有关Courses 学科的英语表达方式


useful phrases and words   词汇短语加油站

A   idioms  习语

to say the least   -- not to exaggerate 至少可以说

a pain in the neck  -- a real nuisance   讨厌的人或东西

have a bone to pick with sb   -- to have cause for making a complaint to someone 对某人有怨言

hang on sb’s every work  -- to pay close attention to everything someone is saying 洗耳恭听某人的每句话

a word to the wise  -- one word of advice or even a hint is enough for an intelligent person 对聪明人无需多言

B   semi-fixed  expressions   半固定表达

I do feel for you  -- I sympathize with you 我很同情你

pay more respect to  -- to treat someone more highly 给予……更多尊重

apart from that  -- besides that 此外,再者

that’s the spirit  -- that’s the right attitude 这才是正确的态度

C    word partnerships  词语搭配

a clear winner  -- number one 没有争议的胜者

dish out  -- to give out  分发;提供

way too much – far too much 太多

common courtesy  -- good manners 礼节;礼貌

resort to – to make use of 求助于

leaf through  -- to turn over the pages of a book without reading it thoroughly 草草翻阅

Dialogue  1   track  02   最头疼的科目

Lu Xue : What’s your least fave course , Oliver ?    奥利弗,你最不喜欢的是哪门课?

Oliver : Political science is a clear winner .        毫无疑问是政治啦。

Li Xue : Ouch , how so ?                       哎呦!为什么呀?

Oliver : The teacher is excruciatingly dull to say the least . No one participates in anything  and the material she dishes out is way too much . 毫不夸张地说,那老师简直呆板得令人奔溃。课上从来没有学生参与任何活动。而且她发的材料实在太多了。

Li Xue : I do feel for you sa I know how important it  is to have an inspiring mentor .我很同情你。我知道有个善于启发的老师太重要了。

Oliver : Inspiring , that’s the word . She’s really a pain in the neck . And she isn't even pretty .  Otherwise , it would have been a different story .善于启发,说得太对了。她真是叫人头疼。而且,她长得又不漂亮----要不然情况恐怕就不一样了。

Li Xue : So you’re going to pick a bone with the way she looks ? Anyway , common courtesy requires ? you to pay more respect to her . Apart from that , you can always resort to self-study rather than hanging on every word said by your teacher . That’s my word to the wise . 这么说,你是因为她不好看而发牢骚了?不管怎么说,礼节上你应该给予她应有的尊重。再说了, 你可以自学嘛,不必洗耳恭听老师说的每句话,你是聪明人,我就不多说了。

Oliver : I guess I don't even have an alternative ,do I ?  OK , I’m going to leaf through the reading stuff since flunking the test is not an option at all . 恐怕我别无选择了,不是吗?得了,我还是翻翻阅读材料吧,毕竟考试挂科是绝对不行的。

Li Xue : That’s the spirit and good luck !              这种态度就对了,祝你好运。

Vocabulary  notepad   迷你生词本

fave  adj. – favourite  最喜爱的

excruciatingly    adv.  – extremely unpleasant 折磨人地,令人崩溃地

alternative  n. – another option   别的选择;可取代的东西

flunk  v.  --- to fail a test   不及格



有关Courses 学科的英语表达方式


useful phrases and words   词汇短语加油站

A   idioms  习语

to say the least   -- not to exaggerate 至少可以说

a pain in the neck  -- a real nuisance   讨厌的人或东西

have a bone to pick with sb   -- to have cause for making a complaint to someone 对某人有怨言

hang on sb’s every work  -- to pay close attention to everything someone is saying 洗耳恭听某人的每句话

a word to the wise  -- one word of advice or even a hint is enough for an intelligent person 对聪明人无需多言

B   semi-fixed  expressions   半固定表达

I do feel for you  -- I sympathize with you 我很同情你

pay more respect to  -- to treat someone more highly 给予……更多尊重

apart from that  -- besides that 此外,再者

that’s the spirit  -- that’s the right attitude 这才是正确的态度

C    word partnerships  词语搭配

a clear winner  -- number one 没有争议的胜者

dish out  -- to give out  分发;提供

way too much – far too much 太多

common courtesy  -- good manners 礼节;礼貌

resort to – to make use of 求助于

leaf through  -- to turn over the pages of a book without reading it thoroughly 草草翻阅

Dialogue  1   track  02   最头疼的科目

Lu Xue : What’s your least fave course , Oliver ?    奥利弗,你最不喜欢的是哪门课?

Oliver : Political science is a clear winner .        毫无疑问是政治啦。

Li Xue : Ouch , how so ?                       哎呦!为什么呀?

Oliver : The teacher is excruciatingly dull to say the least . No one participates in anything  and the material she dishes out is way too much . 毫不夸张地说,那老师简直呆板得令人奔溃。课上从来没有学生参与任何活动。而且她发的材料实在太多了。

Li Xue : I do feel for you sa I know how important it  is to have an inspiring mentor .我很同情你。我知道有个善于启发的老师太重要了。

Oliver : Inspiring , that’s the word . She’s really a pain in the neck . And she isn't even pretty .  Otherwise , it would have been a different story .善于启发,说得太对了。她真是叫人头疼。而且,她长得又不漂亮----要不然情况恐怕就不一样了。

Li Xue : So you’re going to pick a bone with the way she looks ? Anyway , common courtesy requires ? you to pay more respect to her . Apart from that , you can always resort to self-study rather than hanging on every word said by your teacher . That’s my word to the wise . 这么说,你是因为她不好看而发牢骚了?不管怎么说,礼节上你应该给予她应有的尊重。再说了, 你可以自学嘛,不必洗耳恭听老师说的每句话,你是聪明人,我就不多说了。

Oliver : I guess I don't even have an alternative ,do I ?  OK , I’m going to leaf through the reading stuff since flunking the test is not an option at all . 恐怕我别无选择了,不是吗?得了,我还是翻翻阅读材料吧,毕竟考试挂科是绝对不行的。

Li Xue : That’s the spirit and good luck !              这种态度就对了,祝你好运。

Vocabulary  notepad   迷你生词本

fave  adj. – favourite  最喜爱的

excruciatingly    adv.  – extremely unpleasant 折磨人地,令人崩溃地

alternative  n. – another option   别的选择;可取代的东西

flunk  v.  --- to fail a test   不及格




上一篇:杭州成人英语口语:如何快速提升口语“五步法” 下一篇:有关Teachers 教师的英语表达方式
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