

Human beings and most animals have lungs. It may surprise you that a city also has “lungss”. Rarks in a citry are often referred to as the lungs of the city. The idea is that parks are good places for people to breathe in fresh air.

“You have good lungs” Is a figurative way of expressing the idea that you can produce a great volume of sound. If your lungs are weak, you are unlikely to have a good, sonorous voice,. So a good singer must have good lungs.


You have good lungs是一个形象的说法,指你的声音洪亮。如果肺部不好,你是不可能有优美响亮的声音的,因此出色的歌唱家必须have good lungs.




Human beings and most animals have lungs. It may surprise you that a city also has “lungss”. Rarks in a citry are often referred to as the lungs of the city. The idea is that parks are good places for people to breathe in fresh air.

“You have good lungs” Is a figurative way of expressing the idea that you can produce a great volume of sound. If your lungs are weak, you are unlikely to have a good, sonorous voice,. So a good singer must have good lungs.


You have good lungs是一个形象的说法,指你的声音洪亮。如果肺部不好,你是不可能有优美响亮的声音的,因此出色的歌唱家必须have good lungs.



上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇: lap-腿的英语故事
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