高兴与难过 Happy and Sad

Useful  Words      第1步   熟悉词汇

delight   高兴       cheerful  欢乐的       enjoyable   愉快的

glad     高兴的     joy       高兴         pleasure   高兴

laughter   笑声      pleased   高兴的       unhappy   不快乐的

sob      抽泣       upset    心烦的       howl       嚎哭

sorrow    悲伤      cry       哭声

Useful  Sentences      第2 步     牢记句型

I’m really happy . 我真的很高兴。

I’m in a good / bad mood today . 我今天心情很好/不好。

You look happy today . 你今天看上去很高兴啊。

I’ve never been this happy . 我从没有这么高兴过。

Nothing would please me more .没有比这更让人高兴的了。

You don’t seem to be quite yourself today .你今天看起来不太对劲啊。

That upsets me .那让我心烦。

Why are you so glum ?你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?

You seem out of humor today . 你今天好像不高兴。

1.       I’m really happy . 我真的很高兴。

I’m really glad .我真的很高兴。

I’m so happy . 我很高兴。

I’m overjoyed . 我非常高兴。

overjoyed  adj. 极欣喜,极高兴

2.       I’m in a good mood today .我今天心情很好。

I feel so good today .我今天感觉很好。

You look happy today .你今天看上去很高兴啊。

I’m in bad mood today . 我今天心情不好。

be in good mood 心情喜悦        be in bad mood    心情不好

3.       I’ve never been this happy . 我从没有这么高兴过。

I’ve never been as happy as I am now .我从没有现在这么高兴过。

This is the happiest moment of my life . 这是我生活中最高兴的时刻。

4.       Nothing would please me more .没有比这更让人高兴的了。

Nothing could be more wonderful .没有比这更美妙的了。

Nothing could be nicer .没有比这更让人高兴的了。

I couldn't be happier .我特别高兴。


5.       You don't seem to be quite yourself today .你今天看起来不大对劲啊。

You’re not yourself today .你今天有点儿不大对劲。

You seem different today . 你今天好像不大对劲。

Looks like something’s on your mind .你看上去心事重重的。

something’s on one’s mind 某人心事重重

6.       That upsets me . 那让我心烦。

That makes me upset . 那让我心烦。

It makes me sad . 这让我很伤心。

That saddens me .那让我难过。

I’m kinda sad today . 我今天有点儿不开心。

kinda  adv. 有点儿,有几分

7.       Why are you so glum ?你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?

Why the long face ?你怎么拉着脸啊?

glum   adj. 闷闷不乐的    long face   不悦的脸色,闷闷不乐的脸色

8.       You seem out of humor today . 你今天好像不高兴。

You don’t look very happy today .你今天看着好像不太高兴啊。

out of humor  不高兴,闷闷不乐


Useful  Conversations      第3步     模仿对话

1.       今天不开心   Be Sad Today

Mary : What’s wrong , John ?

John : I’m kinda sad today .

Mary : Why ? Anything you want to talk about ?

John : I studied ridiculously hard for this Chemistry test , but I only got a C on it .

Mary : That’s okay , it’s still mid-semester ! You have time to get your grades up.

John : I know , but I really thought I would do better on this test .







ridiculously   adj. 可笑的,荒繆地

2.       情绪低落   In a Bad Mood

John : Hi , Mary !

Mary : Hi , John .

John : What’s wrong ? You seem down .

Mary : It’s nothing .

John : Tell me about it .

Mary : Well , it’s just my friend Emma . She likes this guy that I like too , and we kinda had a fight .

John : Oh , that’s too bad . But you shouldn’t let things like that get in the way of your friendship .

Mary : I know , but sometimes I can't help it .

John : Yeah , I understand . Look on the bright side – the sun is shining today and we can go to the beach !

Mary : Oh , that would be great , John ! That would really cheer me up .

John : Good , and we can go get ice cream on the way home , too !












get in the way of  挡住……的路,妨碍     beach   海滩,沙滩

on the way home 回家的路上

Useful  Paragraph     第4步    诵读短篇

Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days , because days enshrined in memory are never lost . Death itself is powerless to a man , there is a pond which neither time nor tide can change , where he can still spend a quiet hour in the sun .


treasure  v. 珍爱      bemoan  v.  悲伤,抱怨   enshrine   v.  珍藏

Cultural  Background      第5 步     了解文化

get on one’s nerves 惹人生气,让人厌烦。

照字母上来看这句话就是碰到某人的神经了,引申为让某人生气的意思。比如说别人一直取笑你,你不高兴就可以说You get on my nerve . 这句话的意思跟jump on one’s back 差不多,jump on my back 就是说某人惹到你,让你生气了。试想如果有一个人在你背上跳啊跳的,那会是什么样的感觉?所以凡是有人惹到你,让你不高兴,就可以警告说You are jumping on my back !



