◆    pop the question/propose to someone(求婚)
Susan: Jason is all dressed up and looking good! He’s definitely going to pop the question/ propose to you tonight. (Susan:看Jason打扮得那么体面,他今天晚上一定会向你求婚的。)
Ivana: You are making me nervous.(Ivana:被你这么一说,我好紧张啊。)
严格说来,pop the question只是“提出问题”, 不一定指求婚,但这个短语流传到今天已经演变成求婚的专用语,而这里的question当然就是”Will you marry me?”
◆    tie the knot/get kitched(结婚)
They are finally going to tie the knot /get hitched this summer after dating for eight long years.(在八年的恋爱长跑之后,他们今年夏天终于结婚了。)
Tie the knot 和hitched虽然都表示结婚,但略有不同。Tie the knot除了结婚之外,还指举行婚礼,而get hitched京比较随便。不一定要举行仪式。
◆    first with someone/hit on someone/make a pass at someone(调情)
I understand why some people like to flirt with their co-workers, but it’s just not my thing.(我理解为什么有些人喜欢和同事调情,但我不会这么做。)
Tina: That guy has been hitting on you all night! (tina:那家伙事先整晚都在跟你调情!)
Diane: I know. I’m kind of surprised. (Diane:我知道。有点儿意外。)
Tina: You know that saying? Guys don’t make passed at girls whp wearglasses! (Diane: 不是有句话这么说的?男生对四眼的女生没有兴趣!)
Tina:Oh, comeon! You know that’s stupid.(Tina:拜托,你知道那句话很愚蠢。) 
◆    play hard-to-get(摆姿态,矜持)
If you think you are worth it, play hard-to-get! Make him work. Make him earn your” I do!” (如果你觉得自己值这个价,那就摆摆姿态。让他辛苦点才能得到你的那句“我愿意”, 别轻易就答应他。)
◆    Every Jack has his Jill.(天涯何处无芳草。)
Cheer up, buddy! Every has his Jill. You’ll fall in love again someday.(兄弟,振作一点儿!天涯何处无芳草。你总有一天会找到新恋情的。)
这句话的原始版本是”Every Jack has his Jill, if only they can find each other.”我看到的翻译多半都是
“有情人终成眷属。 我觉得不是很确切,但也想不出更好的翻译。 总之它的意思就是“无论你是什么样的人,总会有适合你的伴侣,就看你们能不能碰到”。
现在,”Every Jack has his Jill.”基本上已经独立使用。表示“每个人都有适合自己的伴侣”的意思,也就是我上面提到的“天涯何处无芳草”。


◆    pop the question/propose to someone(求婚)
Susan: Jason is all dressed up and looking good! He’s definitely going to pop the question/ propose to you tonight. (Susan:看Jason打扮得那么体面,他今天晚上一定会向你求婚的。)
Ivana: You are making me nervous.(Ivana:被你这么一说,我好紧张啊。)
严格说来,pop the question只是“提出问题”, 不一定指求婚,但这个短语流传到今天已经演变成求婚的专用语,而这里的question当然就是”Will you marry me?”
◆    tie the knot/get kitched(结婚)
They are finally going to tie the knot /get hitched this summer after dating for eight long years.(在八年的恋爱长跑之后,他们今年夏天终于结婚了。)
Tie the knot 和hitched虽然都表示结婚,但略有不同。Tie the knot除了结婚之外,还指举行婚礼,而get hitched京比较随便。不一定要举行仪式。
◆    first with someone/hit on someone/make a pass at someone(调情)
I understand why some people like to flirt with their co-workers, but it’s just not my thing.(我理解为什么有些人喜欢和同事调情,但我不会这么做。)
Tina: That guy has been hitting on you all night! (tina:那家伙事先整晚都在跟你调情!)
Diane: I know. I’m kind of surprised. (Diane:我知道。有点儿意外。)
Tina: You know that saying? Guys don’t make passed at girls whp wearglasses! (Diane: 不是有句话这么说的?男生对四眼的女生没有兴趣!)
Tina:Oh, comeon! You know that’s stupid.(Tina:拜托,你知道那句话很愚蠢。) 
◆    play hard-to-get(摆姿态,矜持)
If you think you are worth it, play hard-to-get! Make him work. Make him earn your” I do!” (如果你觉得自己值这个价,那就摆摆姿态。让他辛苦点才能得到你的那句“我愿意”, 别轻易就答应他。)
◆    Every Jack has his Jill.(天涯何处无芳草。)
Cheer up, buddy! Every has his Jill. You’ll fall in love again someday.(兄弟,振作一点儿!天涯何处无芳草。你总有一天会找到新恋情的。)
这句话的原始版本是”Every Jack has his Jill, if only they can find each other.”我看到的翻译多半都是
“有情人终成眷属。 我觉得不是很确切,但也想不出更好的翻译。 总之它的意思就是“无论你是什么样的人,总会有适合你的伴侣,就看你们能不能碰到”。
现在,”Every Jack has his Jill.”基本上已经独立使用。表示“每个人都有适合自己的伴侣”的意思,也就是我上面提到的“天涯何处无芳草”。


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:谈up close and personal的翻译
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