介绍与回应 Introduction and Reply


Useful Words       第1步   熟悉词汇

introduce   介绍        intro   介绍

recommend    推荐     present  引见

presentation    引见     remember  记得

surname    姓          pleased   高兴的

Useful  Sentences   第2步   牢记句型

May I introduce myself ? My name is …


Allow me introduce myself . I’m …


It’s nice to meet you , Sam . Please call me …


I’d like you to meet …----our manager who I told you about before .


Hi , my name is …What’s your name ?


You must be … It’s nice to meet you .


1.       My name is Irene . 我的名字叫艾琳。

I’m Irene . 我叫艾琳。

2.       May I introduce myself ? My name is Adam .我可以自我介绍一下吗?我叫亚当。

Allow me introduce myself . I’m Tom .请允许我做一下自我介绍。我是汤姆。

I’d like to make a self-introduction . 我想做一下自我介绍。

self-introduction   n. 自我介绍

3.       Hi , Kevin . I’d like you to meet a friend of mine . 嗨,凯文,我想让你见一下我的一个朋友。

I’d like you to meet Mr. Steven-----our manager who I told you about before.


Hi , Mr. Steven . Could I take a minute of your time ? I’d like to introduce my friend Charles .


Come on . Let me introduce you to her . I know you two will hit it off . You’re both outgoing and sociable .过来,我把你介绍给她认识。我知道你们一定合得来。你们俩都很外向,喜欢社交。

hit it off ( with ) (跟……)相处得好,合得来

outgoing    adj . 外向的

ociable  adj. 好交际的,友好的

4.       May I have your name , please ? 能告诉我你的名字吗?

What’s your name , please ? 请问你叫什么名字?

5.       Don’t you remember me ? I’m George , George Brown. 你不记得我了?我是乔治,乔治.布朗。

Hi , Molly . It’s an honor for me to meet you .你好,莫莉。能认识你是我的荣幸。

honor   n. 荣幸

6.       It’s nice to meet you , Sam . Please call me Kevin .很高兴见到你,山姆。请叫我凯文吧。

Betty , glad to meet you too . Judi’s told me all about you .


7.       Here’s my business card . It has my e-mail address on it .这是我的名片,上面有我的电子邮箱。

business card 名片

Useful  Conversations      第3 步   模仿对话

1.       与凯里初次见面  Meet Carey for the First Time

Hannah : Hi , my name is Hannah . What’s your name ?

Carey  : I’m Carey . Nice to meet you .

Hannah : It’s nice to meet you too .

Carey  : So , what do you do for a living ?

Hannah : I work as a doctor in the children’s hospital . What about you ?

Carey  : I am a pharmacist . I work in a clinic downtown . It’s great that we both work in medicine .







2.       与杰森的朋友认识 Meet Jason’s Friend

Marianne : Hi , are you George ?

George  : Yes , I am . You must be Marianne . It’s nice to meet you .

Marianne : It’s nice to meet you too . I am very interested in getting to know you better since Jason had such nice things to say about you .

George  : That’s so nice of you to say . He has said great things about you too . How has your day been so far ?

Marianne : Very busy . The good news is that now I have two days off and can have some time to rest .

George  : Yes , I love weekends .

Marianne : How about you ? How has your day been ?

George  : My day has been great . I didn’t have to work today so I caught up on errands that I had been putting off .


乔  治:是啊,我是。你一定是玛丽安吧。很高兴见到你。


乔  治:你能这么说真好。他也多次赞美你。你目前过得怎么样?


乔  治:是啊,我喜欢周末。


乔  治:我过得挺好的。我今天不用工作,所以有时间来做拖沓下来的事情。

be interested in doing sth .   有兴趣做某事

errand  n. 差事,任务

put off  推迟,拖延

Useful Paragraph       第4步    诵读短篇

      A person who has good manners will not push through a crowd , but wait quietly for his turn to pass . He will not interrupt people when they are talking . He will not say anything that will hurt other’s feelings . All these are called good manners , which show a man of high standing .


interrupt  v. 打断,打扰

Cultural Background        第5步   了解文化


(1)       将年幼者先介绍给年长者;

(2)       将职位低的先介绍给职位高的;

(3)       如果双方是同辈,则要先将男性介绍给女性。如果两人地位和年龄相差不大,用非正式的介绍即可。


在正式场合下,一定要说出自己完整的名字(full name)。并且,人们往往会通报自己的职业及家乡国籍等。当然,非正式场合,如朋友生日聚会,人们常常只说出自己的名字(given name 或the first name )。有些人为拉近与朋友的距离,干脆说出自己的小名(childhood name)如Bob、Judy 、Lisa等。



介绍与回应 Introduction and Reply


Useful Words       第1步   熟悉词汇

introduce   介绍        intro   介绍

recommend    推荐     present  引见

presentation    引见     remember  记得

surname    姓          pleased   高兴的

Useful  Sentences   第2步   牢记句型

May I introduce myself ? My name is …


Allow me introduce myself . I’m …


It’s nice to meet you , Sam . Please call me …


I’d like you to meet …----our manager who I told you about before .


