婚礼 Wedding


Useful  Words         第1 步   熟悉词汇

marriage   婚姻     wedding    婚礼    bride    新娘

bridegroom  新郎     trousseau   嫁妆    preside  主持

pastor      牧师      groomsman  伴郎    bridesmaid  伴娘

vow     誓言         honeymoon 蜜月      cherish   珍惜

officiator   主婚人     emcee    司仪      guest     来宾

Useful  Sentences      第2  步      牢记句型

Where do you want the wedding to be ?你想在哪里举行婚礼?

Who do you want to send out invitations to ?你想给谁发请帖?

When will you have your wedding ?你们什么时候举行婚礼?

Have you set a date for the wedding ?你们确定婚礼的日期了吗?

I attended the wedding for …我参加了……的婚礼。

Let’s plan out the honeymoon .咱们来计划一下蜜月吧。

1.       Where do you want the wedding to be ?你想在哪里举行婚礼?

Do you have any ideas about the wedding location ?


location  n. 地点, 场所

2.       Who do you want to send out invitations to ?你想给谁发请帖?

Let’s review over who we want to invite .咱们来看看该邀请谁吧。

review  v.  检查

3.       Did you and your girl friends pick out a dress ?你和你女朋友挑选结婚礼服了吗?

Have you found a dress that you like ?你找到你喜欢的礼服了吗?

pick out   挑出,选出

4.       When will you have your wedding ?你们什么时候举行婚礼?

When will your wedding ceremony be held ?你们的婚礼什么时候举行?

When’re you getting married ?你们什么时候结婚?

Have you set a date for the wedding ?你们确定婚礼的日期了吗?

The wedding will take place on Saturday .婚礼将在周六举行。

Wedding  ceremony 婚礼    set a date 确定日期    take place    举行,进行

5.       I’m invited to their wedding .我被邀请参加他们的婚礼。

I attended the wedding for Carlos and Bella . 我参加了卡洛斯和贝拉的婚礼。

attend   v. 出席,参加

6.       Let’s plan out the honeymoon .咱们来计划一下蜜月吧。

Where do you want the honeymoon ?你想去哪里度蜜月?

7.       My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness .


Best wishes from one of your old friends on your wedding .


8.       Thanks for all the wedding gifts , everyone !谢谢你们大家送的结婚礼物!

Thank you all for wishing us well .非常感谢你们大家的祝福。

Useful  Conversations       第3步   模仿对话

1.       婚礼仪式   Wedding Ceremony

Dad   : That was a beautiful ceremony .

Sarah : Yeah , it was , And thanks for all your help with everything .

Dad  : No problem , Sarah . It’s only one chance a dad gets to see his daughter get married .

Sarah : It is pretty special . And so much fun !

Dad  : And this reception isn’t too bad either !






reception  n. 接待,招待

2.       准备婚礼   Preparation for Wedding

Della : Okay , how do I look ?

Dad  : You look gorgeous , Bella !

Della : Thanks . I’m so nervous though ! What if I trip ?

Dad  : You won’t trip . You’ll be fine .

Della : What if I forget my vows ?

Dad  : You won’t . You wrote them yourself and learned them by heart .

Della : You’re right . I’ll be fine . I just need to breathe .

Dad  : Breathe and hold onto your bouquet . Here .

Della : Okay , breathing and holding onto the bouquet .

Dad  : Remember : you love Paul . You guys are going to be so happy together .

Della : We will be . I’ll feel better once I see him .

Dad  : You will soon . We’re almost ready to start .













gorgeous   adj. 华丽的,灿烂的     trip   绊倒

learn by heart 记在     breathe   v. 呼吸,    bouquet  n. 花束

Useful   Paragraph     第4步   诵读短篇

I am willing that it is a torrent , the river in the mountain , pass the rock on the rugged mountain path . Only my spouse it is a small fish , swim happily in my spray . I am willing it is neglect woods , two sides in river , to a burst of blast , fight bravely . Only my spouse it is a bird dense in mine , make the nest among the branch pipe .


torrent  n. 激流    rugged  adj. 崎岖的     spray  n. 浪花

blast  n.   一阵     bravely   adv. 勇敢的    dense   adj. 浓密的

Cultural  Background     第5步    了解文化




婚礼 Wedding


Useful  Words         第1 步   熟悉词汇

marriage   婚姻     wedding    婚礼    bride    新娘

bridegroom  新郎     trousseau   嫁妆    preside  主持

pastor      牧师      groomsman  伴郎    bridesmaid  伴娘

vow     誓言         honeymoon 蜜月      cherish   珍惜

officiator   主婚人     emcee    司仪      guest     来宾

Useful  Sentences      第2  步      牢记句型

Where do you want the wedding to be ?你想在哪里举行婚礼?

