银行 Bank


Useful  Words   第1步  熟悉词汇

account  账目      passbook  存折      deposit   存款

freeze    冻结     password  密码       balance   余额

loan      贷款     transfer   转账      withdraw   取款

overdraw    透支    debit    借方      credit      信贷

exchange    兑换    interest   利息

Useful   Sentences    第2步   牢记句型

I’d like to open an account . 我想开一个账户。

Is there a service charge for opening an account ? 开户要收服务费吗?

What do I need to take out a loan ?我该办什么手续才能贷款?

I’d like to change US dollars into RMB . 我想把美元换成人民币。

What’s the exchange rate of RMB to US dollar today ?


I need to deposit money into my checking account .


I need to take some money out , please . 我要取些钱。

1.       I’d like to open an account . 我想开一个账户。

I need to start a savings account . 我需要开一个储蓄账户。

I want to open a foreign currency account . 我想开个外币账户。

I want to open a current account with your bank .我想在你们银行开立一个活期存款账户。

open an account  开立账户      savings account  储蓄账户

currency   n. 货币             current account    活期存款账户

2.       Is there a service charge for opening an account ? 开户要收服务费吗?

There must be at least one Yuan to open an account . 开户至少要一元钱。

3.       Could I open a new account , please ? 我能新开一个账户吗?

Could I start a new checking account ? 我能新开一个活期存款账户吗?

What term would you like , current or deposit ?


checking  account   活期存款账户

4.       I need to take out a loan . 我要贷款。

What do I need to take out a loan ?我该办什么手续才能贷款?

Could you help me take out a loan please ?你能帮我贷一笔款吗?

What do I need to do to take out a loan for 10000 dollars ?


take out a loan  贷款

5.       I’d like to change some money . 我想兑换货币。

I’d like to change US dollars into RMB . 我想把美元换成人民币。

What denominations would you like ? 你想要多大面值的货币?

denomination   n. 面额

6.       How many pounds to the dollar ? 美元兑换英镑的汇率是多少?

What’s the exchange rate of RMB to US dollar today ?


7.       What’s the rate today ? 今天的汇率是多少?

What’s the annual interest rate ? 年利率是多少?

annual  adj. 年度的,每年的

8.       Hi , I’d like to make a deposit . 嗨,我想存钱。

hey there , could I deposit 100 dollars ? 你好,我能存100美元吗?

I need to deposit money into my checking account .


How long do you want to keep your money in the bank ?


9.       I need to take some money out , please . 我要取钱。

Could I withdraw some cash ? 我能取些现金吗?

I want to make a withdrawal of 50 dollars from my checking account .


10.   Please input your password . 请输入你的密码。

You may input a password to ensure the safety of your money .


input  v. 输入    ensure   v.  保证,确保

11.   I’d like to transfer money into my savings account .


I need to transfer funds to a different account . 我需要往别的账户上转钱。

12.   The ATM kept my card . 自动取款机把我的卡吞进去了。

ATN 自动取款机

13.   I have a huge overdraft to pay off . 我有一大笔透支需要偿还。

I overdrafted my account and I need to pay the fee .


overdraft  v. 透支

Useful  Conversations      第3步    模仿对话

1.       开个新账户  Open a New Account

Teller    : Sir , how can I help you ?

Customer : Yes , I’d like to open a new account .

Teller    : Yes , of course . Will that being checking or savings ?

Customer : Savings , please .

Teller    : Okay , please fill out this form .

Customer : No problem . Do I need some form of identification ?

Teller    : Your driver’s license is line .

Customer : I will give it to you now . Here you are .

Teller    : Thanks !


顾  客:是的,我想开一个新账户。


顾  客:定期储蓄账户把。


顾  客:没问题。我需要什么身份证明吗?


顾  客:我现在就给你。给。


2.       取钱   Withdraw Some Funds

Teller    : Madam , how can I help you today ?

Customer: I would like to withdraw some funds from my account .

Teller    : Okay , may I have your withdrawal slip and identification , please ?

Customer: Here you are .

Teller    : Oh , I’m sorry . You can only withdraw $1000 per day .

Customer: Nobody ever told me about this .

Teller    : It’s a new rule . See we have posted the notice here .

Customer: But I need $2000 right now . It’s an emergency !

Teller    : I’m sorry . This is our policy .

Customer: Let me speak to your manager .

Teller    : I’m sorry , but he’s not in today .

Customer: I am quite upset now .

Teller    : Please calm down . I will have the manager to personally call you .

Customer: Thank you .


