出勤 Attendance


Useful  Words           第1步   熟悉词汇

punch     打卡        management   管理      probation   试用期

attendance    出勤     regulation    规章       late       迟到

absent    缺席的      deduction    扣除        idle      闲散的

personnel    人员       tardiness    迟延         disobey    违反

statistics     统计       absenteeism   旷工      unpunctual   不准时的

Useful  Sentences        第2 步   牢记句型

I’m sorry for being late . 抱歉迟到了。

You’re ten minutes late . 你迟到了十分钟。

Crap ! I’m going to be late for work .天哪!我上班要迟到了。

I can’t be late for work again . 我上班不能再迟到了。

The traffic jam block me for half an hour . 交通阻塞,堵了我半小时。

Sorry , I didn’t catch the bus .抱歉,我没赶上公交车。

May I leave early today ?我今天能早点走吗?

1.       I’m sorry for being late .抱歉我迟到了。

I apologize for being late .我很抱歉迟到了。

apologize  v. 道歉

2.       You’re ten minutes late .你迟到了十分钟。

You’re late by ten minutes .你迟到了十分钟。

3.       This is the first time I’ve being late .这是我第一次迟到。

Oh , no . I am late again .哦,不,我又迟到了。

Crap ! I’m going to be late for work .天哪!我上班要迟到了。

I was five minutes late again .我有迟到了五分钟。

4.       I can’t be late for work . 我上班不能迟到。

I can’t be late for work again . 我上班不能再迟到了。

If I’m late again , I’ll get fired !如果我在吃的我就会被开除了。

5.       You’ve been late for work these days .你最近上班总是迟到。

Always remember : be punctual , don't be late .要记得准时,别迟到。

punctual   adj. 准时的,守时的

6.       The traffic jam blocks me for half an hour . 交通阻塞,堵了我半小时。

Sorry , I hit rush hour traffic . 抱歉,我碰上了交通高峰期。

Sorry , I didn’t catch the bus .抱歉,我没赶上公交车。

7.       Did you pinch in ?你上班打卡了吗?

Did you punch out ?你下班打卡了吗?

punch in 上班打卡     punch out   下班打卡

8.       May I leave early today ?我今天能早点走吗?

Would you mind if I leave early today ?你介意我今天早点儿走吗?

I want to knock off an hour earlier .我想提前一小时下班。

knock off  停止,中断

Useful  Conversations      第3步   模仿对话

1.       上班迟到   Be Late for Work

Erin   : Wow , Charlie , you are late today !

Charlie : I know ! The bus was late this morning . Plus , since it was running late , it was very crowded and had to make more stops than usual .

Erin   : You should try to find a more reliable way to get to work . I ride my bike and I never have to wait on anyone else .




crowded    adj. 拥挤的,塞满的     reliable  adj. 可靠的

2.       主要出勤     Take  Care of Attendance

Lucy : Drew , when you have a moment , can I take to you in my office ?

Drew : Sure , I’m free right now .

Lucy : Great . Come in and take a seat . You have been doing a great job in this new position and the customers are very happy . The only thing is that I’m worried about your attendance . You missed two days last week and another day the week before . Is everything okay ?

Drew : I’m sorry , I know I’ve been gone a lot . I have had to go the doctor a few times recently .

Lucy : Is it serious ?

Drew : I don't think so . It should be taken care of . I will be here more , I promise .

Lucy : That would be great . I’d hate to lose a good employee .








customer  n. 顾客      promise  v. 许诺,保证

Useful  Paragraph     第4步   诵读短篇

Never has there been a map , however carefully executed to detail and scale , which carried its owner over even one inch of ground . Never has there been a parchment of law, however fair , which prevented one crime . Never has there been s scroll , even such as the one I hold , which earned so much as a penny or produced a single word of acclamation . Action , alone , is the tinder which ignites the map , the parchment , this scroll , my dreams , my plans , my goals , into a living force . Action is the food and drink which will nourish my success .


