AT THE PARTY   在发布会上
到了星期五。 马上就要进行新产品发布会了,大家在做最后的准备。
Marget   Shall we put the drinks on this table?
Jack     Yes, good ides.
Mr West  Jack, I thought the last cjhanges you made to the press release were very good.
Jack     Thjank you. I think it’s better, too.
Mr West  Can I have another copy?
Jack     Yes, of course.They’re on this… That’s strange.
Mr West  What is it?
Jack     I put thirty copies of the press. Release on this table near the door so that I could give one to each jourmalist as they came in. But they’renot here now.
Mr West  You can’t have put them .
Jack     But did put them there.I remember. Ann, did you see a plie of papers on this table?
Ann     Oh, dear. Were they important?
Jack     Yes, they were.
Ann     What were they?
Jack     Thirty copies of the press release.
Ann     Oh, I think they must have been thrown away.
Jack     What! Never mind. I’ll print some more. Oh, not! This printer is still broken. Why didn’t Neil repair it?
Ann     Hedid repair it. It must have broken again.
Jack     What can I do?
Ann     You can use the printer in my office if you want to.
Jack     Oh, thanks.
Ann     Will the document fit on a floppy disk?
Jack     Yes.it will-easily.
Ann    Good. Let’s be quick. I can hear some people arriving.
Ann      More wine?
Journalist  Yes, please. Thank you.
Ann      Jack?
Jack      No, thanks.
Journalist  I’ve just read the press release. The new product looks very interesting.
Jack      Thank you. We think so,too.
Journalist  And this press release is very good. Who wrote it?
Jack       Well, I did.
Journalist   Congratulations. If you ever need a job, I’m sure you would make a very good journalist.
Jack       I’ll remember that.
* journalist  n.记者        * a pile of 一堆        *throw away 扔掉         * printer  n.打印机     

* broken  adj. 坏的;不能使用的        * repair  v. 修理         document  n.文件        floppy disk软磁盘



AT THE PARTY   在发布会上
到了星期五。 马上就要进行新产品发布会了,大家在做最后的准备。
Marget   Shall we put the drinks on this table?
Jack     Yes, good ides.
Mr West  Jack, I thought the last cjhanges you made to the press release were very good.
Jack     Thjank you. I think it’s better, too.
Mr West  Can I have another copy?
Jack     Yes, of course.They’re on this… That’s strange.
Mr West  What is it?
Jack     I put thirty copies of the press. Release on this table near the door so that I could give one to each jourmalist as they came in. But they’renot here now.
Mr West  You can’t have put them .
Jack     But did put them there.I remember. Ann, did you see a plie of papers on this table?
Ann     Oh, dear. Were they important?
Jack     Yes, they were.
Ann     What were they?
Jack     Thirty copies of the press release.
Ann     Oh, I think they must have been thrown away.
Jack     What! Never mind. I’ll print some more. Oh, not! This printer is still broken. Why didn’t Neil repair it?
Ann     Hedid repair it. It must have broken again.
Jack     What can I do?
Ann     You can use the printer in my office if you want to.
Jack     Oh, thanks.
Ann     Will the document fit on a floppy disk?
Jack     Yes.it will-easily.
Ann    Good. Let’s be quick. I can hear some people arriving.
Ann      More wine?
Journalist  Yes, please. Thank you.
Ann      Jack?
Jack      No, thanks.
Journalist  I’ve just read the press release. The new product looks very interesting.
Jack      Thank you. We think so,too.
Journalist  And this press release is very good. Who wrote it?
Jack       Well, I did.
Journalist   Congratulations. If you ever need a job, I’m sure you would make a very good journalist.
Jack       I’ll remember that.
* journalist  n.记者        * a pile of 一堆        *throw away 扔掉         * printer  n.打印机     

* broken  adj. 坏的;不能使用的        * repair  v. 修理         document  n.文件        floppy disk软磁盘



上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:关于新产品发布会方面的英语口语句型
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