Hi , my name is …What’s your name ?


You must be … It’s nice to meet you .


1.       My name is Irene . 我的名字叫艾琳。

I’m Irene . 我叫艾琳。

2.       May I introduce myself ? My name is Adam .我可以自我介绍一下吗?我叫亚当。

Allow me introduce myself . I’m Tom .请允许我做一下自我介绍。我是汤姆。

I’d like to make a self-introduction . 我想做一下自我介绍。

self-introduction   n. 自我介绍

3.       Hi , Kevin . I’d like you to meet a friend of mine . 嗨,凯文,我想让你见一下我的一个朋友。

I’d like you to meet Mr. Steven-----our manager who I told you about before.


Hi , Mr. Steven . Could I take a minute of your time ? I’d like to introduce my friend Charles .


Come on . Let me introduce you to her . I know you two will hit it off . You’re both outgoing and sociable .过来,我把你介绍给她认识。我知道你们一定合得来。你们俩都很外向,喜欢社交。

hit it off ( with ) (跟……)相处得好,合得来

outgoing    adj . 外向的

ociable  adj. 好交际的,友好的

4.       May I have your name , please ? 能告诉我你的名字吗?

What’s your name , please ? 请问你叫什么名字?

5.       Don’t you remember me ? I’m George , George Brown. 你不记得我了?我是乔治,乔治.布朗。

Hi , Molly . It’s an honor for me to meet you .你好,莫莉。能认识你是我的荣幸。

honor   n. 荣幸

6.       It’s nice to meet you , Sam . Please call me Kevin .很高兴见到你,山姆。请叫我凯文吧。

Betty , glad to meet you too . Judi’s told me all about you .


7.       Here’s my business card . It has my e-mail address on it .这是我的名片,上面有我的电子邮箱。

business card 名片

Useful  Conversations      第3 步   模仿对话

1.       与凯里初次见面  Meet Carey for the First Time

Hannah : Hi , my name is Hannah . What’s your name ?

Carey  : I’m Carey . Nice to meet you .

Hannah : It’s nice to meet you too .

Carey  : So , what do you do for a living ?

Hannah : I work as a doctor in the children’s hospital . What about you ?

Carey  : I am a pharmacist . I work in a clinic downtown . It’s great that we both work in medicine .







2.       与杰森的朋友认识 Meet Jason’s Friend

Marianne : Hi , are you George ?

George  : Yes , I am . You must be Marianne . It’s nice to meet you .

Marianne : It’s nice to meet you too . I am very interested in getting to know you better since Jason had such nice things to say about you .

George  : That’s so nice of you to say . He has said great things about you too . How has your day been so far ?

Marianne : Very busy . The good news is that now I have two days off and can have some time to rest .

George  : Yes , I love weekends .

Marianne : How about you ? How has your day been ?

George  : My day has been great . I didn’t have to work today so I caught up on errands that I had been putting off .


乔  治:是啊,我是。你一定是玛丽安吧。很高兴见到你。


乔  治:你能这么说真好。他也多次赞美你。你目前过得怎么样?


乔  治:是啊,我喜欢周末。


乔  治:我过得挺好的。我今天不用工作,所以有时间来做拖沓下来的事情。

be interested in doing sth .   有兴趣做某事

errand  n. 差事,任务

put off  推迟,拖延

Useful Paragraph       第4步    诵读短篇

      A person who has good manners will not push through a crowd , but wait quietly for his turn to pass . He will not interrupt people when they are talking . He will not say anything that will hurt other’s feelings . All these are called good manners , which show a man of high standing .


interrupt  v. 打断,打扰

Cultural Background        第5步   了解文化


(1)       将年幼者先介绍给年长者;

(2)       将职位低的先介绍给职位高的;

(3)       如果双方是同辈,则要先将男性介绍给女性。如果两人地位和年龄相差不大,用非正式的介绍即可。


在正式场合下,一定要说出自己完整的名字(full name)。并且,人们往往会通报自己的职业及家乡国籍等。当然,非正式场合,如朋友生日聚会,人们常常只说出自己的名字(given name 或the first name )。有些人为拉近与朋友的距离,干脆说出自己的小名(childhood name)如Bob、Judy 、Lisa等。




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