1. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
  1. What did Mr. Hall want to discuss with Mr. Jing?
  2. Had Mr. Jing worked out his offer?
  3. What was the offer like?
  4. Was this a firm offer or a non-firm offer?
  5. Can you tell in your own words the difference between a firm offer and a non- firm offer?
  6. Did Mr. Hall import the goods for himself?
  7. Mr. Jing’s offer didn’t include any commission, did it?
  8. What is a commission agent?
  9. Mr. Jing’s offer didn’t include any commission, did it?
  10. What was the percentage of the commission?
  11. What did Mr. Hall think of the price?
  12. What else did Mr. Hall want to buy?
  13. Was Butterfly Folded Chair available for export?
  14. What brand did Mr. Jing suggest as the second choice?
  15. Suppose you are Mr. Jing, give a short introduction to Golden Lion Folded Chairs.
II. Respond to the following.
1.       I’ve come to hear about your offer for toy animals.
2.       If you need the goods urgently we suggest you try Golden Lion Folded Chairs.
3.       To tell the truth, I don’t like the color.
4.       I’m afraid your design is a little out of date.
5.       I hope you will make us your lowest quotation CIFC 5% San Francisco.
6.       But 500 cases is far from being enough to meet our requirements.
7.       I’m sorry I can’t supply your needs to the full.
8.       As I’m sure I can do better this year, I hope you will at least supply me with 800 d\cases.
III. Some of the following sentences don’t sound police. Try to improve them.
1. A: Will you be free this evening?
B: What? Say it again!
2. A: Would you like to eat in the hotel tonight?
B: No. I want to go out to eat.
3. A: What ‘s your business here?
B: I’d like to see Mr. Wang, your manager.
A: Mr. Wang is very busy now. He can’t see you. Come again this afternoon.
4. A: Your price is too high. I can’t accept it at all.
 B:. Please accept our price. Japanese goods are sold at a price much higher than ours.
5. A: Make your offer firm for seven days. You must know we are going to ask about the opinion of our customers.
 B: Sorry, we can’t.

上一篇:优朗英语最新开班   下一篇:


(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



1. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
  1. What did Mr. Hall want to discuss with Mr. Jing?
  2. Had Mr. Jing worked out his offer?
  3. What was the offer like?
  4. Was this a firm offer or a non-firm offer?
  5. Can you tell in your own words the difference between a firm offer and a non- firm offer?
  6. Did Mr. Hall import the goods for himself?
  7. Mr. Jing’s offer didn’t include any commission, did it?
  8. What is a commission agent?
  9. Mr. Jing’s offer didn’t include any commission, did it?
  10. What was the percentage of the commission?
  11. What did Mr. Hall think of the price?
  12. What else did Mr. Hall want to buy?
  13. Was Butterfly Folded Chair available for export?
  14. What brand did Mr. Jing suggest as the second choice?
  15. Suppose you are Mr. Jing, give a short introduction to Golden Lion Folded Chairs.
II. Respond to the following.
1.       I’ve come to hear about your offer for toy animals.
2.       If you need the goods urgently we suggest you try Golden Lion Folded Chairs.
3.       To tell the truth, I don’t like the color.
4.       I’m afraid your design is a little out of date.
5.       I hope you will make us your lowest quotation CIFC 5% San Francisco.
6.       But 500 cases is far from being enough to meet our requirements.
7.       I’m sorry I can’t supply your needs to the full.
8.       As I’m sure I can do better this year, I hope you will at least supply me with 800 d\cases.
III. Some of the following sentences don’t sound police. Try to improve them.
1. A: Will you be free this evening?
B: What? Say it again!
2. A: Would you like to eat in the hotel tonight?
B: No. I want to go out to eat.
3. A: What ‘s your business here?
B: I’d like to see Mr. Wang, your manager.
A: Mr. Wang is very busy now. He can’t see you. Come again this afternoon.
4. A: Your price is too high. I can’t accept it at all.
 B:. Please accept our price. Japanese goods are sold at a price much higher than ours.
5. A: Make your offer firm for seven days. You must know we are going to ask about the opinion of our customers.
 B: Sorry, we can’t.

上一篇:优朗英语最新开班   下一篇:


(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



上一篇:外贸英语翻译练习题 下一篇:外贸英语四-询盘练习
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