

地热 ground-source heat ("I would choose to use solar film to power air-conditioners in the Bird's Nest instead of the currentground-source heat pump," said Ding Gao, an engineer of the landmark building.地标式建筑鸟巢的一位工程师丁高说:我不会选择目前使用的地热井装置,而会使用太阳膜来为鸟巢的空调设备提供电力。

减排 carbon emission reduction (China's commitment on carbon emission reduction is scientific and practical, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao said at a news conference following the China-EU summit Monday.在中欧峰会结束后的新闻发布会上,温家宝总理称,中国所做的碳减排承诺是科学和实际的。此词汇来源于哥本哈根气候大会英语词汇。

遥感卫星 remote-sensing satellite(The remote-sensing satellite "Yaogan VIII" will be sent into space in the coming days, according to reports. It will be launched aboard the "Long March IV C" from Taiyuan Satellite Launch center in Shanxi province.据报道,遥感卫星八号将于近日在山西太原卫星发射中心用长征四号丙运载火箭发射。

出口管制 export control(Hi-tech export control is among the topics, including anti-protectionism and intellectual property rights, to be discussed between Chinese and US trade officials during Obama's visit, 奥巴马访华期间,中美商务官员的会晤议题包括(对华)高技术出口管制、反贸易保护主义、以及保护知识产权等。

转租房屋 sublet houses(According to a regulation from the State Administration of Taxation in mid November, landlords and anyone who profits from subletting houses have to pay tax.根据国家税务总局11月中旬公布的最新法规,今后房东以及任何通过转租房屋获利的个人均需纳税。

上一篇:优朗英语最新开班   下一篇:“实名制购票”用英语如何表达


(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训




地热 ground-source heat ("I would choose to use solar film to power air-conditioners in the Bird's Nest instead of the currentground-source heat pump," said Ding Gao, an engineer of the landmark building.地标式建筑鸟巢的一位工程师丁高说:我不会选择目前使用的地热井装置,而会使用太阳膜来为鸟巢的空调设备提供电力。

减排 carbon emission reduction (China's commitment on carbon emission reduction is scientific and practical, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao said at a news conference following the China-EU summit Monday.在中欧峰会结束后的新闻发布会上,温家宝总理称,中国所做的碳减排承诺是科学和实际的。此词汇来源于哥本哈根气候大会英语词汇。

遥感卫星 remote-sensing satellite(The remote-sensing satellite "Yaogan VIII" will be sent into space in the coming days, according to reports. It will be launched aboard the "Long March IV C" from Taiyuan Satellite Launch center in Shanxi province.据报道,遥感卫星八号将于近日在山西太原卫星发射中心用长征四号丙运载火箭发射。

出口管制 export control(Hi-tech export control is among the topics, including anti-protectionism and intellectual property rights, to be discussed between Chinese and US trade officials during Obama's visit, 奥巴马访华期间,中美商务官员的会晤议题包括(对华)高技术出口管制、反贸易保护主义、以及保护知识产权等。

转租房屋 sublet houses(According to a regulation from the State Administration of Taxation in mid November, landlords and anyone who profits from subletting houses have to pay tax.根据国家税务总局11月中旬公布的最新法规,今后房东以及任何通过转租房屋获利的个人均需纳税。

上一篇:优朗英语最新开班   下一篇:“实名制购票”用英语如何表达


(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



上一篇:公共英语词汇 下一篇:“实名制购票”用英语如何表达
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