He was dressed to kill.
★dressed to kill用来指穿上了华丽考察或者时髦新颖的服装大出风头,表示打扮得漂亮入时,打扮得漂亮出众。
I’d go through hell or high water for you.
★go through hell or high water字面意思是“经常地狱或者巨浪的考验”,也不会放弃高傲的头颅,意指“不管困难多大,危险多大,仍然赴汤蹈火,勇往直前”。
She looks great from head to toe.
★ look great是“看起来很美”的意思。From head to toe意为“从头到脚;遍布全身”。这是固定的用法,不能说成from head to foot. 如:he felt the glance of the stranger over him from head to toe.(他感到那个陌生人的目光在从头到脚地打量他。)
I finally stole a kiss from her.
★steal a kiss意为“偷吻”,乘某人不备吻一下;冷不放趁对方不注意时偷偷地吻一下”,如:you have to be bold to steal a kiss.(想要偷吻,你就得大胆点。)相关短语:blow/ throw a kiss意为“飞吻”
I’m creeping up on you
★ creep意为“蹑手蹑脚地走”“不知不觉的到来;渐渐产生。”creep up on somebody表示“缓缓地,悄悄地靠近某人”,也就是“靠近你,接近你”,再往前延伸一下,就引申为“不知不觉地爱上你,情不自禁地爱上你”。
A pretty girl gave me the glad eye!
★ give sb. The glad eye/ make eyes at sb.意思都是含情脉脉地看某人,向某人送秋波;向某人抛媚眼”.如:the man at the next table was giving er the glad eye.(走在旁边桌子那边的男子向她抛媚眼)
H has asked her parents for their daughter’s hand in marriage.
★ ask someone for one’s hand in marriage是指男人请求女方家长允许他与他们的女儿结婚,这里的someone是指女方的家长,one 是指女儿。注意hand用单数形式。
That would be asking for the moon.
★ asking for the moon这个短语的意思可以与我们熟悉的“猴子捞月“这个寓言故事联系起来,一群猴子吊在一起捞水里的月亮,自然是徒劳无功。它们”想要那些永远不可能得到的东西“;而这是“想要实现根本不可能实现的事情”。所以这个短语可以解释为“想入非非”“异想天开”“痴人说梦”“白日做梦”等等。此外,这一短语还可以表达为cry for the moon. Don’t hope for the lower tax for your income, that would be crying for the moon.(你不要指望所得税会有所降低,那是痴人说梦))