坐地铁 Taking a Subway


Useful  Words       第1 步     熟悉词汇

tram   有轨电车        tube   地铁       mark   标记

line     线路           underground  地铁   tunnel  地下通道

section   区间           metro    地铁      transfer   换乘

signal    信号           turnstile   十字转门   kiosk   报摊

Useful    Sentences     第2步    牢记句型

Let’s get there by subway . 咱们乘地铁去那里吧。

Which line shall I take to Wall Street ?


Where am I supposed to change ? 我该在哪里换乘?

How long does it take to get to the next stop ?到达下一站要多长时间?

Is this the right subway to go to Manhattan ?这是去曼哈顿的地铁吗?

How often do the trains come ?列车多长时间来一趟?

1.       Excuse me , where’s the subway station ?打扰一下,地铁站在哪里?

Could you tell me where the subway station is ?


2.       I think I’ll take the subway . 我想我会坐地铁。

Let’s get there by a subway . 咱们乘地铁去那里吧。

We can take the subway to get there . 我们可以坐地铁到那里。

3.       Which line should I take ? 我该坐哪条地铁?

Which line shall I take to Wall Street ?去华尔街我要坐哪条地铁?

Which line do I take for the Art Gallery ? 去美术馆我该乘哪条地铁?

Which line will get me to where I need to go ?哪条地铁能到我要去的地方呢?

4.       Where am I supposed to change ? 我该在哪里换乘?

Where do I change trains ? 我要在哪里换车?

Where should I change trains ? 我该在哪里换车?

At what station should change ? 我该在哪个站换乘?

5.       Is this the right subway to go to Manhattan ?这是去曼哈顿的地铁吗?

is this the right station to change ?是在这一站换乘吗?

Where do I change for the Subway Line 2 ? 我在哪儿换乘地铁二号线?

6.       How long does it take to get to the next stop ?


How long is the ride to the next stop ?到达下一站要多长时间?

7.       How much is the ticket ? 地铁票价是多少?

How much to ride the train ? 坐地铁要多少钱?

8.       Subway is free from traffic , it might be quicker than taking a taxi in the rush hours .


Taking a subway might even be quicker than to take a taxi , especially in rush hours .


9.       How often do the trains come ? 列车多长时间来一趟?

How frequently do the trains come ? 列车多长时间来一趟?

frequently   adv. 频繁地,经常地

10.   It’s a one-price ticket , either one stop or ten stops . It doesn't matter how far you are going .


I was told it’s one-price ticket , either one stop or 5 stops .


one-price ticket  票价都一样

Useful  Conversations      第3步      模仿对话

1.       坐地铁去曼哈顿   Take Subway to Manhattan

Mary : I’d like to get one ticket to the Manhattan please .

John : That’ll be three dollars .

Mary : Great . Here you go .

John : Thanks .

Mary : What station do I have to transfer at for the green line ?

John : It should say so when you arrive at the transfer station . I think it’s only two stops away .

Mary : That sounds good . Thanks .








2.       换乘绿线   Transfer to the Green Line

Mary : I am lost , can you help me find the station that transfers to the green line ?

John : Sure , where are you trying to go ? Several stops transfer to the green line .

Mary ; I am trying to go to the Eifel Tower . I know that it is located on the green line .

John : That’s right , it is . Right now you are still on the red line . I think that you went three stops too far along this line .

Mary : So , what should I do ?

John : You should cross the tracks here and go back in the opposite direction . Then you need to go back for three stops .

Mary : And that is where I transfer ?

John : Yes , that’ll bring you to the green line .









