一日三餐 Meals


Useful  Words     第1步  熟悉词汇

snack  小吃        tasty    好吃的     appetite    食欲

sausage  香肠      supper   晚餐      steak     牛排

sauce    调味汁    starve   饥饿       stuffed    饱的

digest    消化      chew    咀嚼       porridge   粥

picky     挑剔的    potluck   家常便饭   vegetarian  素食者

Useful   Sentences      第2步    牢记句型

… is ready .  ……准备好了。

How long will it take for …to be ready ? ……需要多长时间准备好?

What do you want to eat for …?……你想吃什么?

What should I make for …?……我该做什么好呢?

Is it time for …yet ? 该吃……了吧?

Don’t be picky about food . It’s not good for your health .不要挑食,这对你的健康不好。

Where do you want to go for …?你想去哪儿吃……?

I’m not really in the mood for …我不是很想吃……

1.       Breakfast is ready . 早饭准备好了。

How soon can you get it ready ? 还要多久才能做好呀?

2.       What do you want to eat for lunch ? 午餐你想吃什么?

What do we eat for lunch ?我们午餐吃什么?

3.       What would you like for dinner ? 晚饭你想吃什么?

I’m hungry . What’s for dinner ? 我饿了,晚餐吃什么?

My stomach is growling . 我肚子都在咕咕叫了。

growl  v. 怒吼

4.       What should I make for dinner ? 晚饭我该做什么好呢?

Are you making anything for dinner ? 你晚餐做什么了吗?

Do you need any help with dinner ? 你需要帮忙准备晚餐吗?

5.       I’m whipping up some of your favorites . 我在做你最喜欢吃的东西。

whip up 快速准备,很快做好

6.       Do scrambled eggs , toast and sausage sound good enough for you ?


scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋    toast  n. 烤面包,吐司

7.       Can you gather the ingredients for me ? 你能帮我调一下调料吗?

Would you help me set the table ? 你能帮我准备餐具吗?

ingredient  n. 成分,原料   set the table  摆好餐具

8.       Is it time for dinner yet ? 该吃晚饭了吧?

Finish up your plate . 把碗里的饭吃干净。

9.       Can you pass the salt , please ? 你能把盐递给我吗?

Eat some more vegetables . 多吃点儿蔬菜。

10.   I hope you are hungry because we are going to have a big feast tonight .


feast  n. 盛宴

11.   I don’t feel like cooking . We should go out .我不想做饭,我们出去吃吧。

I don’t like to eat leftovers . 我不喜欢吃剩饭菜。

Don’t be picky about food . It’s not good for you health .


leftover   n. 剩饭菜

12.   I’ll have a light meal for lunch . I have instant noodles in my office .


a light meal 便餐    instant noodles  方便面

Useful Conversations     第3步  模仿对话

1.       去哪儿吃晚饭  Where to Go for Dinner

Trevor  : Where do you want to go for dinner ?

Blanche : How about the new Mexican place around the corner ?

Trevor  : That sounds good . I haven’t had Mexican in ages .

Blanche : Me either . And Joe went there yesterday and said they had good tacos and beer .

Trevor  : Perfect . Let’s go .






in ages  很长时间   taco  n. 炸玉米饼,墨西哥玉米面豆卷

2.        晚餐吃什么   What for Dinner

Blanche : Hey Trevor , do you want to grab a bite to eat after work ?

Trevor  : Sure , I’m done at 5. Do you want to go then ?

Blanche : Works for me . Where do you want to eat ?

Trevor  : How about we get burgers from that place across the street ?

Blanche : I’m not really in the mood for burgers . Do they have other food there ?

Trevor  : Yeah . I think they have fried chicken , sandwiches , salads , and some other stuff .

Blanche :OK. I’m sure there’ll be something there for me to eat .

Trevor  : Or we could get Italian food instead .

Blanche : Italian sounds good . I know of a restaurant close to here .

Trevor  : Sounds good . See you at 5 .











grab a bite  随便吃几口   burger  n. 夹馅包

be in the mod for sth. 有心情做某事   fried chicken 炸鸡

Useful Paragraph     第4步    诵读短篇

Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them , giving them the freedom of a bird in the open . Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose , or put on from the outside as a mask . People who have this joy do not need to talk about it : they radiate it . They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight and glow into other lives as naturally as bird sings .


assume  v. 假定,臆断    radiate  v. 流露,显示    splash  v. 溅起

Cultural  Background      第5步   了解文化




一日三餐 Meals


Useful  Words     第1步  熟悉词汇

snack  小吃        tasty    好吃的     appetite    食欲

sausage  香肠      supper   晚餐      steak     牛排

sauce    调味汁    starve   饥饿       stuffed    饱的

digest    消化      chew    咀嚼       porridge   粥

picky     挑剔的    potluck   家常便饭   vegetarian  素食者

Useful   Sentences      第2步    牢记句型

… is ready .  ……准备好了。

How long will it take for …to be ready ? ……需要多长时间准备好?

