


辞职原因 Why do you resign?

工作薪酬 Are you satisfied with your salary of your last job?

工作氛围 What kind of working atmosphere do you like?

工作关系 Do you enjoy a favorable working relationship?

个人价值 Where do you think you can show us your personal value?

职业规划 How do you make yourself a plan for future career?



职业规划 I cannot get what I want for my future career from the job.

工作氛围 I don't like the working atmosphere here. It is just too lifeless.

奖励机制 There is no enough attention on me and the upper class sees me nobody.



Why do you resign? 你为什么会辞职?

What do you think of your last boss? 你觉得你上个老板人怎么样?

Are you satisfied with your salary of your last job?


Have you been fully appreciated during your last service?


How do you make yourself a plan for future career?


How do you define your personal value to your boss?


Do you enjoy a favorable working relationship?


Where do you think you can show us your personal value?


Do you expect to be promoted and what kind of employee do you think should be promoted? 你想升职吗?你觉得什么样的员工可以升值?

What kind of working atmosphere do you like? 你喜欢什么样的工作氛围?

How much do you expect from your job? 你希望在工作中得到什么?

expect from sb./sth. 是“渴望从某人某物得到什么”的意思,同get from sb./sth.

Will you feel tired of your job that you have been up to so long?


短语be up to 表示从事于?(某项工作),同work at/in



1. I don't like the working atmosphere here. It is just too lifeless.


2. I cannot adapt myself to the way they work here. It is much kind of stiff and bureaucratic. 我不习惯那儿的工作方式,呆板而且等级观念根深蒂固。

3. I was disappointed by the improper evaluation on my performance, and I think my contribution had not been recognized. 我觉得我的表现没有得到适当的评价和认可。

4. The job itself cannot give me the motive and passion, in other works, the job is not my liking. 那个工作本身不能给我激情和动力,不是我心仪的工作。

5. People working here are kind of workaholic and they seem to work with a serious face, which makes working atmosphere very gloomy and stifling. 大家都工作狂似的,整天不苟言笑,工作氛围很阴郁令人窒息。

6. I cannot get what I want for my future career from the job.


7. There is no possible opportunity of promotion for me, no matter how hard I work. 不管我工作怎么努力,我都没有升职的机会。

8. There is no enough attention on me and the upper class sees me nobody.


9. I like challenges and I would like to do something I have never done before, and I think something new can refresh my mind and broaden my horizon. 我喜欢挑战,喜欢尝试从前没有做过的事情,而且我认为新工作可以革新我的思想,开拓我的眼界。

10.The potentiality of the company is not so great as I think, so I think it is good for me to choose a more promising corporation. 那个公司的潜力没有我想象的那么大,所以我觉得我最好还是找一个前景比较好的企业。

相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训





辞职原因 Why do you resign?

工作薪酬 Are you satisfied with your salary of your last job?

工作氛围 What kind of working atmosphere do you like?

工作关系 Do you enjoy a favorable working relationship?

个人价值 Where do you think you can show us your personal value?

职业规划 How do you make yourself a plan for future career?



职业规划 I cannot get what I want for my future career from the job.

工作氛围 I don't like the working atmosphere here. It is just too lifeless.

奖励机制 There is no enough attention on me and the upper class sees me nobody.



Why do you resign? 你为什么会辞职?

What do you think of your last boss? 你觉得你上个老板人怎么样?

Are you satisfied with your salary of your last job?


Have you been fully appreciated during your last service?


How do you make yourself a plan for future career?


How do you define your personal value to your boss?


Do you enjoy a favorable working relationship?


Where do you think you can show us your personal value?


Do you expect to be promoted and what kind of employee do you think should be promoted? 你想升职吗?你觉得什么样的员工可以升值?

What kind of working atmosphere do you like? 你喜欢什么样的工作氛围?

How much do you expect from your job? 你希望在工作中得到什么?

expect from sb./sth. 是“渴望从某人某物得到什么”的意思,同get from sb./sth.

Will you feel tired of your job that you have been up to so long?


短语be up to 表示从事于?(某项工作),同work at/in



1. I don't like the working atmosphere here. It is just too lifeless.


2. I cannot adapt myself to the way they work here. It is much kind of stiff and bureaucratic. 我不习惯那儿的工作方式,呆板而且等级观念根深蒂固。

3. I was disappointed by the improper evaluation on my performance, and I think my contribution had not been recognized. 我觉得我的表现没有得到适当的评价和认可。

4. The job itself cannot give me the motive and passion, in other works, the job is not my liking. 那个工作本身不能给我激情和动力,不是我心仪的工作。

5. People working here are kind of workaholic and they seem to work with a serious face, which makes working atmosphere very gloomy and stifling. 大家都工作狂似的,整天不苟言笑,工作氛围很阴郁令人窒息。

6. I cannot get what I want for my future career from the job.


7. There is no possible opportunity of promotion for me, no matter how hard I work. 不管我工作怎么努力,我都没有升职的机会。

8. There is no enough attention on me and the upper class sees me nobody.


9. I like challenges and I would like to do something I have never done before, and I think something new can refresh my mind and broaden my horizon. 我喜欢挑战,喜欢尝试从前没有做过的事情,而且我认为新工作可以革新我的思想,开拓我的眼界。

10.The potentiality of the company is not so great as I think, so I think it is good for me to choose a more promising corporation. 那个公司的潜力没有我想象的那么大,所以我觉得我最好还是找一个前景比较好的企业。

相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训



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