Get close to Chateldon 走进夏特丹矿泉水


Chateldon “the water of the sun” isa kind of unique water that already in 1650 was supplied to the Court of Louis XIV (the Sun King ) in Versailles. It was the first mineral water in France transported in bottles.

After the initial salty sensation on the tip of the tongue, there is a substantial mouthfeel. There is a pleasant, light presence of carbonation. This is a pleasant, light presence of carbonation. This naturally carbonated water is slowly filtered through the rocks of the Chateldonnaise mountains (Auvergne ) in France and emerges from the spring at a constant temperature of 6℃.

 This kind of water is well known for its diuretic and digestive properties. It is also rich in potassium, sodium and fluorine. In France, you can find the water of Chateldon in the luxury hotels, exclusive restaurants and in delicatessens.

As the saying goes, becoming the first element is the luxury “precious”. French country water Chateldon is certainly no exception. French Southern Chateldon region with more than eight different sizes of the volcano, so the formation of minerals especially rich, make the groundwater is natural mineral water containing higher levels of calcium, magnesium and other minerals. Chateldon 1650 fine bubbles, ease, water has a very mild acidic. The water is so rich in mineral content that it is no wonder that in early 1650 was called the French royal families of special drinking water. Today, we also can equally enjoy as king of France`s drinking water treatment, unless of course, you are willing to a seemingly ordinary water pay enough money.

Chateldon luxury`s second elements is “scarcity”. Nowadays, the Frech local government regulations, year mining Chateldon mineral water quantity is not more than one million liters rarity, the price certainly higher. The French top sparkle mineral water, even in Europe, and only Michelin two stars above the restaurant and the supermarket to buy EF top. How to enjoy the luxury of the luxury of water? To enjoy the wine, drink luxury water, sit in a fancy restaurant, water temperature, water containers and the food is very important. This time, perhaps most can really enjoy the world`s most expensive mineral water luxury experience.

Chateldon 这种世界上最昂贵的贵族王室用水,源于1650年法国国王路易十四,他在位期间,会定期派侍卫采水再送到凡尔赛宫供王室享用。如今,Chateldon 已稳居矿泉水中奢侈品牌王者的地位。挡水这种人类生活的必备品成为一种奢侈品的时候,那么,它已经不仅仅是水,而是一种品味与象征了。说起来,这确实够“奢”。



 The luxury of cognition, people tend to stay in the limited edition clothing, bags, car, watch and other necessities of life. But if the necessities of life, such as, drinking water, has become a luxury category, and then it should be the first true luxury! “Do not seek the best, but the most expensive”, says although slightly vulgar, but, “good” and “you” are we strive for the standard. So, for the pursuit of luxury drinking water to people, also have more reasonable explanation. Today, we`ll see what the next luxury drinking water being pursued!

 In 1650, the reign of King Louis Xiv of France are regularly looking for guards to France in the southern part of Chateldon mining of water, and then sent to the Palace of Versailles for the royal family to enjoy, become the first bottle by the French government to protect the minerals water. Chateldon has more than eighty different sizes of the volcano, so the formation of minerals especially rich, make the groundwater is natural mineral water containing higher levels of calcium, magnesium and other minerals. Chateldon 1650 fine bubbles, ease, water has a very mild acidic.

  对于食品来说,要想成为一种奢侈品,首先必须要稀有,其次要有其独特特色。法国中南部地区Chateldon 区拥有超过80个大小不一的火山口,所以地层的矿物质特别丰富,令地下水有比一般天然矿泉水含更高的钙、镁等矿物质;Chateldon 1650的气泡细小、缓和,为水带来了很轻微的酸性。对于水量的开采,法国政府有严格的限制,能成为奢侈品也就不足为奇了。


Something about Chateldon 关于夏特丹矿泉水

Chateldon-this is the most expensive noble royal water in the world, originated in 1650 French king Louis xiv.


It can`t imagine, once upon a time, as a general air of the existence of the basic elements of human existence “water”, also can become eponymous fashion luxury.


It is said that mineral water is similar to human body fluid from the body of, especially among them to “natural gas bubble mineral water” more rare.


Generally speaking the calcium content is higher, the mineral water palate is heavy, and will be insipid. And the higher the magnesium levels will be more bitter taste.


According to their mineral content, mainland Europeans choose mineral waters.


