I. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
1. The articles Mr. Huang showed to Mr. heath were best selling lines, weren’t they?
2. What does “best selling lines” mean?
3. Was Mr. Heath very interested in all of them?
4. What articles was Mr. Heath interested in?
5. How many samples did he want?
6. Were the prices FOB or CIF?
7. The prices on the catalogue were very high, weren’t they?
8. Were they competitive?
9. Did the price include any commission?
10. What was the percentage of the commission?
11. The prices on the catalogue were on FOB basis. But what price terms did Mr. Heath want to have?
12. When would CIF quotation be ready?
13. Did Mr. Heath let Mr. Huang know his requirements?
14. When would Mr. Heath let Mr. Huang know his requirements?
 15. How long did Mr. Heath want the offer to remain open?
II. Fill in the blanks with the following words or phrases.
         if               when              so that
         before           unless              as
         because          now that           in case of
         so … that
1. please tell us the quantity you want ______ we can make you an offer.
2. ______ I place an order with you, I’ll have to make a long distance call home for advice.
3. We will agree to your terms of price ______ you can promise to make shipment in September.
4. _____ our manager comes back I’ll let him know you’ve called.
5. Our customers can’t accept your offer ______ your price is too high.
6. ______ it is a large order, we shall exceptionally cut down our price by 2%.
7. ______ everybody is here, let’s begin the meeting.
8. Better take more clothes _____ the weather.
9. I’m afraid I can’t sign the contract _____ you have agreed to our terms.
10. Our customers were ______ interested in your silk garments _____ they all got in touch with us and asked to know more about them.
III. Change the following into exclamatory sentences beginning with WHAT or HOW.
1.       The weather is wonderful.
2.       I’m very tired.
3.       You spend a lot of money.
4.       It is a cold day today.
5.       The price sounds very high.
6.       You’re very kind to say so.
IV. Make short dialogues in the following situations.
1.       A foreign businessman pays a business call to your office and inquires for the price of toy telephone. He finks the quality and the design are all right. But he doesn’t like the color and wants to have it changed to light green.
2.       The foreigner asks about the time of shipment, which he thinks too late and wants to have it advanced to October. You agree to his request.
3.       The foreigner wants to have a CIF quotation instead of FOB. But the quotations on the catalogue are FOB. Besides, your offer is firm three days while the foreigner asks for five to seven days. You agree to keep the offer open for five days.
V. Translate the following into English orally.
  C:恰恰相反,F先生。有一点你应该知道,我们的产品在国际上素以品质优良和价格合理而著称,深为客户喜爱。经常 供不应求。在同系列产品中,我们的价格是偏低而不是偏高。
  C: 那不是问题。 我们很快就可以算出CIF价。我们只要把保险费和运费加到成本上就可以了。

上一篇:优朗英语最新开班   下一篇:


(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



I. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
1. The articles Mr. Huang showed to Mr. heath were best selling lines, weren’t they?
2. What does “best selling lines” mean?
3. Was Mr. Heath very interested in all of them?
4. What articles was Mr. Heath interested in?
5. How many samples did he want?
6. Were the prices FOB or CIF?
7. The prices on the catalogue were very high, weren’t they?
8. Were they competitive?
9. Did the price include any commission?
10. What was the percentage of the commission?
11. The prices on the catalogue were on FOB basis. But what price terms did Mr. Heath want to have?
12. When would CIF quotation be ready?
13. Did Mr. Heath let Mr. Huang know his requirements?
14. When would Mr. Heath let Mr. Huang know his requirements?
 15. How long did Mr. Heath want the offer to remain open?
II. Fill in the blanks with the following words or phrases.
         if               when              so that
         before           unless              as
         because          now that           in case of
         so … that
1. please tell us the quantity you want ______ we can make you an offer.
2. ______ I place an order with you, I’ll have to make a long distance call home for advice.
3. We will agree to your terms of price ______ you can promise to make shipment in September.
4. _____ our manager comes back I’ll let him know you’ve called.
5. Our customers can’t accept your offer ______ your price is too high.
6. ______ it is a large order, we shall exceptionally cut down our price by 2%.
7. ______ everybody is here, let’s begin the meeting.
8. Better take more clothes _____ the weather.
9. I’m afraid I can’t sign the contract _____ you have agreed to our terms.
10. Our customers were ______ interested in your silk garments _____ they all got in touch with us and asked to know more about them.
III. Change the following into exclamatory sentences beginning with WHAT or HOW.
1.       The weather is wonderful.
2.       I’m very tired.
3.       You spend a lot of money.
4.       It is a cold day today.
5.       The price sounds very high.
6.       You’re very kind to say so.
IV. Make short dialogues in the following situations.
1.       A foreign businessman pays a business call to your office and inquires for the price of toy telephone. He finks the quality and the design are all right. But he doesn’t like the color and wants to have it changed to light green.
2.       The foreigner asks about the time of shipment, which he thinks too late and wants to have it advanced to October. You agree to his request.
3.       The foreigner wants to have a CIF quotation instead of FOB. But the quotations on the catalogue are FOB. Besides, your offer is firm three days while the foreigner asks for five to seven days. You agree to keep the offer open for five days.
V. Translate the following into English orally.
  C:恰恰相反,F先生。有一点你应该知道,我们的产品在国际上素以品质优良和价格合理而著称,深为客户喜爱。经常 供不应求。在同系列产品中,我们的价格是偏低而不是偏高。
  C: 那不是问题。 我们很快就可以算出CIF价。我们只要把保险费和运费加到成本上就可以了。

上一篇:优朗英语最新开班   下一篇:


(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



上一篇:外贸英语报价系列二(一) 下一篇:外贸英语报价练习习题(一)
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