从选项看,三题均为时间数字题,而例1和例2是表示一段时间,应该猜出提问的方式是How long…? 或When….?  而例3 则是钟点时间, 为时间点,不是段,因此问题的提问方式就可能只是When…? 或What time…? 请看它们的录音原文。
例1:W: How long will it take you to fix my watch?
           M: I’ll call you when it’s ready, but it shouldn’t take longer than a week.
           Q: When will the woman probably get her watch back?
例2:W: How long have you been in our country?
           M: I just arrived two days ago. I will be spending a month here.
           Q: When will the man leave?
例3:W: My watch is 8:00 sharp. Is it right?
           M: I don’t think so. My watch is 8:10. But it is three minutes fast.
           Q: What time is it now?
它们的答案分别B、A 和C。
例4:You read:
            A. Twenty dollars.              B. Twenty-five dollars.
            C. Forty dollars.                  D. Fifty dollars. 
可以从选项就断定这是一题价格数字题,首先可以考虑到问题十有八九是How much…? 或What price…? 带问题重点听清对话中的数字。
                           M: How much are these sweaters?
                           W: They are on sale today, sir. Twenty-five dollars each, or two for forty dollars.
                           Q: How much does one sweater cost?
例5:You read:
            A. 15.                                      B.25.
            C. 35.                                      D.45.
M: How many people will be coming to the meeting?
W: We had to cross off fifteen names from our original list of fifty.
Q: How many people will attend the meeting now?
l         判断题
                例1:You read:
A. In a restaurant.               B. At the railway station.
C. In the post office.           D. At the airport.
四个选项表明,这是一题与地点有关的判断题。由此,可以猜到,问题可能是Where…? 或What place…? 的句式。听录音时,要重点听清关键词,判明主题,确定地点,选出答案。请看原文:
                                M: Excuse me, but which gate is for flight 2441 to Chengdu?
                                W: It’s Gate 8.
                                Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?


从选项看,三题均为时间数字题,而例1和例2是表示一段时间,应该猜出提问的方式是How long…? 或When….?  而例3 则是钟点时间, 为时间点,不是段,因此问题的提问方式就可能只是When…? 或What time…? 请看它们的录音原文。
例1:W: How long will it take you to fix my watch?
           M: I’ll call you when it’s ready, but it shouldn’t take longer than a week.
           Q: When will the woman probably get her watch back?
例2:W: How long have you been in our country?
           M: I just arrived two days ago. I will be spending a month here.
           Q: When will the man leave?
例3:W: My watch is 8:00 sharp. Is it right?
           M: I don’t think so. My watch is 8:10. But it is three minutes fast.
           Q: What time is it now?
它们的答案分别B、A 和C。
例4:You read:
            A. Twenty dollars.              B. Twenty-five dollars.
            C. Forty dollars.                  D. Fifty dollars. 
可以从选项就断定这是一题价格数字题,首先可以考虑到问题十有八九是How much…? 或What price…? 带问题重点听清对话中的数字。
                           M: How much are these sweaters?
                           W: They are on sale today, sir. Twenty-five dollars each, or two for forty dollars.
                           Q: How much does one sweater cost?
例5:You read:
            A. 15.                                      B.25.
            C. 35.                                      D.45.
M: How many people will be coming to the meeting?
W: We had to cross off fifteen names from our original list of fifty.
Q: How many people will attend the meeting now?
l         判断题
                例1:You read:
A. In a restaurant.               B. At the railway station.
C. In the post office.           D. At the airport.
四个选项表明,这是一题与地点有关的判断题。由此,可以猜到,问题可能是Where…? 或What place…? 的句式。听录音时,要重点听清关键词,判明主题,确定地点,选出答案。请看原文:
                                M: Excuse me, but which gate is for flight 2441 to Chengdu?
                                W: It’s Gate 8.
                                Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?


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