I was the third emperor of the Maurya Dynasty of ancient India—Emperor Ashoka. My greatest success was that I unified the South-Asian Subcontinent. What’s more, with-out me, Buddhism wouldn’t have become one of the three largest religions in the modern world. After all, it was due to my boosting that Buddhism became widespread.
Buddhism is a mysterious religion. In the beautiful ancient India, many people believed in it. That’s why Gugu was so interested in the famous Emperor, Ashoka. He drove the time machine through the time tunnel, and two seconds later he found himself in front of Emperor Ashoka’s elephant-cart.
(S=Simon A=Ashoka)
G: Your Majesty, you are respected by people for boosting Buddhism. So are you a Buddhist?
A: Certainly! Actually I was the first to become a Buddhist and thus served as an example to my people.
G: I believe it’s really a virtue for an emperor to be a Buddhist.
A: It’s no big deal. I was just thinking that if all my people believed in Buddhism the whole country would be more stable.
G: Really? Why is that?
A: Being a Buddhist, a man stays quiet in the heart. No killing, but more kindness. And the doctrines also teach people to respect their parents and teachers.
G: Oh, I see. It would be much easier to rule a Buddhist country.
A: Bingo!
G: Thanks. Do you know that in our day many people still believe in Buddhism?
A: They do? Great! You know, Buddhism has changed me and also changed my county. I used to be a tyrant before I became a Buddhist.
G: It’s amazing that religious belief can do so much good!
古 古:陛下,您宣扬佛教的伟大功绩让人敬仰。请问您是佛教徒吗?
古 古:噢,作为一个国王,信仰佛教真是难能可贵啊。
古 古:真的吗?您能讲一下信佛教的好处吗?
古 古:哦,我明白了,如果大家都信教的话,国家就容易治理了。
古 古:谢谢。您知道吗?在我们的时代,仍然有很多人信佛呢。
古 古:唔,真看不出来!信阳有这么大的力量!
God’s Telephone Number
Each Sunday the minister called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story. Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate the idea of prayer.
“You talk to people on the telephone and don’t see them on the other end of the line,right?” he began. The children nodded yes. “Well, talking to God is like talking on the telephone. He’s on the other end, but you can’t see him. He is listening though.”
Just then a little boy piped up and asked,“What’s his number?”
turkey是美国人在Thanksgiving Day和Christmas Day家家都要吃的食物。但是,活的火鸡样子难看,行动又笨拙,所以turkey就用来形容那种愚蠢无用的人。而那种雇佣了这些turkey,又不能开除他们的政府或商业机构就被称作turkey farm。
Shrimp常被用于指代那些个子矮小的人或无足轻重的小人物。请看下面的句子:You may call Napoleon a little shrimp. But for a shrimp, he certainly made the rest of Europe tremble.