parchment  n. 羊皮卷    scroll    n. 纸卷       acclamation   n. 欢呼

tinder  n. 火种          acclamation  n. 点燃    nourish   v. 滋养

Cultural  Background        第5步     了解文化




出勤 Attendance


Useful  Words           第1步   熟悉词汇

punch     打卡        management   管理      probation   试用期

attendance    出勤     regulation    规章       late       迟到

absent    缺席的      deduction    扣除        idle      闲散的

personnel    人员       tardiness    迟延         disobey    违反

statistics     统计       absenteeism   旷工      unpunctual   不准时的

Useful  Sentences        第2 步   牢记句型

I’m sorry for being late . 抱歉迟到了。

You’re ten minutes late . 你迟到了十分钟。

Crap ! I’m going to be late for work .天哪!我上班要迟到了。

I can’t be late for work again . 我上班不能再迟到了。

The traffic jam block me for half an hour . 交通阻塞,堵了我半小时。

Sorry , I didn’t catch the bus .抱歉,我没赶上公交车。

May I leave early today ?我今天能早点走吗?

1.       I’m sorry for being late .抱歉我迟到了。

I apologize for being late .我很抱歉迟到了。

apologize  v. 道歉

2.       You’re ten minutes late .你迟到了十分钟。

You’re late by ten minutes .你迟到了十分钟。

3.       This is the first time I’ve being late .这是我第一次迟到。

Oh , no . I am late again .哦,不,我又迟到了。

Crap ! I’m going to be late for work .天哪!我上班要迟到了。

I was five minutes late again .我有迟到了五分钟。

4.       I can’t be late for work . 我上班不能迟到。

I can’t be late for work again . 我上班不能再迟到了。

If I’m late again , I’ll get fired !如果我在吃的我就会被开除了。

5.       You’ve been late for work these days .你最近上班总是迟到。

Always remember : be punctual , don't be late .要记得准时,别迟到。

punctual   adj. 准时的,守时的

6.       The traffic jam blocks me for half an hour . 交通阻塞,堵了我半小时。

Sorry , I hit rush hour traffic . 抱歉,我碰上了交通高峰期。

Sorry , I didn’t catch the bus .抱歉,我没赶上公交车。

7.       Did you pinch in ?你上班打卡了吗?

Did you punch out ?你下班打卡了吗?

punch in 上班打卡     punch out   下班打卡

8.       May I leave early today ?我今天能早点走吗?

Would you mind if I leave early today ?你介意我今天早点儿走吗?

I want to knock off an hour earlier .我想提前一小时下班。

knock off  停止,中断

Useful  Conversations      第3步   模仿对话

1.       上班迟到   Be Late for Work

Erin   : Wow , Charlie , you are late today !

Charlie : I know ! The bus was late this morning . Plus , since it was running late , it was very crowded and had to make more stops than usual .

Erin   : You should try to find a more reliable way to get to work . I ride my bike and I never have to wait on anyone else .




crowded    adj. 拥挤的,塞满的     reliable  adj. 可靠的

2.       主要出勤     Take  Care of Attendance

Lucy : Drew , when you have a moment , can I take to you in my office ?

Drew : Sure , I’m free right now .

Lucy : Great . Come in and take a seat . You have been doing a great job in this new position and the customers are very happy . The only thing is that I’m worried about your attendance . You missed two days last week and another day the week before . Is everything okay ?

Drew : I’m sorry , I know I’ve been gone a lot . I have had to go the doctor a few times recently .

Lucy : Is it serious ?

Drew : I don't think so . It should be taken care of . I will be here more , I promise .

Lucy : That would be great . I’d hate to lose a good employee .








customer  n. 顾客      promise  v. 许诺,保证

Useful  Paragraph     第4步   诵读短篇

Never has there been a map , however carefully executed to detail and scale , which carried its owner over even one inch of ground . Never has there been a parchment of law, however fair , which prevented one crime . Never has there been s scroll , even such as the one I hold , which earned so much as a penny or produced a single word of acclamation . Action , alone , is the tinder which ignites the map , the parchment , this scroll , my dreams , my plans , my goals , into a living force . Action is the food and drink which will nourish my success .


parchment  n. 羊皮卷    scroll    n. 纸卷       acclamation   n. 欢呼

tinder  n. 火种          acclamation  n. 点燃    nourish   v. 滋养

Cultural  Background        第5步     了解文化





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