上菜用餐 Serving Meals and Eating


useful Words      第1步    熟悉词汇

crispy   脆的         salty   咸的          stale   不新鲜的

oily    油腻的        fresh   新鲜的        swallow   吞咽

taste  品尝           light    清淡的        recipe    食谱

peel   削皮           seasoning   调味品     chilli   辣椒

garlic  大蒜           vinegar  醋             fussy  爱挑剔的

Useful Sentences      第2步    牢记句型

The dish smells good . My mouth is watering .


Does this taste good ? 这个尝起来香吗?

I could go for a second course . 我想再来一个菜。

Excuse me , but could you bring me another …,please ?


I don’t feel like eating anything . 我什么都不想吃。

It’s delicious . Do you want to try some ? 味道很不错。你想尝尝吗?

Do you want a bite of …? 你要尝一口……吗?

1.       It smells good . 闻着真香。

The dish smells good . My mouth is watering .


2.       Wow , you eat like a horse . 哇,你真能吃。

Don’t eat too much . 别吃太多。

Eat like a horse   吃得很多

3.       You eat like a bird . 你吃这么一点啊。

You eat very little . 你吃得这么少啊。

Eat like a bird 吃得极少

4.       Is this delicious ? 这个好吃吗?

Does this taste good ?这个尝起来香吗?

5.       I could go for a second course . 我想再来一个菜。

Hey man , want to get anther course ? 嘿,伙计,想再来个菜吗?

6.       The portions at this restaurant are so small .


portion  n. 一份

7.       Excuse me ,but could you bring me another fork , please ?


Please pass me the vinegar . 请把醋递给我。

8.       Look , this meat is still pink . 瞧,这肉还没熟。

Waiter , this looks a little red inside . Can I get it cooked a bit more ?


9.       This meat is stale . 这肉变味了。

This meat is tough . 这肉太老了。

This meat is tender . 这肉挺嫩的。

tough  adj. 硬的,肉老的     tender  adj. 嫩的

10.   I really have no room for it . 我撑得实在吃不下了。

I don’t feel like eating anything . 我什么都不想吃。

11.   It’s spicy . 真辣。

It’s salty . 真咸。

Useful Conversations      第3步    模仿对话

1.       点餐  Order Meal

Waitress : Okay , who ordered the cheeseburger ?

Chuck   : That was me . Looks good …

Waitress : Here you go !

Violet   : And I had the mixed green salad .

Waitress : I’ve got that right here for you .

Violet   : Thanks , looks great .

Waitress : Can I get you two anything else while I’m here ?

Chuck   : No , I think we’re good , thanks !


查    克:是我。看起来不错……






查    克:不用了,我想我们都好了,谢谢!

cheeseburger   n. 芝士汉堡       the mixed green salad   什锦蔬菜沙拉

2.        沙拉与汉堡   Salad and Burgers

Chuck : How is your green salad , Violet ?

Violet : It’s delicious . Do you want to try some ?

Chuck : Sure . Do you want a bite of my cheeseburger ?

Violet : No , thanks , I don’t really like burgers .

Chuck : Really ? Why ? Everybody likes burgers .

Violet : Well , actually I’m trying to lose weight .

Chuck : Haha , me too ! But I’m not following my diet very closely …

Violet : Well , I guess we can indulge every once in a while .

Chuck : That’s the spirit !

Violet : Okay , I will have a bite !

Chuck :I thought so , here , let me cut off a piece for you .

Violet : Oh , it’s so good ! Thanks !

Chuck : Anytime .

查    克:你的什锦蔬菜沙拉味道怎么样,维尔利特?


查    克:好啊。你要尝一口我的芝士汉堡吗?


查    克:是吗?为什么?大家都喜欢汉堡的。


查    克:哈哈,我也是!但是我并不严格地控制饮食……


查    克:就应该这样!


查    克:早该如此,来,我给你切一块。


查    克:乐意为你效劳。

indulge   v. 纵容     once in a while    偶尔,间或

Useful  Paragraph      第4步    诵读短篇

Man’s dearest possession is life . It is given to him but once , and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years , never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past ; so live that , dying , he might say ; all my life , all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world ----the fight for the liberation of mankind .


possession  n. 所有,占有    torturing    adj.  充满痛苦的

petty   adj.  琐碎的,不重要的     liberation   n. 解放

Cultural  Background         第5步    了解文化




上菜用餐 Serving Meals and Eating


useful Words      第1步    熟悉词汇

crispy   脆的         salty   咸的          stale   不新鲜的

oily    油腻的        fresh   新鲜的        swallow   吞咽

taste  品尝           light    清淡的        recipe    食谱

peel   削皮           seasoning   调味品     chilli   辣椒

garlic  大蒜           vinegar  醋             fussy  爱挑剔的

Useful Sentences      第2步    牢记句型

The dish smells good . My mouth is watering .


