

学无坦途 there is no royal road to learning
学无止境 live and learn
血浓于水 blood is thicker than water
血债血偿 blood will have blood
循序渐进 creep before you walk
言如其人 conversation makes one what he is
言行不一 saying is one thing and doing another\
掩耳盗铃 the cat shuts its eyes when stealing
眼见为实 seeing is believing
一筹莫展 be at one’s wit’send
一见钟情 love at first sight
一箭双雕 kill two birds with one stone
一落千丈 go to pot
一目了然 leap to the eye
一诺千金 promise is debt
一贫如洗 as poor as a church mouse
一视同仁 give everyone his due
一文不值 of no use whatsoever
一无所长 have no special skill
一星半点 a tiny bit
一叶障目 cannot see the wood for the trees
一应俱全 everything needed is there
一知半解 have scanty knowledge
以毒攻毒 like cures like
以身作则 set a good example for/to others
勇者无惧 no way is impossible to courage
由此及彼 take one thing with another
有备无患 readiness is all
争锋相对 measure for measure
知音难觅 a faithful friend is hard to find
知足常乐 what are the odds so long as you are happy
直言不讳 let’s call a spade a spade
忠言逆耳 unpleasant advice is a good medicine
众口难调 all feet tread not in one shoe
自吹自擂 blow one’s own tumpet
自食其力 paddle your own canoe
自寻烦恼 trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
自作自受 as you have made the bed ,you must lie on it
做贼心虚 a bad conscience is a snake in one’s heart



学无坦途 there is no royal road to learning
学无止境 live and learn
血浓于水 blood is thicker than water
血债血偿 blood will have blood
循序渐进 creep before you walk
言如其人 conversation makes one what he is
言行不一 saying is one thing and doing another\
掩耳盗铃 the cat shuts its eyes when stealing
眼见为实 seeing is believing
一筹莫展 be at one’s wit’send
一见钟情 love at first sight
一箭双雕 kill two birds with one stone
一落千丈 go to pot
一目了然 leap to the eye
一诺千金 promise is debt
一贫如洗 as poor as a church mouse
一视同仁 give everyone his due
一文不值 of no use whatsoever
一无所长 have no special skill
一星半点 a tiny bit
一叶障目 cannot see the wood for the trees
一应俱全 everything needed is there
一知半解 have scanty knowledge
以毒攻毒 like cures like
以身作则 set a good example for/to others
勇者无惧 no way is impossible to courage
由此及彼 take one thing with another
有备无患 readiness is all
争锋相对 measure for measure
知音难觅 a faithful friend is hard to find
知足常乐 what are the odds so long as you are happy
直言不讳 let’s call a spade a spade
忠言逆耳 unpleasant advice is a good medicine
众口难调 all feet tread not in one shoe
自吹自擂 blow one’s own tumpet
自食其力 paddle your own canoe
自寻烦恼 trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
自作自受 as you have made the bed ,you must lie on it
做贼心虚 a bad conscience is a snake in one’s heart


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:汉语成语大全-英汉互译(7)
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