浅谈what the heck的英语用法
what the heck
   “What the heck”是美国人特别常用的感叹句,属于必须掌握的基本口语.
Professor Brown tends to speak very fast. Not surprisingly, foreign students usually find it hard to follow him. Heck, even those American students struggle to keep up with him.(Brown教授说话很快,外国学生通常很难听懂他的话,这没什么好奇怪的.就连美国学生要跟上他的节奏都很费力.
    对应heck的这种用法,what the heck就是what的意思,只不过语气比较强一些. 比如:
What the hoek are you taliking about/(你到底在说什么啊?)
Heck除了加强语气表示强调之外,还是hell的委婉语,所以what the heckwhat the hell同义,且相对比较文明一些,这种用法单独成句,基本上可以翻译成”搞什么嘛”, 主要用来表达迷惑、诧异或懊恼等情绪.比如:
That speech was pure gibberish. I was like “What the heck?” from start to finish.(那个演讲根本就是天书.我从头到尾都处在”这哪儿跟哪儿啊?)
    That have a final tomorrow and you decide to throw a party tonight? What the heck?(明天有一门期末考试,今晚你居然还准备开派对?搞什么嘛?)
They knew you couldn’t swim and still pusjed you into the pool? What the heck?(他们知道你不会游泳还把你扒下水?有没有搞错!)
What the heck偶尔还可以表示”管它呢”的意思,类似于加一个很常用的语whatever.比如:
After careful consideration, she finally said,” What the heck! I’ll give it a try!” (经过仔细考虑之后,她终于开口了:”管它呢!我要试一试!”)
还有一个和what the heck/hell意思相同的说法是what the fuck.很显然,这是脏话,在特别气愤的时候使用. What the fuck在书面表达时经常被缩写为WTF,这样一来既可以保持生气的态度,又巧妙地避开了直接的脏话,是很多美国人的惯用伎俩.比如, 抨击布什总统的人往往会列举出一串他的口误,然后来一句尖刻的评语:WTF?”
注释小布什以口误频繁闻名.他曾经说过:”Tdrrosists never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”(“恐怖分子从不停止考虑如何用新方法来伤害我们的国家和人民,我们也是.”)

浅谈what the heck的英语用法

what the heck
   “What the heck”是美国人特别常用的感叹句,属于必须掌握的基本口语.
Professor Brown tends to speak very fast. Not surprisingly, foreign students usually find it hard to follow him. Heck, even those American students struggle to keep up with him.(Brown教授说话很快,外国学生通常很难听懂他的话,这没什么好奇怪的.就连美国学生要跟上他的节奏都很费力.
    对应heck的这种用法,what the heck就是what的意思,只不过语气比较强一些. 比如:
What the hoek are you taliking about/(你到底在说什么啊?)
Heck除了加强语气表示强调之外,还是hell的委婉语,所以what the heckwhat the hell同义,且相对比较文明一些,这种用法单独成句,基本上可以翻译成”搞什么嘛”, 主要用来表达迷惑、诧异或懊恼等情绪.比如:
That speech was pure gibberish. I was like “What the heck?” from start to finish.(那个演讲根本就是天书.我从头到尾都处在”这哪儿跟哪儿啊?)
    That have a final tomorrow and you decide to throw a party tonight? What the heck?(明天有一门期末考试,今晚你居然还准备开派对?搞什么嘛?)
They knew you couldn’t swim and still pusjed you into the pool? What the heck?(他们知道你不会游泳还把你扒下水?有没有搞错!)
What the heck偶尔还可以表示”管它呢”的意思,类似于加一个很常用的语whatever.比如:
After careful consideration, she finally said,” What the heck! I’ll give it a try!” (经过仔细考虑之后,她终于开口了:”管它呢!我要试一试!”)
还有一个和what the heck/hell意思相同的说法是what the fuck.很显然,这是脏话,在特别气愤的时候使用. What the fuck在书面表达时经常被缩写为WTF,这样一来既可以保持生气的态度,又巧妙地避开了直接的脏话,是很多美国人的惯用伎俩.比如, 抨击布什总统的人往往会列举出一串他的口误,然后来一句尖刻的评语:WTF?”
注释小布什以口误频繁闻名.他曾经说过:”Tdrrosists never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”(“恐怖分子从不停止考虑如何用新方法来伤害我们的国家和人民,我们也是.”)


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:浅谈what gives的用法
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