What do you want to eat for …?……你想吃什么?

What should I make for …?……我该做什么好呢?

Is it time for …yet ? 该吃……了吧?

Don’t be picky about food . It’s not good for your health .不要挑食,这对你的健康不好。

Where do you want to go for …?你想去哪儿吃……?

I’m not really in the mood for …我不是很想吃……

1.       Breakfast is ready . 早饭准备好了。

How soon can you get it ready ? 还要多久才能做好呀?

2.       What do you want to eat for lunch ? 午餐你想吃什么?

What do we eat for lunch ?我们午餐吃什么?

3.       What would you like for dinner ? 晚饭你想吃什么?

I’m hungry . What’s for dinner ? 我饿了,晚餐吃什么?

My stomach is growling . 我肚子都在咕咕叫了。

growl  v. 怒吼

4.       What should I make for dinner ? 晚饭我该做什么好呢?

Are you making anything for dinner ? 你晚餐做什么了吗?

Do you need any help with dinner ? 你需要帮忙准备晚餐吗?

5.       I’m whipping up some of your favorites . 我在做你最喜欢吃的东西。

whip up 快速准备,很快做好

6.       Do scrambled eggs , toast and sausage sound good enough for you ?


scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋    toast  n. 烤面包,吐司

7.       Can you gather the ingredients for me ? 你能帮我调一下调料吗?

Would you help me set the table ? 你能帮我准备餐具吗?

ingredient  n. 成分,原料   set the table  摆好餐具

8.       Is it time for dinner yet ? 该吃晚饭了吧?

Finish up your plate . 把碗里的饭吃干净。

9.       Can you pass the salt , please ? 你能把盐递给我吗?

Eat some more vegetables . 多吃点儿蔬菜。

10.   I hope you are hungry because we are going to have a big feast tonight .


feast  n. 盛宴

11.   I don’t feel like cooking . We should go out .我不想做饭,我们出去吃吧。

I don’t like to eat leftovers . 我不喜欢吃剩饭菜。

Don’t be picky about food . It’s not good for you health .


leftover   n. 剩饭菜

12.   I’ll have a light meal for lunch . I have instant noodles in my office .


a light meal 便餐    instant noodles  方便面

Useful Conversations     第3步  模仿对话

1.       去哪儿吃晚饭  Where to Go for Dinner

Trevor  : Where do you want to go for dinner ?

Blanche : How about the new Mexican place around the corner ?

Trevor  : That sounds good . I haven’t had Mexican in ages .

Blanche : Me either . And Joe went there yesterday and said they had good tacos and beer .

Trevor  : Perfect . Let’s go .






in ages  很长时间   taco  n. 炸玉米饼,墨西哥玉米面豆卷

2.        晚餐吃什么   What for Dinner

Blanche : Hey Trevor , do you want to grab a bite to eat after work ?

Trevor  : Sure , I’m done at 5. Do you want to go then ?

Blanche : Works for me . Where do you want to eat ?

Trevor  : How about we get burgers from that place across the street ?

Blanche : I’m not really in the mood for burgers . Do they have other food there ?

Trevor  : Yeah . I think they have fried chicken , sandwiches , salads , and some other stuff .

Blanche :OK. I’m sure there’ll be something there for me to eat .

Trevor  : Or we could get Italian food instead .

Blanche : Italian sounds good . I know of a restaurant close to here .

Trevor  : Sounds good . See you at 5 .











grab a bite  随便吃几口   burger  n. 夹馅包

be in the mod for sth. 有心情做某事   fried chicken 炸鸡

Useful Paragraph     第4步    诵读短篇

Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them , giving them the freedom of a bird in the open . Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose , or put on from the outside as a mask . People who have this joy do not need to talk about it : they radiate it . They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight and glow into other lives as naturally as bird sings .


assume  v. 假定,臆断    radiate  v. 流露,显示    splash  v. 溅起

Cultural  Background      第5步   了解文化





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