Who do you want to send out invitations to ?你想给谁发请帖?

When will you have your wedding ?你们什么时候举行婚礼?

Have you set a date for the wedding ?你们确定婚礼的日期了吗?

I attended the wedding for …我参加了……的婚礼。

Let’s plan out the honeymoon .咱们来计划一下蜜月吧。

1.       Where do you want the wedding to be ?你想在哪里举行婚礼?

Do you have any ideas about the wedding location ?


location  n. 地点, 场所

2.       Who do you want to send out invitations to ?你想给谁发请帖?

Let’s review over who we want to invite .咱们来看看该邀请谁吧。

review  v.  检查

3.       Did you and your girl friends pick out a dress ?你和你女朋友挑选结婚礼服了吗?

Have you found a dress that you like ?你找到你喜欢的礼服了吗?

pick out   挑出,选出

4.       When will you have your wedding ?你们什么时候举行婚礼?

When will your wedding ceremony be held ?你们的婚礼什么时候举行?

When’re you getting married ?你们什么时候结婚?

Have you set a date for the wedding ?你们确定婚礼的日期了吗?

The wedding will take place on Saturday .婚礼将在周六举行。

Wedding  ceremony 婚礼    set a date 确定日期    take place    举行,进行

5.       I’m invited to their wedding .我被邀请参加他们的婚礼。

I attended the wedding for Carlos and Bella . 我参加了卡洛斯和贝拉的婚礼。

attend   v. 出席,参加

6.       Let’s plan out the honeymoon .咱们来计划一下蜜月吧。

Where do you want the honeymoon ?你想去哪里度蜜月?

7.       My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness .


Best wishes from one of your old friends on your wedding .


8.       Thanks for all the wedding gifts , everyone !谢谢你们大家送的结婚礼物!

Thank you all for wishing us well .非常感谢你们大家的祝福。

Useful  Conversations       第3步   模仿对话

1.       婚礼仪式   Wedding Ceremony

Dad   : That was a beautiful ceremony .

Sarah : Yeah , it was , And thanks for all your help with everything .

Dad  : No problem , Sarah . It’s only one chance a dad gets to see his daughter get married .

Sarah : It is pretty special . And so much fun !

Dad  : And this reception isn’t too bad either !






reception  n. 接待,招待

2.       准备婚礼   Preparation for Wedding

Della : Okay , how do I look ?

Dad  : You look gorgeous , Bella !

Della : Thanks . I’m so nervous though ! What if I trip ?

Dad  : You won’t trip . You’ll be fine .

Della : What if I forget my vows ?

Dad  : You won’t . You wrote them yourself and learned them by heart .

Della : You’re right . I’ll be fine . I just need to breathe .

Dad  : Breathe and hold onto your bouquet . Here .

Della : Okay , breathing and holding onto the bouquet .

Dad  : Remember : you love Paul . You guys are going to be so happy together .

Della : We will be . I’ll feel better once I see him .

Dad  : You will soon . We’re almost ready to start .













gorgeous   adj. 华丽的,灿烂的     trip   绊倒

learn by heart 记在     breathe   v. 呼吸,    bouquet  n. 花束

Useful   Paragraph     第4步   诵读短篇

I am willing that it is a torrent , the river in the mountain , pass the rock on the rugged mountain path . Only my spouse it is a small fish , swim happily in my spray . I am willing it is neglect woods , two sides in river , to a burst of blast , fight bravely . Only my spouse it is a bird dense in mine , make the nest among the branch pipe .


torrent  n. 激流    rugged  adj. 崎岖的     spray  n. 浪花

blast  n.   一阵     bravely   adv. 勇敢的    dense   adj. 浓密的

Cultural  Background     第5步    了解文化





上一篇:求婚 Marriage Proposal 下一篇:恋爱 Falling in Love
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