Useful   Paragraph      第4步    诵读短篇

Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams , remember that your destiny is hiding behind them . Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices you’ve made , have faith in your judgment , catch the star that twinkles in your heart , and it will lead you to your destiny’s path . Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you .


barrier  n. 障碍       approve  v.  赞成      twinkle     v.闪烁,闪耀

Cultural  Background     第5步  了解文化




坐地铁 Taking a Subway


Useful  Words       第1 步     熟悉词汇

tram   有轨电车        tube   地铁       mark   标记

line     线路           underground  地铁   tunnel  地下通道

section   区间           metro    地铁      transfer   换乘

signal    信号           turnstile   十字转门   kiosk   报摊

Useful    Sentences     第2步    牢记句型

Let’s get there by subway . 咱们乘地铁去那里吧。

Which line shall I take to Wall Street ?


Where am I supposed to change ? 我该在哪里换乘?

How long does it take to get to the next stop ?到达下一站要多长时间?

Is this the right subway to go to Manhattan ?这是去曼哈顿的地铁吗?

How often do the trains come ?列车多长时间来一趟?

1.       Excuse me , where’s the subway station ?打扰一下,地铁站在哪里?

Could you tell me where the subway station is ?


2.       I think I’ll take the subway . 我想我会坐地铁。

Let’s get there by a subway . 咱们乘地铁去那里吧。

We can take the subway to get there . 我们可以坐地铁到那里。

3.       Which line should I take ? 我该坐哪条地铁?

Which line shall I take to Wall Street ?去华尔街我要坐哪条地铁?

Which line do I take for the Art Gallery ? 去美术馆我该乘哪条地铁?

Which line will get me to where I need to go ?哪条地铁能到我要去的地方呢?

4.       Where am I supposed to change ? 我该在哪里换乘?

Where do I change trains ? 我要在哪里换车?

Where should I change trains ? 我该在哪里换车?

At what station should change ? 我该在哪个站换乘?

5.       Is this the right subway to go to Manhattan ?这是去曼哈顿的地铁吗?

is this the right station to change ?是在这一站换乘吗?

Where do I change for the Subway Line 2 ? 我在哪儿换乘地铁二号线?

6.       How long does it take to get to the next stop ?


How long is the ride to the next stop ?到达下一站要多长时间?

7.       How much is the ticket ? 地铁票价是多少?

How much to ride the train ? 坐地铁要多少钱?

8.       Subway is free from traffic , it might be quicker than taking a taxi in the rush hours .


Taking a subway might even be quicker than to take a taxi , especially in rush hours .


9.       How often do the trains come ? 列车多长时间来一趟?

How frequently do the trains come ? 列车多长时间来一趟?

frequently   adv. 频繁地,经常地

10.   It’s a one-price ticket , either one stop or ten stops . It doesn't matter how far you are going .


I was told it’s one-price ticket , either one stop or 5 stops .


one-price ticket  票价都一样

Useful  Conversations      第3步      模仿对话

1.       坐地铁去曼哈顿   Take Subway to Manhattan

Mary : I’d like to get one ticket to the Manhattan please .

John : That’ll be three dollars .

Mary : Great . Here you go .

John : Thanks .

Mary : What station do I have to transfer at for the green line ?

John : It should say so when you arrive at the transfer station . I think it’s only two stops away .

Mary : That sounds good . Thanks .








2.       换乘绿线   Transfer to the Green Line

Mary : I am lost , can you help me find the station that transfers to the green line ?

John : Sure , where are you trying to go ? Several stops transfer to the green line .

Mary ; I am trying to go to the Eifel Tower . I know that it is located on the green line .

John : That’s right , it is . Right now you are still on the red line . I think that you went three stops too far along this line .

Mary : So , what should I do ?

John : You should cross the tracks here and go back in the opposite direction . Then you need to go back for three stops .

Mary : And that is where I transfer ?

John : Yes , that’ll bring you to the green line .









Useful   Paragraph      第4步    诵读短篇

Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams , remember that your destiny is hiding behind them . Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices you’ve made , have faith in your judgment , catch the star that twinkles in your heart , and it will lead you to your destiny’s path . Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you .


barrier  n. 障碍       approve  v.  赞成      twinkle     v.闪烁,闪耀

Cultural  Background     第5步  了解文化





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