高兴与难过 Happy and Sad

Useful  Words      第1步   熟悉词汇

delight   高兴       cheerful  欢乐的       enjoyable   愉快的

glad     高兴的     joy       高兴         pleasure   高兴

laughter   笑声      pleased   高兴的       unhappy   不快乐的

sob      抽泣       upset    心烦的       howl       嚎哭

sorrow    悲伤      cry       哭声

Useful  Sentences      第2 步     牢记句型

I’m really happy . 我真的很高兴。

I’m in a good / bad mood today . 我今天心情很好/不好。

You look happy today . 你今天看上去很高兴啊。

I’ve never been this happy . 我从没有这么高兴过。

Nothing would please me more .没有比这更让人高兴的了。

You don’t seem to be quite yourself today .你今天看起来不太对劲啊。

That upsets me .那让我心烦。

Why are you so glum ?你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?

You seem out of humor today . 你今天好像不高兴。

1.       I’m really happy . 我真的很高兴。

I’m really glad .我真的很高兴。

I’m so happy . 我很高兴。

I’m overjoyed . 我非常高兴。

overjoyed  adj. 极欣喜,极高兴

2.       I’m in a good mood today .我今天心情很好。

I feel so good today .我今天感觉很好。

You look happy today .你今天看上去很高兴啊。

I’m in bad mood today . 我今天心情不好。

be in good mood 心情喜悦        be in bad mood    心情不好

3.       I’ve never been this happy . 我从没有这么高兴过。

I’ve never been as happy as I am now .我从没有现在这么高兴过。

This is the happiest moment of my life . 这是我生活中最高兴的时刻。

4.       Nothing would please me more .没有比这更让人高兴的了。

Nothing could be more wonderful .没有比这更美妙的了。

Nothing could be nicer .没有比这更让人高兴的了。

I couldn't be happier .我特别高兴。


5.       You don't seem to be quite yourself today .你今天看起来不大对劲啊。

You’re not yourself today .你今天有点儿不大对劲。

You seem different today . 你今天好像不大对劲。

Looks like something’s on your mind .你看上去心事重重的。

something’s on one’s mind 某人心事重重

6.       That upsets me . 那让我心烦。

That makes me upset . 那让我心烦。

It makes me sad . 这让我很伤心。

That saddens me .那让我难过。

I’m kinda sad today . 我今天有点儿不开心。

kinda  adv. 有点儿,有几分

7.       Why are you so glum ?你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?

Why the long face ?你怎么拉着脸啊?

glum   adj. 闷闷不乐的    long face   不悦的脸色,闷闷不乐的脸色

8.       You seem out of humor today . 你今天好像不高兴。

You don’t look very happy today .你今天看着好像不太高兴啊。

out of humor  不高兴,闷闷不乐


Useful  Conversations      第3步     模仿对话

1.       今天不开心   Be Sad Today

Mary : What’s wrong , John ?

John : I’m kinda sad today .

Mary : Why ? Anything you want to talk about ?

John : I studied ridiculously hard for this Chemistry test , but I only got a C on it .

Mary : That’s okay , it’s still mid-semester ! You have time to get your grades up.

John : I know , but I really thought I would do better on this test .







ridiculously   adj. 可笑的,荒繆地

2.       情绪低落   In a Bad Mood

John : Hi , Mary !

Mary : Hi , John .

John : What’s wrong ? You seem down .

Mary : It’s nothing .

John : Tell me about it .

Mary : Well , it’s just my friend Emma . She likes this guy that I like too , and we kinda had a fight .

John : Oh , that’s too bad . But you shouldn’t let things like that get in the way of your friendship .

Mary : I know , but sometimes I can't help it .

John : Yeah , I understand . Look on the bright side – the sun is shining today and we can go to the beach !

Mary : Oh , that would be great , John ! That would really cheer me up .

John : Good , and we can go get ice cream on the way home , too !












get in the way of  挡住……的路,妨碍     beach   海滩,沙滩

on the way home 回家的路上

Useful  Paragraph     第4步    诵读短篇

Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days , because days enshrined in memory are never lost . Death itself is powerless to a man , there is a pond which neither time nor tide can change , where he can still spend a quiet hour in the sun .


treasure  v. 珍爱      bemoan  v.  悲伤,抱怨   enshrine   v.  珍藏

Cultural  Background      第5 步     了解文化

get on one’s nerves 惹人生气,让人厌烦。

照字母上来看这句话就是碰到某人的神经了,引申为让某人生气的意思。比如说别人一直取笑你,你不高兴就可以说You get on my nerve . 这句话的意思跟jump on one’s back 差不多,jump on my back 就是说某人惹到你,让你生气了。试想如果有一个人在你背上跳啊跳的,那会是什么样的感觉?所以凡是有人惹到你,让你不高兴,就可以警告说You are jumping on my back !




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