选择超市或商场 Choosing a Supermarket or a Department Store


Useful Words     第1步   熟悉词汇

mall   购物中心     grocery  杂货店      store   商店

piazza  广场        shelf     货架        downtown  往商业区

stand   售货摊      boutique  时装店     trolley    购物手推车

market  集市        shopping   购物      butcher  肉商

cart    手推车       locker     寄物柜    greengrocer    蔬菜水果商

Useful  Sentences     第2步  牢记句型

What to come with me to the mall today ? 今天想和我一起去商场吗?

Let’s go window-shopping! 咱们去商店逛逛吧!

Excuse me , would you tell me where I can find …?


Excuse me , would you tell me where I can find …?


When does the store open / close ?


Hey , do you know of a good place to buy …?


1.       Hey , want to go to the mall today ? 嘿,今天想去商场吗?

Hey ,I’m going to the mall today , want to come?


Want to come with me to the mall today ?


2.       Let’s go window-shopping ! 咱们去商店逛逛吧。

Let’s do some window-shopping . 咱们去商店逛逛吧。

Shall we go window-shopping ? 我们去商店逛逛好吗?

go window-shopping  去逛逛,逛商店

3.       Excuse me , is there any place selling men’s clothes ?


I’m looking for the men’s clothes .我在找男装区。

4.       Excuse me , would you tell me where I can find home appliances ?


appliance  n. 器具

5.       We’d better go to Wal-Mart today . 我们今天该去沃尔玛了。

I got it at the new Macy’s . 我在新开的那家梅西百货买的。

Wal-Mart 沃尔玛,是美国的一家世界上最大的连锁零售企业。

Macy’s 梅西百货,是美国的著名连锁百货公司,在美国和世界有很高的知名度。

6.       When does the store open ? 这家商店几点开门啊?

What time does the store open ? 这家商店几点营业啊?

When does the store close ? 这家商店几点关门?

7.       Children’s toys are in the basement . 儿童玩具在地下室。

That store is across the street from a movie theater .


basement  n. 地下室    movie theater  电影院

8.       Where’s the shoe department ? 卖鞋的专柜在哪儿呢?

Where is the shoe department located ?  卖鞋的专柜在哪儿呢?

Where can I find the shoe department ?我在哪里能找到卖鞋的专柜?

We can go to the shoe store after we look for some new shirts .


locate  v. 坐落于

Useful Conversations      第3步  模仿对话

1.       买点杂货    Buy Some Groceries

Phil : I want to buy some groceries to make dinner for my girlfriend , but I’m not sure which one to go to .

Bob: Well , IGA is closer , but Price Chopper has a bigger selection and better prices .

Phil : I’d rather go to the closer one . Do you think they have vegetables and noodles ?

Bob: I’m sure they do .


鲍勃:呃,IGA就在附近,但是Price Chopper里的商品更多,价格更便宜。



selection  n. 可选择的东西

2.       买运动器材Buy Some Sport Equipment

Bob : Hey , do you know of a good place to buy some sport equipment ?

Phil : I know there’s a big department store on the edge of town . They probably have some sports equipment . What sports are you looking for ?

Bob : baseball and golf . So it should not be too hard to find .

Phil : There’s also a golf store in New York . I think they have more expensive equipment .

Bob : Maybe I’ll go there first and see what they have . And I can always stop at the department store on my way home .

Phil : Do you mind if I come with you ? I’ve been wanting to pick up some more golf balls .

Bob : No problem .








sport equipment  运动器材     baseball  n. 棒球

on one’s way home  在某人回家的路上     pick up 挑选

Useful Paragraph      第4步   诵读短篇

Remember , the brick walls are there for a reason . The brick walls are not there to keep us out . The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something . Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough . They’re there to stop the other people .


Cultural  Background    第5步    了解文化





选择超市或商场 Choosing a Supermarket or a Department Store


Useful Words     第1步   熟悉词汇

mall   购物中心     grocery  杂货店      store   商店

piazza  广场        shelf     货架        downtown  往商业区

stand   售货摊      boutique  时装店     trolley    购物手推车

market  集市        shopping   购物      butcher  肉商

cart    手推车       locker     寄物柜    greengrocer    蔬菜水果商

Useful  Sentences     第2步  牢记句型

What to come with me to the mall today ? 今天想和我一起去商场吗?

Let’s go window-shopping! 咱们去商店逛逛吧!

Excuse me , would you tell me where I can find …?


Excuse me , would you tell me where I can find …?


When does the store open / close ?


Hey , do you know of a good place to buy …?


1.       Hey , want to go to the mall today ? 嘿,今天想去商场吗?

Hey ,I’m going to the mall today , want to come?


Want to come with me to the mall today ?


2.       Let’s go window-shopping ! 咱们去商店逛逛吧。

Let’s do some window-shopping . 咱们去商店逛逛吧。

Shall we go window-shopping ? 我们去商店逛逛好吗?

go window-shopping  去逛逛,逛商店

3.       Excuse me , is there any place selling men’s clothes ?


I’m looking for the men’s clothes .我在找男装区。

4.       Excuse me , would you tell me where I can find home appliances ?


appliance  n. 器具

5.       We’d better go to Wal-Mart today . 我们今天该去沃尔玛了。

I got it at the new Macy’s . 我在新开的那家梅西百货买的。

Wal-Mart 沃尔玛,是美国的一家世界上最大的连锁零售企业。

Macy’s 梅西百货,是美国的著名连锁百货公司,在美国和世界有很高的知名度。

6.       When does the store open ? 这家商店几点开门啊?

What time does the store open ? 这家商店几点营业啊?

When does the store close ? 这家商店几点关门?

7.       Children’s toys are in the basement . 儿童玩具在地下室。

That store is across the street from a movie theater .


basement  n. 地下室    movie theater  电影院

8.       Where’s the shoe department ? 卖鞋的专柜在哪儿呢?

Where is the shoe department located ?  卖鞋的专柜在哪儿呢?

Where can I find the shoe department ?我在哪里能找到卖鞋的专柜?

We can go to the shoe store after we look for some new shirts .


locate  v. 坐落于

Useful Conversations      第3步  模仿对话

1.       买点杂货    Buy Some Groceries

Phil : I want to buy some groceries to make dinner for my girlfriend , but I’m not sure which one to go to .

Bob: Well , IGA is closer , but Price Chopper has a bigger selection and better prices .

Phil : I’d rather go to the closer one . Do you think they have vegetables and noodles ?

Bob: I’m sure they do .


鲍勃:呃,IGA就在附近,但是Price Chopper里的商品更多,价格更便宜。



selection  n. 可选择的东西

2.       买运动器材Buy Some Sport Equipment

Bob : Hey , do you know of a good place to buy some sport equipment ?

Phil : I know there’s a big department store on the edge of town . They probably have some sports equipment . What sports are you looking for ?

Bob : baseball and golf . So it should not be too hard to find .

Phil : There’s also a golf store in New York . I think they have more expensive equipment .

Bob : Maybe I’ll go there first and see what they have . And I can always stop at the department store on my way home .

Phil : Do you mind if I come with you ? I’ve been wanting to pick up some more golf balls .

Bob : No problem .








sport equipment  运动器材     baseball  n. 棒球

on one’s way home  在某人回家的路上     pick up 挑选

Useful Paragraph      第4步   诵读短篇

Remember , the brick walls are there for a reason . The brick walls are not there to keep us out . The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something . Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough . They’re there to stop the other people .


Cultural  Background    第5步    了解文化






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