Does this taste good ? 这个尝起来香吗?

I could go for a second course . 我想再来一个菜。

Excuse me , but could you bring me another …,please ?


I don’t feel like eating anything . 我什么都不想吃。

It’s delicious . Do you want to try some ? 味道很不错。你想尝尝吗?

Do you want a bite of …? 你要尝一口……吗?

1.       It smells good . 闻着真香。

The dish smells good . My mouth is watering .


2.       Wow , you eat like a horse . 哇,你真能吃。

Don’t eat too much . 别吃太多。

Eat like a horse   吃得很多

3.       You eat like a bird . 你吃这么一点啊。

You eat very little . 你吃得这么少啊。

Eat like a bird 吃得极少

4.       Is this delicious ? 这个好吃吗?

Does this taste good ?这个尝起来香吗?

5.       I could go for a second course . 我想再来一个菜。

Hey man , want to get anther course ? 嘿,伙计,想再来个菜吗?

6.       The portions at this restaurant are so small .


portion  n. 一份

7.       Excuse me ,but could you bring me another fork , please ?


Please pass me the vinegar . 请把醋递给我。

8.       Look , this meat is still pink . 瞧,这肉还没熟。

Waiter , this looks a little red inside . Can I get it cooked a bit more ?


9.       This meat is stale . 这肉变味了。

This meat is tough . 这肉太老了。

This meat is tender . 这肉挺嫩的。

tough  adj. 硬的,肉老的     tender  adj. 嫩的

10.   I really have no room for it . 我撑得实在吃不下了。

I don’t feel like eating anything . 我什么都不想吃。

11.   It’s spicy . 真辣。

It’s salty . 真咸。

Useful Conversations      第3步    模仿对话

1.       点餐  Order Meal

Waitress : Okay , who ordered the cheeseburger ?

Chuck   : That was me . Looks good …

Waitress : Here you go !

Violet   : And I had the mixed green salad .

Waitress : I’ve got that right here for you .

Violet   : Thanks , looks great .

Waitress : Can I get you two anything else while I’m here ?

Chuck   : No , I think we’re good , thanks !


查    克:是我。看起来不错……






查    克:不用了,我想我们都好了,谢谢!

cheeseburger   n. 芝士汉堡       the mixed green salad   什锦蔬菜沙拉

2.        沙拉与汉堡   Salad and Burgers

Chuck : How is your green salad , Violet ?

Violet : It’s delicious . Do you want to try some ?

Chuck : Sure . Do you want a bite of my cheeseburger ?

Violet : No , thanks , I don’t really like burgers .

Chuck : Really ? Why ? Everybody likes burgers .

Violet : Well , actually I’m trying to lose weight .

Chuck : Haha , me too ! But I’m not following my diet very closely …

Violet : Well , I guess we can indulge every once in a while .

Chuck : That’s the spirit !

Violet : Okay , I will have a bite !

Chuck :I thought so , here , let me cut off a piece for you .

Violet : Oh , it’s so good ! Thanks !

Chuck : Anytime .

查    克:你的什锦蔬菜沙拉味道怎么样,维尔利特?


查    克:好啊。你要尝一口我的芝士汉堡吗?


查    克:是吗?为什么?大家都喜欢汉堡的。


查    克:哈哈,我也是!但是我并不严格地控制饮食……


查    克:就应该这样!


查    克:早该如此,来,我给你切一块。


查    克:乐意为你效劳。

indulge   v. 纵容     once in a while    偶尔,间或

Useful  Paragraph      第4步    诵读短篇

Man’s dearest possession is life . It is given to him but once , and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years , never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past ; so live that , dying , he might say ; all my life , all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world ----the fight for the liberation of mankind .


possession  n. 所有,占有    torturing    adj.  充满痛苦的

petty   adj.  琐碎的,不重要的     liberation   n. 解放

Cultural  Background         第5步    了解文化





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