操心。目前我们可以出口的花色品种很多。 这儿有份目录和样品本,你不妨先看看,然后告诉我们你们感兴趣的品种。另外,我们还完全可以按照你提供的式样安排生产,满足你们市场的需求。你会发现我们的产品同你们提供的样品一模一样。
 A: 这得看你的需要了。你愿意哪一种呢?

上一篇:优朗英语最新开班   下一篇:


(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



上一篇:询盘英语二 下一篇:询盘英语-练习题
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