考试测试 Tests


Useful Words          第1步  熟悉词汇

quiz  测试           examination   考试         cheat    作弊

achieve  达到        correct      纠正           error    错误

fail    不及格        grade       成绩           revision   复习

score   得分

Useful  Sentences      第2步   牢记句型

When is the test ?什么时候考试?

What’s on the test ?考试都考什么内容?

That test was so hard !测试那么难!

How did you prepare for the test ?你怎么准备考试?

The test will last 45 minutes . 考试时间为45分钟。

How did you do on the test ?你考试考得怎么样?

The final exam is just around the corner . 期末考试马上要到了。

1.       When is the test ?什么时候考试?

Is the midterm next week or the week after next ?


midterm   adj. 期中的

2.       What’s on the test ?考试都考什么内容?

What are you testing us on ?您会考我们哪些内容?

3.       Wow , that test was hard !哇,测试好难啊!

That test was so hard ! 测试那么难!

I can't believe how hard that test was . 我不敢相信测试怎么那么难啊。

The exam is not as simple as you may imagine . 考试并不像你想的那么简单。

4.       Is the test open book or closed book ?这次是开卷还是闭卷考试?

open book 开卷         closed book 闭卷

5.       How did you prepare for the test ?你怎么准备考试?

What did you do to get ready for the test ?为准备考试,你都做了什么?

get ready for 为……作准备

6.       I hope we aren’t tested on this . 我希望我们不要考这个。

I hope we don’t get tested on this material ! 我希望我们不考这个材料。

I’m so bad at this . I hope we aren’t tested on it . 我这方面很差,我希望我们不要考这个。

test on 对……进行测试

7.       You’ll have one hour for the test . 考试时间是一个小时。

The test will last 45 minutes . 考试时间为45分钟。

8.       How do you think you did on the test ?你觉得这次考得怎么样?

How did you do on the test ?你考试考得怎么样?

How was the test ?考试怎么样?

9.       I ran out of time and didn't get finished . 我时间不够,没有答完。

I finished the test early . 我很早就把试题做完了。

I didn’t know half the answers . 有一半试题我不会答。

run out of 用完

10.   The final exam is just around the corner . 期末考试马上要到了。

The test is coming . 要考试了。

around the corner 临近

11.   I’m not ready for the test . 我还没有准备好考试。

Since I am not fully prepared for the test I don’t think I can pass .


12.   I would be expelled if I helped you cheat .如果我帮你作弊,我会被开除的。

expel   v. 把……开除

13.   How many people failed the exam ?这次考试有多少人没过?

Tony needs to take a makeup test before spring break .


take a makeup test  补考      spring break 春假

Useful  Conversations         第3步   模仿对话

1.       考试笔记    Notes for Examination

John  : Fiona , have you studied for the biology exam yet ?

Fiona : No , I haven't . I was busy studying for another exam .

John  : Oh . I lost my notes , can I borrow yours ?

Fiona : Sure , that’s okay with me .

John  ; Really ?Thanks . When do you need to have them back ?

Fiona : You can return them one week before the exam .

约  翰:菲奥娜,生物考试你复习了吗?


约  翰:哦,我把笔记给丢了,能把你的借给我吗?


约  翰:真的吗?谢谢,我什么时候还给你呢?


2.       复习准备生物学的考试  Study for the Biology Exam

John : Hey , Fiona , how did your European history exam go ?

Fiona: Hey , John . It was actually pretty easy , not an bad as I expected .

John : That’s great . I guess all of your studying paid off .

Fiona: Yeah , it really did . Do you want to meet tonight and study for the biology exam together ?

John : Sure , I could really use some help on a few chapters . I was never very good at science .

Fiona: Me either , but if we study enough I’m sure we can make good scores . How about we 

      meet at 7 p.m. on the second floor of the library ?

John : Okay , I will meet you at 7 o’clock .

Fiona: See you later .

约  翰:嘿,菲奥娜,你的欧洲史考得怎么样?


约  翰:那太好了。我看你是学有所值了。


约  翰:当然了。这些章节我确实需要一些帮助。我从来都不擅长理科。


约  翰:好的,7点见。


Useful Paragraph         第4步   诵读短篇

Loneliness is different being alone . Being alone means you just have no one beside you but loneliness means that you cannot talk with others and share them with your feelings . And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone .


Cultural  Background       第5步    了解文化


1.       半开卷考试。通常的情况是,学生可以自带一张同意规格尺寸的参考资料集,每


2.       小组考试,小组答辩。一是考试或小组测验,通常是一个班级分3到5个小组,


3.       学生出考试题目。顾名思义,此方法就是调动和动员全体学生参与出题。通常有




考试测试 Tests


Useful Words          第1步  熟悉词汇

quiz  测试           examination   考试         cheat    作弊

achieve  达到        correct      纠正           error    错误

fail    不及格        grade       成绩           revision   复习

score   得分

Useful  Sentences      第2步   牢记句型

When is the test ?什么时候考试?