 相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训


Get close to Chateldon 走进夏特丹矿泉水


Chateldon “the water of the sun” isa kind of unique water that already in 1650 was supplied to the Court of Louis XIV (the Sun King ) in Versailles. It was the first mineral water in France transported in bottles.

After the initial salty sensation on the tip of the tongue, there is a substantial mouthfeel. There is a pleasant, light presence of carbonation. This is a pleasant, light presence of carbonation. This naturally carbonated water is slowly filtered through the rocks of the Chateldonnaise mountains (Auvergne ) in France and emerges from the spring at a constant temperature of 6℃.

 This kind of water is well known for its diuretic and digestive properties. It is also rich in potassium, sodium and fluorine. In France, you can find the water of Chateldon in the luxury hotels, exclusive restaurants and in delicatessens.

As the saying goes, becoming the first element is the luxury “precious”. French country water Chateldon is certainly no exception. French Southern Chateldon region with more than eight different sizes of the volcano, so the formation of minerals especially rich, make the groundwater is natural mineral water containing higher levels of calcium, magnesium and other minerals. Chateldon 1650 fine bubbles, ease, water has a very mild acidic. The water is so rich in mineral content that it is no wonder that in early 1650 was called the French royal families of special drinking water. Today, we also can equally enjoy as king of France`s drinking water treatment, unless of course, you are willing to a seemingly ordinary water pay enough money.

Chateldon luxury`s second elements is “scarcity”. Nowadays, the Frech local government regulations, year mining Chateldon mineral water quantity is not more than one million liters rarity, the price certainly higher. The French top sparkle mineral water, even in Europe, and only Michelin two stars above the restaurant and the supermarket to buy EF top. How to enjoy the luxury of the luxury of water? To enjoy the wine, drink luxury water, sit in a fancy restaurant, water temperature, water containers and the food is very important. This time, perhaps most can really enjoy the world`s most expensive mineral water luxury experience.

Chateldon 这种世界上最昂贵的贵族王室用水,源于1650年法国国王路易十四,他在位期间,会定期派侍卫采水再送到凡尔赛宫供王室享用。如今,Chateldon 已稳居矿泉水中奢侈品牌王者的地位。挡水这种人类生活的必备品成为一种奢侈品的时候,那么,它已经不仅仅是水,而是一种品味与象征了。说起来,这确实够“奢”。



 The luxury of cognition, people tend to stay in the limited edition clothing, bags, car, watch and other necessities of life. But if the necessities of life, such as, drinking water, has become a luxury category, and then it should be the first true luxury! “Do not seek the best, but the most expensive”, says although slightly vulgar, but, “good” and “you” are we strive for the standard. So, for the pursuit of luxury drinking water to people, also have more reasonable explanation. Today, we`ll see what the next luxury drinking water being pursued!

 In 1650, the reign of King Louis Xiv of France are regularly looking for guards to France in the southern part of Chateldon mining of water, and then sent to the Palace of Versailles for the royal family to enjoy, become the first bottle by the French government to protect the minerals water. Chateldon has more than eighty different sizes of the volcano, so the formation of minerals especially rich, make the groundwater is natural mineral water containing higher levels of calcium, magnesium and other minerals. Chateldon 1650 fine bubbles, ease, water has a very mild acidic.

  对于食品来说,要想成为一种奢侈品,首先必须要稀有,其次要有其独特特色。法国中南部地区Chateldon 区拥有超过80个大小不一的火山口,所以地层的矿物质特别丰富,令地下水有比一般天然矿泉水含更高的钙、镁等矿物质;Chateldon 1650的气泡细小、缓和,为水带来了很轻微的酸性。对于水量的开采,法国政府有严格的限制,能成为奢侈品也就不足为奇了。


Something about Chateldon 关于夏特丹矿泉水

Chateldon-this is the most expensive noble royal water in the world, originated in 1650 French king Louis xiv.


It can`t imagine, once upon a time, as a general air of the existence of the basic elements of human existence “water”, also can become eponymous fashion luxury.


It is said that mineral water is similar to human body fluid from the body of, especially among them to “natural gas bubble mineral water” more rare.


Generally speaking the calcium content is higher, the mineral water palate is heavy, and will be insipid. And the higher the magnesium levels will be more bitter taste.


According to their mineral content, mainland Europeans choose mineral waters.


 相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训



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