Ellipsis after Auxiliary verbs   省略助动词的内容
 Can you swim?
  -No, I can’t. (=No, I can’t swim)
  Must they come with us?
-Yes, they must.(=Yes, they must come)
  Did you see him?
-Yes. I did(=Yes, I saw him.)
上文的简短回答里面分别省略了swim, come, see, 不过还是可以从上下文里推断句子的意思。
Jane can’t swim, but I can.
(Jine can’t swim, but I can swim.) 简不会游泳,但是我会。
I couyldn’t go, so we had to find someone. Who could.
(I couldn’t go ,so we had to find someone who could go.)我去不了,所以我们必须找一个能去的人。
Will you help or will John? (Will you help or will John help?)你能帮忙还是约翰能帮忙?
 The dog was hit by the car and so wa the cat. (The dog was hit by the car and so was the cat hit the car.)
  I’d like to go to the concert. Would you?
  (I’d like to go to the concert. Would you like to go to the concert?)
  You should see the doctor and have your heart checked.
  -You ‘re right, I should.
  (You should see the doctor and have your heart checked. –You’re right, I should see the doctor and have my heart checked.)
   I’m going there, even though I know I shouldn’t.
   (I’m going there, even though I know I shouldn’t go there.)
   They tried to save him, but they couldn’t.
   (They tried to save hiom, but they couldn’t save.)
   I haven’t done my homework, but I will.
   (I haven’t done my homework, but I will do my homework.)我还没做作业,但是我要做。
Ellipsis: Using’do’ instead of a Verb  省略:用do来代替一般动词
  Jane likes whisky, and John does, too.
  (Jane likes whisky, and John likes Whisky, too.)简喜欢威士忌,约翰也喜欢威士忌。
They saw the accident, but I didn’t.
  (They saw the accident, but I didn’t see the accdient.)他们看见了事故,但是我没看见。
  Jhon doesn’t smoke, and Jane doesn’t either.
  (John doesn’t smoke, and Jane doesn’t smoke either.)约翰不吸烟,简也不吸烟。
  Fran is a dentist, and Sam is, too.
  (Fran is a dentist, and sam is a dentist, too.弗兰是牙医,山姆也是一个牙医。
  Mary is happy, but John isn’t happy.)
  My face isn’t red , and yours isn’t red either.)
  在含有too和either的句子里,还可以分别使用so 和either,这时主语和动词要倒置。
  Jane likes whisky, and John does, too.
  "Jane likes whisky, and so does John.
  John doesn’t smoke, and Jane doesn’t either.
  "John doesn’t smoke, and neither doesJane.
  Fran is a denitist, and Sam is, too.
  "Fran is a dentist, and so is Sam.
Ellipsis:Verb+ ‘to’   省略:动词+to
●当实义动词或助动词后含有不定式时,学会保留to, 省略后面的内容。
I don’t want to see him, but I ought to.
  (I don’t want to see him, but I ought to see him.) 我不想见他,但是不得不见。
  You can win if you really want to.
  (You can win if you really want to win.) 只要真正想赢,你就能赢。
  Will you resign from the company if they ask you to?
  (Will you resign from the company if they ask you to resign from the company?)如果他们让你辞职,你会离开公司吗?
Ellipsis: verb+ ‘so’   省略:动词+so
●可以用动词+so来避免重复, 这时的动词有hope, think, believe等。
  I don’t know if the party starts at eight, but I think so.
  (I don’t know if the party starts at eight, but I think that it starts at eight.)
  我不知道晚会是不是8点开始, 但是我想是。
  Is this Queen ill?-I don’t believe so.
  (Is the Queen ill? -I don’t believe the Queen is ill.)女王病了吗?我不这么认为。
Using ‘do’ for Emphasis   用do表示强调
  I do like chocolate.我确实喜欢巧克力。
  Jane does talk a lot.简非常受说话。
  I did warn you.我确实警告过你。
  Jane can’t get a job because she didn’t go to university.
  -But she did go to university.但是,简真的上过大学。
  There’s no point in asking James. Because he doesn’t want the job.
  -You’re wrong. He does want the job.你错了,他非常想要工作。


Ellipsis after Auxiliary verbs   省略助动词的内容
 Can you swim?