What’s on the test ?考试都考什么内容?

That test was so hard !测试那么难!

How did you prepare for the test ?你怎么准备考试?

The test will last 45 minutes . 考试时间为45分钟。

How did you do on the test ?你考试考得怎么样?

The final exam is just around the corner . 期末考试马上要到了。

1.       When is the test ?什么时候考试?

Is the midterm next week or the week after next ?


midterm   adj. 期中的

2.       What’s on the test ?考试都考什么内容?

What are you testing us on ?您会考我们哪些内容?

3.       Wow , that test was hard !哇,测试好难啊!

That test was so hard ! 测试那么难!

I can't believe how hard that test was . 我不敢相信测试怎么那么难啊。

The exam is not as simple as you may imagine . 考试并不像你想的那么简单。

4.       Is the test open book or closed book ?这次是开卷还是闭卷考试?

open book 开卷         closed book 闭卷

5.       How did you prepare for the test ?你怎么准备考试?

What did you do to get ready for the test ?为准备考试,你都做了什么?

get ready for 为……作准备

6.       I hope we aren’t tested on this . 我希望我们不要考这个。

I hope we don’t get tested on this material ! 我希望我们不考这个材料。

I’m so bad at this . I hope we aren’t tested on it . 我这方面很差,我希望我们不要考这个。

test on 对……进行测试

7.       You’ll have one hour for the test . 考试时间是一个小时。

The test will last 45 minutes . 考试时间为45分钟。

8.       How do you think you did on the test ?你觉得这次考得怎么样?

How did you do on the test ?你考试考得怎么样?

How was the test ?考试怎么样?

9.       I ran out of time and didn't get finished . 我时间不够,没有答完。

I finished the test early . 我很早就把试题做完了。

I didn’t know half the answers . 有一半试题我不会答。

run out of 用完

10.   The final exam is just around the corner . 期末考试马上要到了。

The test is coming . 要考试了。

around the corner 临近

11.   I’m not ready for the test . 我还没有准备好考试。

Since I am not fully prepared for the test I don’t think I can pass .


12.   I would be expelled if I helped you cheat .如果我帮你作弊,我会被开除的。

expel   v. 把……开除

13.   How many people failed the exam ?这次考试有多少人没过?

Tony needs to take a makeup test before spring break .


take a makeup test  补考      spring break 春假

Useful  Conversations         第3步   模仿对话

1.       考试笔记    Notes for Examination

John  : Fiona , have you studied for the biology exam yet ?

Fiona : No , I haven't . I was busy studying for another exam .

John  : Oh . I lost my notes , can I borrow yours ?

Fiona : Sure , that’s okay with me .

John  ; Really ?Thanks . When do you need to have them back ?

Fiona : You can return them one week before the exam .

约  翰:菲奥娜,生物考试你复习了吗?


约  翰:哦,我把笔记给丢了,能把你的借给我吗?


约  翰:真的吗?谢谢,我什么时候还给你呢?


2.       复习准备生物学的考试  Study for the Biology Exam

John : Hey , Fiona , how did your European history exam go ?

Fiona: Hey , John . It was actually pretty easy , not an bad as I expected .

John : That’s great . I guess all of your studying paid off .

Fiona: Yeah , it really did . Do you want to meet tonight and study for the biology exam together ?

John : Sure , I could really use some help on a few chapters . I was never very good at science .

Fiona: Me either , but if we study enough I’m sure we can make good scores . How about we 

      meet at 7 p.m. on the second floor of the library ?

John : Okay , I will meet you at 7 o’clock .

Fiona: See you later .

约  翰:嘿,菲奥娜,你的欧洲史考得怎么样?


约  翰:那太好了。我看你是学有所值了。


约  翰:当然了。这些章节我确实需要一些帮助。我从来都不擅长理科。


约  翰:好的,7点见。


Useful Paragraph         第4步   诵读短篇

Loneliness is different being alone . Being alone means you just have no one beside you but loneliness means that you cannot talk with others and share them with your feelings . And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone .


Cultural  Background       第5步    了解文化


1.       半开卷考试。通常的情况是,学生可以自带一张同意规格尺寸的参考资料集,每


2.       小组考试,小组答辩。一是考试或小组测验,通常是一个班级分3到5个小组,


3.       学生出考试题目。顾名思义,此方法就是调动和动员全体学生参与出题。通常有





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