顾  客:我想从我的账户中取一些现金。


顾  客:给你。


顾  客:从来没有人告诉过我这个啊。


顾  客:但是我现在需要2000美元。非常紧急!


顾  客:让我跟你们的经理说话。


顾  客:我现在非常生气。


顾  客:谢谢你。

withdrawal slip 取款单    emergency  n 紧急情况    personally  adv. 亲自地

Useful   Paragraph       第4步   诵读短篇

I will laugh at the world . No living creature can laugh except man . Trees may bleed when they are wounded , and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger , yet only I have the gift of laughter and it is mine to use whenever I choose . Henceforth I will cultivate the habit of laughter . I will smile and my digestion will improve ; I will chuckle and my burdens will be lightened ; I will laugh and my life will be lengthened for this is the great secret of long life and now it is mine .


cultivate  v 培养     digestion   n. 消化    chuckle   v.  轻声笑

burden   n.  重担     lengthen   v. 变长

Cultural Background    第5步  了解文化

关于美国银行,不管是美国当地银行还是美国几大著名银行,第一次申请一般会是借记卡。信用卡只有等申请到SSN才能办理。如果你是在美国留学,有几样东西是绝不能丢的;护照、1-20、SSN以及借记卡或信用卡。你或许会奇怪,信用卡或借记卡丢了取不出钱。对,没错,但在美国是可以随便刷卡的,收银员会问及你要用的是信用卡还是借记卡,如果你说借记卡,那么需要输入4为密码,但如果你说信用卡,最后签名即可,因此你的卡如果丢失,别人可以签你的名字刷卡。另外,在此建议大家不要轻易申请信用卡,因为很多银行的信用卡年费是很高的,有的甚至还有很多附加条款,留学生如果注意不到,有时候会很麻烦,甚至会吃官司。来美国有几种方法可以携带钱;现金、电汇、旅行支票、信用卡存款等,一般额度大的需要跟学校确认,因为有时学校规定交款方式,甚至会规定master  card 或visa . 除了现金外,电汇是一般人常用的,因为电汇速度快,手续费少,而且安全,但第一次去美国如果需要带大额度的钱,可以将钱存入国内信用卡内,但最好不要在美国用国内信用卡取款,因为手续费会非常高。



银行 Bank


Useful  Words   第1步  熟悉词汇

account  账目      passbook  存折      deposit   存款

freeze    冻结     password  密码       balance   余额

loan      贷款     transfer   转账      withdraw   取款

overdraw    透支    debit    借方      credit      信贷

exchange    兑换    interest   利息

Useful   Sentences    第2步   牢记句型

I’d like to open an account . 我想开一个账户。

Is there a service charge for opening an account ? 开户要收服务费吗?

What do I need to take out a loan ?我该办什么手续才能贷款?

I’d like to change US dollars into RMB . 我想把美元换成人民币。

What’s the exchange rate of RMB to US dollar today ?


I need to deposit money into my checking account .


I need to take some money out , please . 我要取些钱。

1.       I’d like to open an account . 我想开一个账户。

I need to start a savings account . 我需要开一个储蓄账户。

I want to open a foreign currency account . 我想开个外币账户。

I want to open a current account with your bank .我想在你们银行开立一个活期存款账户。

open an account  开立账户      savings account  储蓄账户

currency   n. 货币             current account    活期存款账户

2.       Is there a service charge for opening an account ? 开户要收服务费吗?

There must be at least one Yuan to open an account . 开户至少要一元钱。

3.       Could I open a new account , please ? 我能新开一个账户吗?

Could I start a new checking account ? 我能新开一个活期存款账户吗?

What term would you like , current or deposit ?


checking  account   活期存款账户

4.       I need to take out a loan . 我要贷款。

What do I need to take out a loan ?我该办什么手续才能贷款?

Could you help me take out a loan please ?你能帮我贷一笔款吗?

What do I need to do to take out a loan for 10000 dollars ?


take out a loan  贷款

5.       I’d like to change some money . 我想兑换货币。

I’d like to change US dollars into RMB . 我想把美元换成人民币。

What denominations would you like ? 你想要多大面值的货币?

denomination   n. 面额

6.       How many pounds to the dollar ? 美元兑换英镑的汇率是多少?

What’s the exchange rate of RMB to US dollar today ?


7.       What’s the rate today ? 今天的汇率是多少?

What’s the annual interest rate ? 年利率是多少?

annual  adj. 年度的,每年的

8.       Hi , I’d like to make a deposit . 嗨,我想存钱。

hey there , could I deposit 100 dollars ? 你好,我能存100美元吗?

