买药吃药 Medicine


Useful  Words     第1步  熟悉词汇

chemist   药剂师        drug   药师      ease   减轻

medicine   药           pill    药丸       poison  毒药

prescription   药方       prevent  预防     tablet   药片

capsule     胶囊        ointment  软膏    antibiotic 抗生素

painkiller    止疼片      pharmacy   药房   instruction 说明书

Useful   Sentences    第2步    牢记句型

Can I get this prescription filled ?这处方上的药能配吗?

Are these tablets available over the counter ?这些药片在柜台处可以买到吗?

Does this drug have any side effects ?这药有什么副作用吗?

How can I take the medicine ?这药我该怎么吃?

How often am I supposed to take this pill ?这药我一天吃几次?

I have a stomachache . Do you have medicine for it ?我肚子疼,有什么药可以吃?

This tablet might make you drowsy .这药片可能会使你昏昏欲睡。

1.       Can I get this prescription filled ?这处方上的药能配吗?

Can you fill this prescription for me ? 你能替我配这个处方吗?

Is this refillable ?这个可以再配吗?

Are these tables available over the counter ?这些药片在柜台处可以买到吗?

refillable  adj. 适于再装的    counter  n. 柜台

2.       I need some medicine . 我需要一些药。

I need some antiseptic/ eye drops . 我要些抗菌剂/眼药水。

Antiseptic  n. 抗菌剂    eye  drops  眼药水

3.       I’d like some pain-killing drugs . 我想买点止痛药。

I want to buy some vitamins . 我想买些维生素。

vitamin  n. 维生素,维他命

4.       Does this drug have any side effects ?这药我该怎么吃?

What are the side effects of this drug ?这种药有什么副作用?

side effect 副作用

5.       How can I take the medicine ?这药我该怎么吃?

How many pills for each time ?每次要吃多少粒啊?

How many times a day should I take this medicine ?这药一天吃几次?

How often am I supposed to take this pill ?这药我一天吃几次?

Could you tell me how I take the medicine ?你能告诉我这药怎么服用吗?

6.       Three per day , and one after each meal . 一天三粒,每顿饭后一粒。

Take the medicine after eating . 饭后服药。

One tablet three times daily . 一天三次,一次一片。

Two capsules three times daily . 一天三次,一次服二粒胶囊。

This medication should be taken with meals . 这种药需要在进餐时服用。

Take before going to bed . 临睡前服用。

medication  n. 药物

7.       I have a stomachache . Do you have medicine for it ?


I feel very sore in my arms . What medicine shall I take ?


Is this pill effective to cure cold ?这种药对治疗感冒有效吗?

effective  adj. 有效的,起作用的

8.       This tablet might make you drowsy . 这药片可能会使你昏昏欲睡。

This tablet will make you sick . 这药片会让你恶心。

drowsy  adj. 昏昏欲睡的

Useful  Conversations    第3步   模仿对话

1.       买药   Buy Some Medicine

Tim      : I need to buy some medicine , can you please help me ?

Pharmacist : Sure . What do you need to treat ?

Tim      : My wife has a headache , and Tylenol isn’t helping .

Pharmacist : Has she tried Aleve ?

Tim      : No . Is that a good one ?

Pharmacist : Yes , it’s the medicine that I recommend most for headaches .

提  姆:我需要买些药,请问你能帮我一下吗?


提  姆:我妻子头疼,但是泰勒诺不起作用。


提  姆:没有。那很好用吗?


2.       止疼药   The Painkiller

Doctor : How can I help you today ?

Joe   : I am in a lot of pain from my knee surgery last week and I need some stronger medicine .

Doctor : The painkillers I prescribed for you are not working ?

Joe   : They only take the edge off for an hour or two . After that , the pain returns .

Doctor : Well , right now you are taking a very mild painkiller . If it’s not helping , I can give you

        something else .

Joe   : How about morphine ?

Doctor : We only prescribe morphine in extreme cases . There is another good medicine I will prescribe for you .

Joe   : Oh , I didn’t know that . I’ll try whatever you recommend .


乔  :我上周做完膝部手术后,膝盖就一直很疼,我需要一些更强效的药。


乔  :止疼药只能维持一到两个小时。过后,又开始痛了。


乔  :吗啡怎么样?


乔  :哦,我不动这些。你说什么,我都会试试。

knee   n. 膝盖     take the edge off   减弱      morphine   n. 吗啡

Useful   Paragraph    第4步   诵读短篇

Books possess the essence of immortality . They are by far the most lasting products of human effort . Temples and statues decay , but books survive . Time is of no account with great thoughts , which are as fresh today as when they first passed through the author’s minds ages ago. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products ; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good .


essence  n.  本质   immortality  n.  不朽     statue   n. 雕像

Cultural  Background      第5步   了解文化




买药吃药 Medicine


Useful  Words     第1步  熟悉词汇

chemist   药剂师        drug   药师      ease   减轻

medicine   药           pill    药丸       poison  毒药

prescription   药方       prevent  预防     tablet   药片

capsule     胶囊        ointment  软膏    antibiotic 抗生素

painkiller    止疼片      pharmacy   药房   instruction 说明书

Useful   Sentences    第2步    牢记句型

Can I get this prescription filled ?这处方上的药能配吗?

