美容美发店 Beauty and Hair Salon


Useful Words     第1 步   熟悉词汇

hairstyle   发型        barber   理发师       haircut   理发

trim   修剪           perm    烫发          shampoo   洗发水

wig   假发            dandruff    头皮屑     dye     染发

facial    面部的       mask   面膜           cream   乳霜

cosmetic  化妆品       beautician   美容师      lotion   护肤液

Useful   Sentences       第2步   牢记句型

I’d like to have my hair cut . 我想理个发。

I want to change my hairdo . 我想换个发型

Hey , could you cut my hair a little shorter ? 嘿,你能把我的头发稍微剪短些吗?

How would you like your hair cut ?您想剪什么样的发型?

I think you’d look cute with short hair .我认为你剪短发一定很好看。

I want to have my hair colored . 我想把头发染个颜色。

I want a haircut and a shave , please .我想理发和修面。

How much do you charge for a wash and set ? 洗剪吹一共是多少钱?

1.       I’d like to have my hair cut . 我想理个发。

I just need my hair cut , please . 我要剪头发。

I’d like a trim please . 我想修修头发。

2.       I’d ready for a new hairdo . 我准备换个新发型。

I want to change my hairdo . 我想换个发型。

I’d like to change the way my hair looks . 我想改变我的发型。

hairdo  n. 发式,发型

3.       Hey , could you cut my hair a little shorter ?嘿,你能把我的头发稍微剪短些吗?

Could you go a bit shorter ? 你还能在稍微剪短些吗?

Could I get this cut a little shorter, please ? 请把这稍微剪短些好吗?

Could you cut the top a little shorter , please ? 上面的头发能再短些吗?

4.       How do you want it ? 您想剪什么式样的?

How would you like your hair cut ? 您想剪什么样的发型?

What kind of permanent would you like to have ? 您想烫什么样的发型?

permanent  n. 烫发

5.       I’d like to do a new perm , the kind with big waves .我想做个新发型,那种大卷波浪式的。

What about getting your hair in big waves ? 把头发烫成大卷波浪式的怎么样?

6.       I think you’d look cute with short hair . 我认为你剪短发一定很好看。

I suggest dying your hair brown too . It’ll make your hairdo more knock-out .


knock-out   引人注目的人或物。

7.       Could you cut a little more off the temples ?能不能把两边鬓角再剪短些?

Just a trim , and cut the sides fairly short , but not so much at the back .


temple   n. 太阳穴,鬓角

8.       I want to have my hair colored . 我想把头发染个颜色。

I would like a shampoo and my hair dyed . 我想洗洗头,染染发。

9.       I want a facial . 我想做面部护理。

I want a haircut and a shave , please . 我想理发和修面。

shave  n. 修面,刮脸

10.   Do you do facial care ? 你做面部护理吗?

Would you like a shave or shampoo ?您要不要修面或洗头?

Do you want me to trim your moustache ? 要我为您修剪一下胡须吗?

You can also have manicure , massage and that stuff .


moustache  n. 胡子     manicure  n, 修指甲      massage  n. 按摩

11.   How much do you charge for a wash and set ?洗剪吹一共是多少钱?

We have discount coupons. $100 for ten times .我们有优惠券。100美元10次。

You can have a free facial and then make up free for you .


discount coupon 优惠券    make up 化妆

Useful  Conversations      第3步   模仿对话

1.       烫头    Do a Perm

Jenny : Excuse me , sir .

Stylist : Yes , madam ?

Jenny : Can you do a perm in less than two hours 、

Stylist : I think that would be no problem . Are you in a hurry ?

Jenny : Yes . I have to pick up my son from his kindergarten at 4 p.m.

Stylist : Okay . Let’s get started right away then . Let’s wash your hair first .

Jenny : Great ! Thanks for being so considerate .

Stylist : My pleasure .

珍  妮:打扰一下,先生。


珍  妮:你能在两个小时内帮我烫完头发吗?


