根据下列情景和提示, 优朗英语培训学校为两人一组编一段对话,
Play the roles of Xiao Zhang and his American friend Peter.Talk about the sports you do in your spare time. Mention what sports you do, how often you do these sports and why you like them. Below are words and expressions you’ve learnt in Task 1 and Task 2 which may help you better express yourselves.
Do/ get a lot of exercise/ sports,   lose weight,   in great shape,  enjoy/like/hate doing…,  never find the time…,   every other day,   be good for,  It’s fun.   Relaxing   exciting
Task 3
Paul is in a bar talking with a Bartender. Listen to the dialogue and then read after the recording.
Paul:  One beer, please.
Bartender:  Yes. Here you are , sir.
Paul:  Thanks. By the way, why every one here seems to go wild? What happened?
Bartender:  Our city football team won again. It’s fantastic! We are qualified for the F. A. Cup final.
Paul:   Oh, congratulations. But was there much good play?
Bartender:  The match was absolutely brilliant in the first half. Both team made several attempts on the goal. We got the
first goal only 3 munutes ionto the game. The second half was a little boring, but anyway, we won 2-0.
Paul:  Good. I just love the moment when someone scores. 
Bartender:  So you are a football fan, too?
Paul:   You bet! I support manchester United and seldom miss their game. What about you ? Do you go to the stadium to watch games?
Bartender:  No. I watch live football games here, in myh bar with my customers,> They are exciting!
Paul:  They surely are, and … unpredictable. That’s the charm of this sport!
          be qualified for…  有资格参加,入围,比如:China has failed in six previous attempts to be qualified for the
                The F. A. Cup  中国足协杯,Chinese football Association中国足协
   …was there much good play?   ……比赛精彩吗?
               In the first half   上半场
make several attempts on the goal   几次射门
minutes into the game   开场3分钟
             score   射门得分(动词 )
      support Manchester United  支持曼联队
             live football games  现场直播的足球比赛,live 的读音是/laiv/。
          The charm of this sport  这项运动的魅力


根据下列情景和提示, 优朗英语培训学校为两人一组编一段对话,
Play the roles of Xiao Zhang and his American friend Peter.Talk about the sports you do in your spare time. Mention what sports you do, how often you do these sports and why you like them. Below are words and expressions you’ve learnt in Task 1 and Task 2 which may help you better express yourselves.
Do/ get a lot of exercise/ sports,   lose weight,   in great shape,  enjoy/like/hate doing…,  never find the time…,   every other day,   be good for,  It’s fun.   Relaxing   exciting
Task 3
Paul is in a bar talking with a Bartender. Listen to the dialogue and then read after the recording.
Paul:  One beer, please.
Bartender:  Yes. Here you are , sir.
Paul:  Thanks. By the way, why every one here seems to go wild? What happened?
Bartender:  Our city football team won again. It’s fantastic! We are qualified for the F. A. Cup final.
Paul:   Oh, congratulations. But was there much good play?
Bartender:  The match was absolutely brilliant in the first half. Both team made several attempts on the goal. We got the
first goal only 3 munutes ionto the game. The second half was a little boring, but anyway, we won 2-0.
Paul:  Good. I just love the moment when someone scores. 
Bartender:  So you are a football fan, too?
Paul:   You bet! I support manchester United and seldom miss their game. What about you ? Do you go to the stadium to watch games?
Bartender:  No. I watch live football games here, in myh bar with my customers,> They are exciting!
Paul:  They surely are, and … unpredictable. That’s the charm of this sport!
          be qualified for…  有资格参加,入围,比如:China has failed in six previous attempts to be qualified for the
                The F. A. Cup  中国足协杯,Chinese football Association中国足协
   …was there much good play?   ……比赛精彩吗?
               In the first half   上半场
make several attempts on the goal   几次射门
minutes into the game   开场3分钟
             score   射门得分(动词 )
      support Manchester United  支持曼联队
             live football games  现场直播的足球比赛,live 的读音是/laiv/。
          The charm of this sport  这项运动的魅力


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:马拉松英语的来历,奥运英语来历
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