Are these tablets available over the counter ?这些药片在柜台处可以买到吗?

Does this drug have any side effects ?这药有什么副作用吗?

How can I take the medicine ?这药我该怎么吃?

How often am I supposed to take this pill ?这药我一天吃几次?

I have a stomachache . Do you have medicine for it ?我肚子疼,有什么药可以吃?

This tablet might make you drowsy .这药片可能会使你昏昏欲睡。

1.       Can I get this prescription filled ?这处方上的药能配吗?

Can you fill this prescription for me ? 你能替我配这个处方吗?

Is this refillable ?这个可以再配吗?

Are these tables available over the counter ?这些药片在柜台处可以买到吗?

refillable  adj. 适于再装的    counter  n. 柜台

2.       I need some medicine . 我需要一些药。

I need some antiseptic/ eye drops . 我要些抗菌剂/眼药水。

Antiseptic  n. 抗菌剂    eye  drops  眼药水

3.       I’d like some pain-killing drugs . 我想买点止痛药。

I want to buy some vitamins . 我想买些维生素。

vitamin  n. 维生素,维他命

4.       Does this drug have any side effects ?这药我该怎么吃?

What are the side effects of this drug ?这种药有什么副作用?

side effect 副作用

5.       How can I take the medicine ?这药我该怎么吃?

How many pills for each time ?每次要吃多少粒啊?

How many times a day should I take this medicine ?这药一天吃几次?

How often am I supposed to take this pill ?这药我一天吃几次?

Could you tell me how I take the medicine ?你能告诉我这药怎么服用吗?

6.       Three per day , and one after each meal . 一天三粒,每顿饭后一粒。

Take the medicine after eating . 饭后服药。

One tablet three times daily . 一天三次,一次一片。

Two capsules three times daily . 一天三次,一次服二粒胶囊。

This medication should be taken with meals . 这种药需要在进餐时服用。

Take before going to bed . 临睡前服用。

medication  n. 药物

7.       I have a stomachache . Do you have medicine for it ?


I feel very sore in my arms . What medicine shall I take ?


Is this pill effective to cure cold ?这种药对治疗感冒有效吗?

effective  adj. 有效的,起作用的

8.       This tablet might make you drowsy . 这药片可能会使你昏昏欲睡。

This tablet will make you sick . 这药片会让你恶心。

drowsy  adj. 昏昏欲睡的

Useful  Conversations    第3步   模仿对话

1.       买药   Buy Some Medicine

Tim      : I need to buy some medicine , can you please help me ?

Pharmacist : Sure . What do you need to treat ?

Tim      : My wife has a headache , and Tylenol isn’t helping .

Pharmacist : Has she tried Aleve ?

Tim      : No . Is that a good one ?

Pharmacist : Yes , it’s the medicine that I recommend most for headaches .

提  姆:我需要买些药,请问你能帮我一下吗?


提  姆:我妻子头疼,但是泰勒诺不起作用。


提  姆:没有。那很好用吗?


2.       止疼药   The Painkiller

Doctor : How can I help you today ?

Joe   : I am in a lot of pain from my knee surgery last week and I need some stronger medicine .

Doctor : The painkillers I prescribed for you are not working ?

Joe   : They only take the edge off for an hour or two . After that , the pain returns .

Doctor : Well , right now you are taking a very mild painkiller . If it’s not helping , I can give you

        something else .

Joe   : How about morphine ?

Doctor : We only prescribe morphine in extreme cases . There is another good medicine I will prescribe for you .

Joe   : Oh , I didn’t know that . I’ll try whatever you recommend .


乔  :我上周做完膝部手术后,膝盖就一直很疼,我需要一些更强效的药。


乔  :止疼药只能维持一到两个小时。过后,又开始痛了。


乔  :吗啡怎么样?


乔  :哦,我不动这些。你说什么,我都会试试。

knee   n. 膝盖     take the edge off   减弱      morphine   n. 吗啡

Useful   Paragraph    第4步   诵读短篇

Books possess the essence of immortality . They are by far the most lasting products of human effort . Temples and statues decay , but books survive . Time is of no account with great thoughts , which are as fresh today as when they first passed through the author’s minds ages ago. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products ; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good .


essence  n.  本质   immortality  n.  不朽     statue   n. 雕像

Cultural  Background      第5步   了解文化





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