  -No, I can’t. (=No, I can’t swim)
  Must they come with us?
-Yes, they must.(=Yes, they must come)
  Did you see him?
-Yes. I did(=Yes, I saw him.)
上文的简短回答里面分别省略了swim, come, see, 不过还是可以从上下文里推断句子的意思。
Jane can’t swim, but I can.
(Jine can’t swim, but I can swim.) 简不会游泳,但是我会。
I couyldn’t go, so we had to find someone. Who could.
(I couldn’t go ,so we had to find someone who could go.)我去不了,所以我们必须找一个能去的人。
Will you help or will John? (Will you help or will John help?)你能帮忙还是约翰能帮忙?
 The dog was hit by the car and so wa the cat. (The dog was hit by the car and so was the cat hit the car.)
  I’d like to go to the concert. Would you?
  (I’d like to go to the concert. Would you like to go to the concert?)
  You should see the doctor and have your heart checked.
  -You ‘re right, I should.
  (You should see the doctor and have your heart checked. –You’re right, I should see the doctor and have my heart checked.)
   I’m going there, even though I know I shouldn’t.
   (I’m going there, even though I know I shouldn’t go there.)
   They tried to save him, but they couldn’t.
   (They tried to save hiom, but they couldn’t save.)
   I haven’t done my homework, but I will.
   (I haven’t done my homework, but I will do my homework.)我还没做作业,但是我要做。
Ellipsis: Using’do’ instead of a Verb  省略:用do来代替一般动词
  Jane likes whisky, and John does, too.
  (Jane likes whisky, and John likes Whisky, too.)简喜欢威士忌,约翰也喜欢威士忌。
They saw the accident, but I didn’t.
  (They saw the accident, but I didn’t see the accdient.)他们看见了事故,但是我没看见。
  Jhon doesn’t smoke, and Jane doesn’t either.
  (John doesn’t smoke, and Jane doesn’t smoke either.)约翰不吸烟,简也不吸烟。
  Fran is a dentist, and Sam is, too.
  (Fran is a dentist, and sam is a dentist, too.弗兰是牙医,山姆也是一个牙医。
  Mary is happy, but John isn’t happy.)
  My face isn’t red , and yours isn’t red either.)
  在含有too和either的句子里,还可以分别使用so 和either,这时主语和动词要倒置。
  Jane likes whisky, and John does, too.
  "Jane likes whisky, and so does John.
  John doesn’t smoke, and Jane doesn’t either.
  "John doesn’t smoke, and neither doesJane.
  Fran is a denitist, and Sam is, too.
  "Fran is a dentist, and so is Sam.
Ellipsis:Verb+ ‘to’   省略:动词+to
●当实义动词或助动词后含有不定式时,学会保留to, 省略后面的内容。
I don’t want to see him, but I ought to.
  (I don’t want to see him, but I ought to see him.) 我不想见他,但是不得不见。
  You can win if you really want to.
  (You can win if you really want to win.) 只要真正想赢,你就能赢。
  Will you resign from the company if they ask you to?
  (Will you resign from the company if they ask you to resign from the company?)如果他们让你辞职,你会离开公司吗?
Ellipsis: verb+ ‘so’   省略:动词+so
●可以用动词+so来避免重复, 这时的动词有hope, think, believe等。
  I don’t know if the party starts at eight, but I think so.
  (I don’t know if the party starts at eight, but I think that it starts at eight.)
  我不知道晚会是不是8点开始, 但是我想是。
  Is this Queen ill?-I don’t believe so.
  (Is the Queen ill? -I don’t believe the Queen is ill.)女王病了吗?我不这么认为。
Using ‘do’ for Emphasis   用do表示强调
  I do like chocolate.我确实喜欢巧克力。
  Jane does talk a lot.简非常受说话。
  I did warn you.我确实警告过你。
  Jane can’t get a job because she didn’t go to university.
  -But she did go to university.但是,简真的上过大学。
  There’s no point in asking James. Because he doesn’t want the job.
  -You’re wrong. He does want the job.你错了,他非常想要工作。


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇: 与电脑有关的动词
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