一下为Jenny和Peter green的一次去理发店的英语口语对话,他们两位在杭州英语培训学校真正是从零开学学英语的,经过8个月的学习,现在能够自如的和外籍教师自如的对话。
Jenny决定再次和Peter green约会。俩人打算和另一对Kate与Tom 一起出发。因此,Jenny 和Kate 一起到了理发店。首先是Kate,她正在向理发师说明自己喜欢的发型。
Hairdresser  How would you like it?
Kate        I’m not sure. I just know that I’m tired of this old-fashioned style.
Hairdresser  Would you like it shorter or left long?
Kate       Shorter, I think. Can you take about two inches off?
Hairdresser  Yes, Would you like it all one length?
Kate       I don’t know.    
Hairdresser  Do you normally wear your hair, down m like this?
Kate       Yes, but sometimes I tie it back.
Hairdresser  In hat case, I’ll leave it all one length, so you can  still tie your hair back or put it up.
Kate       Good.
Hairdresser  Now, what about the front? Why don’t you have a fringe for a change?
Kate       Mm. Good idea.
Assistant  Hello. Would you like to come over here, please, and I’ll wash your hair.
Jenny     Thank you.
Assistant  Sit down, please And put your head back. That’s great. Are you doing anything special tonight?
Jenny    Yes, I have date.
Assistant  Oh. Where are you going?
Jenny    We’re going out to dinner.
Assistant  Have you been out with him before?
Jenny    Yes, we’ve been out once-to a soccer match! But I’m very nervous about tonight.
Assistant  Why? Didn’t you get on well with him last time?
Jenny    Oh, yes. But it’s easy at a soccer match; you don’t have to talk to each other!
Jenny    Hi.
Jack     Hello. You look different.
Jenny    Do I?
Jack     Yes, but I can’t figure out why. What is it? I know, you’re dressed up.
Jenny    No, I’m not.
Jack     Well then you’re.
Paula    Hi. Jenny. I like your hair.
Jenny    Thank you.
Jack     Oh, yes. Your hair. Sorry.
Jenny    That’s OK.
Jack     It looks very nice.
Jenny    Thank you.
Paula    Are you going out tonight. Jenny?
Jenny    Yes. I’m.
Jack     Are you two getting serious?
Jenny    No, not at all.
Jack     Oh.
Paula    What are you going to wear, Jenny?
Jenny    I’m not sure, nothing special.
Paula    I think you should put a dress on.
Jenny    Oh?
Paula    Yes, something stylish but not too formal.
Jenny     really.
Jack     Paula, Jenny said the date wasn’t that serious.
Jenny    No, that’s true. But want to look my best.
Paula    Yes. You should put more eye make-up on, Jenny and perhaps some jewellery.
Jenny    Yes?
Paula    Yes, you should put on your silver necklace, some bracelets and your long earrings. Come on, Jenny. Let’s go upstairs. When you go on a date, you need two hours to get ready.


一下为Jenny和Peter green的一次去理发店的英语口语对话,他们两位在杭州英语培训学校真正是从零开学学英语的,经过8个月的学习,现在能够自如的和外籍教师自如的对话。
Jenny决定再次和Peter green约会。俩人打算和另一对Kate与Tom 一起出发。因此,Jenny 和Kate 一起到了理发店。首先是Kate,她正在向理发师说明自己喜欢的发型。
Hairdresser  How would you like it?
Kate        I’m not sure. I just know that I’m tired of this old-fashioned style.
Hairdresser  Would you like it shorter or left long?
Kate       Shorter, I think. Can you take about two inches off?
Hairdresser  Yes, Would you like it all one length?
Kate       I don’t know.    
Hairdresser  Do you normally wear your hair, down m like this?
Kate       Yes, but sometimes I tie it back.
Hairdresser  In hat case, I’ll leave it all one length, so you can  still tie your hair back or put it up.
Kate       Good.
Hairdresser  Now, what about the front? Why don’t you have a fringe for a change?
Kate       Mm. Good idea.
Assistant  Hello. Would you like to come over here, please, and I’ll wash your hair.
Jenny     Thank you.
Assistant  Sit down, please And put your head back. That’s great. Are you doing anything special tonight?
Jenny    Yes, I have date.
Assistant  Oh. Where are you going?
Jenny    We’re going out to dinner.
Assistant  Have you been out with him before?
Jenny    Yes, we’ve been out once-to a soccer match! But I’m very nervous about tonight.
Assistant  Why? Didn’t you get on well with him last time?
Jenny    Oh, yes. But it’s easy at a soccer match; you don’t have to talk to each other!
Jenny    Hi.
Jack     Hello. You look different.
Jenny    Do I?
Jack     Yes, but I can’t figure out why. What is it? I know, you’re dressed up.
Jenny    No, I’m not.
Jack     Well then you’re.
Paula    Hi. Jenny. I like your hair.
Jenny    Thank you.
Jack     Oh, yes. Your hair. Sorry.
Jenny    That’s OK.
Jack     It looks very nice.
Jenny    Thank you.
Paula    Are you going out tonight. Jenny?
Jenny    Yes. I’m.
Jack     Are you two getting serious?
Jenny    No, not at all.
Jack     Oh.
Paula    What are you going to wear, Jenny?
Jenny    I’m not sure, nothing special.
Paula    I think you should put a dress on.
Jenny    Oh?
Paula    Yes, something stylish but not too formal.
Jenny     really.
Jack     Paula, Jenny said the date wasn’t that serious.
Jenny    No, that’s true. But want to look my best.
Paula    Yes. You should put more eye make-up on, Jenny and perhaps some jewellery.
Jenny    Yes?
Paula    Yes, you should put on your silver necklace, some bracelets and your long earrings. Come on, Jenny. Let’s go upstairs. When you go on a date, you need two hours to get ready.


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:短语动词的用法及语法功能。put up with,...
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