


公司信息 Do you have any questions about the organization or the job?

工作职责 What do you known about the job duty?

升迁机会 Do you have the wish to have a chance of promotion?

工资待遇 Do you have the wish to have a chance of promotion?

签订协议 You may consider signing the contract with our company tomorrow, if you have no problems.

公司建设 Do you have some questions in terms of the development of the company?

制度管理 Do you have some questions in terms of institution management?

人才培养 Do you have some questions in terms of human resource management?

公司优势 Do you know the best part of working in this company?

企业文化 How do you know our corporation culture?



经济管理 What will be the first task assigned to me after am hired?

工作要求 I know the slogan is “Market is the sea, quality is the ship and brand is the sail”, can you give me further explanations?

工资待遇 May I ask about the starting salary?



Do you have any questions about the organization or the job?


What do you know about the job duty? 你对工作要求了解多少?

Do you have some questions in terms of payment? 对工资待遇方面有什么要求或疑问?

in terms of 表示就……而论;在……方面的意思。例如:In terms of money, he`s quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。

You may consider signing the contract with our company tomorrow, if you have no problems.你考虑下,如果没有什么问题的话,明天就可以到公司签订协议书。

Do you have some questions in terms of the development of the company?


Do you have some questions in terms of institution management?


Institution 在这里是制度的意思,例如:the institution of marriage 婚姻制度/the institution of slavery 奴隶制度。

Do you have some questions in terms of the development of the company?关于公司的发展方面你都了解吗?

Do you have some questions in terms of institution management? 关于公司的管理制度方面你都清楚了吗?

Do you have some questions in terms of human resource management? 关于公司的人才培养方案还有不明白的地方吗?

Do you know the best part of working in this company? 了解在这个公司的好处吗?

How do you know our corporation culture? 你怎样理解我公司的文化?

Do you have the wish to have a chance of promotion? 你希望有升迁的机会你吗?

Do you know how we arrange the employees` accommodation?你知道我们怎样安排职工住宿吗?



1. I know the slogan is “Market is the sea, quality is the ship and brand is the sail”, can you give me further explanations? 贵公司的标语是“市场是海,质量是船,品牌是帆”,您能给我进一步的解释吗?

2. What will be the first task assigned to me after I am hired? 我的第一份工作项目是什么?

3. How long will my probation period be? 贵公司要求新员工的实习期是多久?

4. Can you give me a brief introduction about the long term goal and developing strategy? 公司的长远目标和战略计划您能否用一两句话简要为我介绍一下?

5. What are the regulations or cautions for the new employees to observe? 上班的时候,新员工有什么必须之一的制度和事项要求吗?

6. I like a challenging job. Can you tell me the digest challenge in the company? 我喜欢有挑战性的工作。这家公司最大的挑战是什么?

7. Oh, just one thing: could you give me some ideas of pay scale? 还有一件事,你能不能跟我谈一谈工作级别?

8. In terms of administrative management, are you human-oriented or institution oriented? 在行政管理方面,公司是更加注重人性化还是制度化?

9. May I ask about the starting salary? 我可以问问起薪是多少吗?

10.With regard to the female staff members` maternity leave, how would you deal with it? 对于女职工产假问题,公司一般情况下如何处理?

  相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训





公司信息 Do you have any questions about the organization or the job?

工作职责 What do you known about the job duty?

升迁机会 Do you have the wish to have a chance of promotion?

工资待遇 Do you have the wish to have a chance of promotion?

签订协议 You may consider signing the contract with our company tomorrow, if you have no problems.

公司建设 Do you have some questions in terms of the development of the company?

制度管理 Do you have some questions in terms of institution management?

人才培养 Do you have some questions in terms of human resource management?

公司优势 Do you know the best part of working in this company?

企业文化 How do you know our corporation culture?



经济管理 What will be the first task assigned to me after am hired?

工作要求 I know the slogan is “Market is the sea, quality is the ship and brand is the sail”, can you give me further explanations?

工资待遇 May I ask about the starting salary?



Do you have any questions about the organization or the job?


What do you know about the job duty? 你对工作要求了解多少?

Do you have some questions in terms of payment? 对工资待遇方面有什么要求或疑问?

in terms of 表示就……而论;在……方面的意思。例如:In terms of money, he`s quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。

You may consider signing the contract with our company tomorrow, if you have no problems.你考虑下,如果没有什么问题的话,明天就可以到公司签订协议书。

Do you have some questions in terms of the development of the company?


Do you have some questions in terms of institution management?


Institution 在这里是制度的意思,例如:the institution of marriage 婚姻制度/the institution of slavery 奴隶制度。

Do you have some questions in terms of the development of the company?关于公司的发展方面你都了解吗?

Do you have some questions in terms of institution management? 关于公司的管理制度方面你都清楚了吗?

Do you have some questions in terms of human resource management? 关于公司的人才培养方案还有不明白的地方吗?

Do you know the best part of working in this company? 了解在这个公司的好处吗?

How do you know our corporation culture? 你怎样理解我公司的文化?

Do you have the wish to have a chance of promotion? 你希望有升迁的机会你吗?

Do you know how we arrange the employees` accommodation?你知道我们怎样安排职工住宿吗?



1. I know the slogan is “Market is the sea, quality is the ship and brand is the sail”, can you give me further explanations? 贵公司的标语是“市场是海,质量是船,品牌是帆”,您能给我进一步的解释吗?

2. What will be the first task assigned to me after I am hired? 我的第一份工作项目是什么?

3. How long will my probation period be? 贵公司要求新员工的实习期是多久?

4. Can you give me a brief introduction about the long term goal and developing strategy? 公司的长远目标和战略计划您能否用一两句话简要为我介绍一下?

5. What are the regulations or cautions for the new employees to observe? 上班的时候,新员工有什么必须之一的制度和事项要求吗?

6. I like a challenging job. Can you tell me the digest challenge in the company? 我喜欢有挑战性的工作。这家公司最大的挑战是什么?

7. Oh, just one thing: could you give me some ideas of pay scale? 还有一件事,你能不能跟我谈一谈工作级别?

8. In terms of administrative management, are you human-oriented or institution oriented? 在行政管理方面,公司是更加注重人性化还是制度化?

9. May I ask about the starting salary? 我可以问问起薪是多少吗?

10.With regard to the female staff members` maternity leave, how would you deal with it? 对于女职工产假问题,公司一般情况下如何处理?

  相关导读: 英语培训学校 英语口语培训 新概念英语培训 香港大学面试培训 成人英语培训



上一篇:考试测试 Tests 下一篇:面试英语口语:为什么你的简历中有一段空白期
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