I need to deposit money into my checking account .


How long do you want to keep your money in the bank ?


9.       I need to take some money out , please . 我要取钱。

Could I withdraw some cash ? 我能取些现金吗?

I want to make a withdrawal of 50 dollars from my checking account .


10.   Please input your password . 请输入你的密码。

You may input a password to ensure the safety of your money .


input  v. 输入    ensure   v.  保证,确保

11.   I’d like to transfer money into my savings account .


I need to transfer funds to a different account . 我需要往别的账户上转钱。

12.   The ATM kept my card . 自动取款机把我的卡吞进去了。

ATN 自动取款机

13.   I have a huge overdraft to pay off . 我有一大笔透支需要偿还。

I overdrafted my account and I need to pay the fee .


overdraft  v. 透支

Useful  Conversations      第3步    模仿对话

1.       开个新账户  Open a New Account

Teller    : Sir , how can I help you ?

Customer : Yes , I’d like to open a new account .

Teller    : Yes , of course . Will that being checking or savings ?

Customer : Savings , please .

Teller    : Okay , please fill out this form .

Customer : No problem . Do I need some form of identification ?

Teller    : Your driver’s license is line .

Customer : I will give it to you now . Here you are .

Teller    : Thanks !


顾  客:是的,我想开一个新账户。


顾  客:定期储蓄账户把。


顾  客:没问题。我需要什么身份证明吗?


顾  客:我现在就给你。给。


2.       取钱   Withdraw Some Funds

Teller    : Madam , how can I help you today ?

Customer: I would like to withdraw some funds from my account .

Teller    : Okay , may I have your withdrawal slip and identification , please ?

Customer: Here you are .

Teller    : Oh , I’m sorry . You can only withdraw $1000 per day .

Customer: Nobody ever told me about this .

Teller    : It’s a new rule . See we have posted the notice here .

Customer: But I need $2000 right now . It’s an emergency !

Teller    : I’m sorry . This is our policy .

Customer: Let me speak to your manager .

Teller    : I’m sorry , but he’s not in today .

Customer: I am quite upset now .

Teller    : Please calm down . I will have the manager to personally call you .

Customer: Thank you .


顾  客:我想从我的账户中取一些现金。


顾  客:给你。


顾  客:从来没有人告诉过我这个啊。


顾  客:但是我现在需要2000美元。非常紧急!


顾  客:让我跟你们的经理说话。


顾  客:我现在非常生气。


顾  客:谢谢你。

withdrawal slip 取款单    emergency  n 紧急情况    personally  adv. 亲自地

Useful   Paragraph       第4步   诵读短篇

I will laugh at the world . No living creature can laugh except man . Trees may bleed when they are wounded , and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger , yet only I have the gift of laughter and it is mine to use whenever I choose . Henceforth I will cultivate the habit of laughter . I will smile and my digestion will improve ; I will chuckle and my burdens will be lightened ; I will laugh and my life will be lengthened for this is the great secret of long life and now it is mine .


cultivate  v 培养     digestion   n. 消化    chuckle   v.  轻声笑

burden   n.  重担     lengthen   v. 变长

Cultural Background    第5步  了解文化

关于美国银行,不管是美国当地银行还是美国几大著名银行,第一次申请一般会是借记卡。信用卡只有等申请到SSN才能办理。如果你是在美国留学,有几样东西是绝不能丢的;护照、1-20、SSN以及借记卡或信用卡。你或许会奇怪,信用卡或借记卡丢了取不出钱。对,没错,但在美国是可以随便刷卡的,收银员会问及你要用的是信用卡还是借记卡,如果你说借记卡,那么需要输入4为密码,但如果你说信用卡,最后签名即可,因此你的卡如果丢失,别人可以签你的名字刷卡。另外,在此建议大家不要轻易申请信用卡,因为很多银行的信用卡年费是很高的,有的甚至还有很多附加条款,留学生如果注意不到,有时候会很麻烦,甚至会吃官司。来美国有几种方法可以携带钱;现金、电汇、旅行支票、信用卡存款等,一般额度大的需要跟学校确认,因为有时学校规定交款方式,甚至会规定master  card 或visa . 除了现金外,电汇是一般人常用的,因为电汇速度快,手续费少,而且安全,但第一次去美国如果需要带大额度的钱,可以将钱存入国内信用卡内,但最好不要在美国用国内信用卡取款,因为手续费会非常高。




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