在英语中,一些单词、词组等不单单只表达一个意思,在不同的场景中,它会有不同的解释。今天,优朗英语培训的Kathy老师以“after all”这个短语为例,为大家做个简单的介绍。
after all 有两个不同意思。表示毕竟时,用于解释或说明理由,提醒对方考虑到某一点。这时 after all 可放在句首,句中或句尾。
You can't expect Lucy's spelling to be perfect . After all , She is only eight !
Tom can be generous sometimes . He did give you his old car for nothing , after all .
after all 也可表示最终,常出现子句尾,表示事情的发生出乎意料。
James's wife has fallen ill , so he can't come after all .
We heard the weather forecast and were all prepared for wet weather , and then it didn't rain after all .
The lady's changed her mind again . She wants the orange dress , after all .
This was the very first dress that she tried on .
I know , and I didn't think it suited her , did you ?
But , after all , she has to wear it , not me .
以上内容就是对“after all"这一短语的详细介绍,希望对学员有帮助~