Exercise Three
1.       A) His injury kept him at home.
B) He didn’t think it necessary.
C) He was too weak to see the doctor.
D) He failed to make an appointment.
2. A) A railway porter.         B) A bus conductor.
  C) A postal clerk.           D) At home.
3. A) In the hospital.          B) At home.
  C) At work.               D) At his office.
4. A) She won’t to to the movies.
  B) She doesn’t like going to the movies.
  C) She is more interested in going to the movies than in reading.
  D) She has a lot of work to do before going to the movies.
5. A) A film.            B) A ballet.
  C) A symphony.       D) A Beijing opera performance.
6. A) 15.       B) 50.        C) 85.          D) 100.
7. A) She thinks they are expensive.          B) She doesn’t think they are expeensive.
  C) She thinks some are not expensive.      D) She has no idea about this.
8. A) He is going to buy some art works in New York.
  B) He is teaching summer school this summer.
  C) He may have difficulty working and studing at the same time.
  D) He is working hard so that he can afford to go to New York.
Exercise Four
1. A) By cash.        B) By dibit.        C) By cheque.       D) By credit card.
2. A) The girlo has recovered from the accident.                 B) The girl has recovered from the accident.
  C) The girl’s mother doesn’t know of her condition.            D) The girl’s mother had received the news.
3. A) The man should go to the concert tonight.                 B) The man should out with the woman.
  C) The man should work on his computer instead of going to the concert.
  D) The man should d o something else.
4. A) Only a few changes should be made in it.      B) It’s not fine as it is.
  C) It won’t be approved by the supervisor.        D) major revision is needed in it.
5. A) To buy high-priced food.                    B) To borrow money form their relatives.
  C) To support by themselves.                   D) To go shopping when foods are on sale.
6. A) She came for money.                       B) She came to visit the man.
  C) She came to have a chat with the man.         D) She came in order to check the time.
7. A) December 30th.      B) December 3rd.        C) December 20th.     D) December 13th.
8. A) Disappointed .      B) Grateful              C) Sorry.             D) Angry.
Exercise Five
1. A) He went to mountain climbing last year.     B) He definitely does not like it.
  C) He hasn’t traveled around the world yet.     D) He has alwayswanted to limb mountain.
2 A) He was very confident.              B) He was quite worried.
  C) He though he could do it better.       D) He was angry?
3. At a bank.        B) At a lawyer’s office.      C) At a department store.      D) At school.
4. A) In Dr. Brown’s office.             B) In an airplane.
  C) IN Mr. Carson’s waiting room.      D) In New York.
5. A) She intends to go with the man.      B) She intends to go alone.
  C) She intends to stay at home.         D) She intends to go another day.
6. A)They don’t have to go to the concert.      B) Taking the subwy is fine with the woman.
C) A car would n’t be any faster.            D) The man’s brother should let them use the car.
7. A) He has never used a calculator.           B) He can work better without a calculator.
  C) He is working with a calculator.          D) He needs a calculator to finish his homework.
8. A) To stop his car for a drink.         B) To have a rest at once.
  C) To drive directly to the hotel.       D) To have a frive in the hotel.


Exercise Three
1.       A) His injury kept him at home.
B) He didn’t think it necessary.
C) He was too weak to see the doctor.
D) He failed to make an appointment.
2. A) A railway porter.         B) A bus conductor.
  C) A postal clerk.           D) At home.
3. A) In the hospital.          B) At home.
  C) At work.               D) At his office.
4. A) She won’t to to the movies.
  B) She doesn’t like going to the movies.
  C) She is more interested in going to the movies than in reading.
  D) She has a lot of work to do before going to the movies.
5. A) A film.            B) A ballet.
  C) A symphony.       D) A Beijing opera performance.
6. A) 15.       B) 50.        C) 85.          D) 100.
7. A) She thinks they are expensive.          B) She doesn’t think they are expeensive.
  C) She thinks some are not expensive.      D) She has no idea about this.
8. A) He is going to buy some art works in New York.
  B) He is teaching summer school this summer.
  C) He may have difficulty working and studing at the same time.
  D) He is working hard so that he can afford to go to New York.
Exercise Four
1. A) By cash.        B) By dibit.        C) By cheque.       D) By credit card.
2. A) The girlo has recovered from the accident.                 B) The girl has recovered from the accident.
  C) The girl’s mother doesn’t know of her condition.            D) The girl’s mother had received the news.
3. A) The man should go to the concert tonight.                 B) The man should out with the woman.
  C) The man should work on his computer instead of going to the concert.
  D) The man should d o something else.
4. A) Only a few changes should be made in it.      B) It’s not fine as it is.
  C) It won’t be approved by the supervisor.        D) major revision is needed in it.
5. A) To buy high-priced food.                    B) To borrow money form their relatives.
  C) To support by themselves.                   D) To go shopping when foods are on sale.
6. A) She came for money.                       B) She came to visit the man.
  C) She came to have a chat with the man.         D) She came in order to check the time.
7. A) December 30th.      B) December 3rd.        C) December 20th.     D) December 13th.
8. A) Disappointed .      B) Grateful              C) Sorry.             D) Angry.
Exercise Five
1. A) He went to mountain climbing last year.     B) He definitely does not like it.
  C) He hasn’t traveled around the world yet.     D) He has alwayswanted to limb mountain.
2 A) He was very confident.              B) He was quite worried.
  C) He though he could do it better.       D) He was angry?
3. At a bank.        B) At a lawyer’s office.      C) At a department store.      D) At school.
4. A) In Dr. Brown’s office.             B) In an airplane.
  C) IN Mr. Carson’s waiting room.      D) In New York.
5. A) She intends to go with the man.      B) She intends to go alone.
  C) She intends to stay at home.         D) She intends to go another day.
6. A)They don’t have to go to the concert.      B) Taking the subwy is fine with the woman.
C) A car would n’t be any faster.            D) The man’s brother should let them use the car.
7. A) He has never used a calculator.           B) He can work better without a calculator.
  C) He is working with a calculator.          D) He needs a calculator to finish his homework.
8. A) To stop his car for a drink.         B) To have a rest at once.
  C) To drive directly to the hotel.       D) To have a frive in the hotel.


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