珍  妮:是的。我下午4点得去幼儿园接我儿子。


珍  妮:太好了!谢谢你考虑如此周全。


kindergarten  n. 幼儿园     considerate  adj. 考虑周到的,体贴的

2.       修指甲和面部护理   The Manicure and Mask

Stylist : Hello . Jack’s Beauty Salon .

Mark : Yes . Hello . I would like to make an appointment for my wife .

Stylist : No problem , sir . What exactly would your wife like done ?

Mark : She said she would like a manicure and cleansing cucumber mask .

Stylist : Okay . That’s fine . We have an opening today . Could she come in this afternoon ?

Mark : That’s wonderful !

Stylist : Good . How about 3 p.m. ?

Mark : That’s perfect . How much for the manicure and mask ?

Stylist : The manicure is $30 and the mask is $50.

Mark : That’s a bit expensive . Is it possible to get a discount ?

Stylist : I think I can give her 15% off .

Mark : That is so kind of you !

Stylist : It’s nothing .

Mark : Okay . I will tell my wife . Goodbye .

Stylist : Bye .


马  克:嗯,你好。 我想为我妻子预约。


马  克:她说她想修指甲和黄瓜清洁面部护理。


马  克:那太好了!


马  克:好极了。修指甲和面部护理需要多少钱?


马  克:那稍微有点贵。能打个折扣吗?


马  克:你真是太好了!


马  克:好的。我会告诉我妻子的。再见。


cleanse  v. 使……清洁      cucumber  n. 黄瓜

Useful  Paragraph       第4步    诵读短篇

And so long as I can laugh never will I be poor . This ,then , is one of nature’s greatest gifts , and I will waste it no more . Only with laughter and happiness can I truly become a success . Only with laughter and happiness can I enjoy the fruits of my labor . Were it not so , far better would it be to fail , for happiness is the wine that sharpens the taste of the meal . To enjoy success I must have happiness , and laughter will be the maiden who serves me . I will be happy . I will be successful .


Cultural  Background     第5步   了解文化




美容美发店 Beauty and Hair Salon


Useful Words     第1 步   熟悉词汇

hairstyle   发型        barber   理发师       haircut   理发

trim   修剪           perm    烫发          shampoo   洗发水

wig   假发            dandruff    头皮屑     dye     染发

facial    面部的       mask   面膜           cream   乳霜

cosmetic  化妆品       beautician   美容师      lotion   护肤液

Useful   Sentences       第2步   牢记句型

I’d like to have my hair cut . 我想理个发。

I want to change my hairdo . 我想换个发型

Hey , could you cut my hair a little shorter ? 嘿,你能把我的头发稍微剪短些吗?

How would you like your hair cut ?您想剪什么样的发型?

I think you’d look cute with short hair .我认为你剪短发一定很好看。

I want to have my hair colored . 我想把头发染个颜色。

I want a haircut and a shave , please .我想理发和修面。

How much do you charge for a wash and set ? 洗剪吹一共是多少钱?

1.       I’d like to have my hair cut . 我想理个发。

I just need my hair cut , please . 我要剪头发。

I’d like a trim please . 我想修修头发。

2.       I’d ready for a new hairdo . 我准备换个新发型。

I want to change my hairdo . 我想换个发型。

I’d like to change the way my hair looks . 我想改变我的发型。

hairdo  n. 发式,发型

3.       Hey , could you cut my hair a little shorter ?嘿,你能把我的头发稍微剪短些吗?

Could you go a bit shorter ? 你还能在稍微剪短些吗?

Could I get this cut a little shorter, please ? 请把这稍微剪短些好吗?

Could you cut the top a little shorter , please ? 上面的头发能再短些吗?

4.       How do you want it ? 您想剪什么式样的?

How would you like your hair cut ? 您想剪什么样的发型?

What kind of permanent would you like to have ? 您想烫什么样的发型?

permanent  n. 烫发

5.       I’d like to do a new perm , the kind with big waves .我想做个新发型,那种大卷波浪式的。

What about getting your hair in big waves ? 把头发烫成大卷波浪式的怎么样?

6.       I think you’d look cute with short hair . 我认为你剪短发一定很好看。

I suggest dying your hair brown too . It’ll make your hairdo more knock-out .


knock-out   引人注目的人或物。

7.       Could you cut a little more off the temples ?能不能把两边鬓角再剪短些?

Just a trim , and cut the sides fairly short , but not so much at the back .


temple   n. 太阳穴,鬓角

8.       I want to have my hair colored . 我想把头发染个颜色。

I would like a shampoo and my hair dyed . 我想洗洗头,染染发。

9.       I want a facial . 我想做面部护理。

I want a haircut and a shave , please . 我想理发和修面。

shave  n. 修面,刮脸

10.   Do you do facial care ? 你做面部护理吗?

Would you like a shave or shampoo ?您要不要修面或洗头?

Do you want me to trim your moustache ? 要我为您修剪一下胡须吗?

You can also have manicure , massage and that stuff .


moustache  n. 胡子     manicure  n, 修指甲      massage  n. 按摩

11.   How much do you charge for a wash and set ?洗剪吹一共是多少钱?

We have discount coupons. $100 for ten times .我们有优惠券。100美元10次。

You can have a free facial and then make up free for you .


discount coupon 优惠券    make up 化妆

Useful  Conversations      第3步   模仿对话

1.       烫头    Do a Perm

Jenny : Excuse me , sir .

Stylist : Yes , madam ?

Jenny : Can you do a perm in less than two hours 、

Stylist : I think that would be no problem . Are you in a hurry ?

Jenny : Yes . I have to pick up my son from his kindergarten at 4 p.m.

Stylist : Okay . Let’s get started right away then . Let’s wash your hair first .

Jenny : Great ! Thanks for being so considerate .

Stylist : My pleasure .

珍  妮:打扰一下,先生。


珍  妮:你能在两个小时内帮我烫完头发吗?


珍  妮:是的。我下午4点得去幼儿园接我儿子。


珍  妮:太好了!谢谢你考虑如此周全。


kindergarten  n. 幼儿园     considerate  adj. 考虑周到的,体贴的

2.       修指甲和面部护理   The Manicure and Mask

Stylist : Hello . Jack’s Beauty Salon .

Mark : Yes . Hello . I would like to make an appointment for my wife .

Stylist : No problem , sir . What exactly would your wife like done ?

Mark : She said she would like a manicure and cleansing cucumber mask .

Stylist : Okay . That’s fine . We have an opening today . Could she come in this afternoon ?

Mark : That’s wonderful !

Stylist : Good . How about 3 p.m. ?

Mark : That’s perfect . How much for the manicure and mask ?

Stylist : The manicure is $30 and the mask is $50.

Mark : That’s a bit expensive . Is it possible to get a discount ?

Stylist : I think I can give her 15% off .

Mark : That is so kind of you !

Stylist : It’s nothing .

Mark : Okay . I will tell my wife . Goodbye .

Stylist : Bye .


马  克:嗯,你好。 我想为我妻子预约。


马  克:她说她想修指甲和黄瓜清洁面部护理。


马  克:那太好了!


马  克:好极了。修指甲和面部护理需要多少钱?


马  克:那稍微有点贵。能打个折扣吗?


马  克:你真是太好了!


马  克:好的。我会告诉我妻子的。再见。


cleanse  v. 使……清洁      cucumber  n. 黄瓜

Useful  Paragraph       第4步    诵读短篇

And so long as I can laugh never will I be poor . This ,then , is one of nature’s greatest gifts , and I will waste it no more . Only with laughter and happiness can I truly become a success . Only with laughter and happiness can I enjoy the fruits of my labor . Were it not so , far better would it be to fail , for happiness is the wine that sharpens the taste of the meal . To enjoy success I must have happiness , and laughter will be the maiden who serves me . I will be happy . I will be successful .


Cultural  Background     第5步   了解文化





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