1. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
  1. What did Mr. Liu and Mr. Ali discuss about?
  2.What did Mr. Ali think about the commission he was going to be biven?
  3. Could Mr. Liu give him more?
  4. Why couldn’t Mr. Liu give Mr. Ali bigger commission?
  5. If you were one of the other mr. Ali a bigger commission?
  6. Why would it be embarrassing if other customers get to know mr. Liu had allowed Mr. Ali a more favorable commission?
  7. Did Mr. Ali agree to Mr. Liu’s point of view?
  8. Mr. Liu and Mr. Ali held two different poinions. Which side are you on? Give your reasons.
  9. Did Mr. Liu share Mr. Ali’s opinion in the end?
  10. What did Mr. Ali propose?
  11. Mr. Liu accepted Mr. Ali’s proposal on the spot, didn’t he?
  12. Why couldn’t Mr. Liu accept Mr. Ali’s proposal on the spot?
  13. When couldn’t he be able to give Mr. Ali definite reply?
II. Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.
          insist on        give up
          in general       make clear
under offer      for friendship’s sake
          put to          adviseof
1.We are studying your list of commodities and will _______ you ______ our interest.
2._______, we will exceptionally keep our offer open for another three days.
3.The ever-increasing demand ______ the firmness of the market.
4. The buyer _______ the importnce of making punctUAL SHIPMENT.
5. Women ______ like to shop for new clothes.
6. ______, commisson is given to agents only.
7. Both the buyersand the seller had _______ all hope of coimg to terms with each other.
8. needless to say, we have been ______ great expense by your delay in making shipment.
9. We have only a parcel of 100 ton left, which is ______ elsewhere.
10. I will ______ to you the whole matter by and by.
III. Make a dialogue in the following situation.
  You are holding a talk with a foreign businessman. In the course of the talk the foueign businessman asks about our usual rate of commission given to commission agents. Then he asks if you could allow him 2% more commission. To this you say 2% more commission may be considered if….
IV. Translate the following sentences into English.
5. 佣金已从装运货物的货值中扣除。
V. ranslate the following into English orally.
  C: 是我们的报价单。所有价格对我无约束力, 并以我方最后确认为准。
  F: 请问你们的价格中包含佣金吗?
  C:我想你一定对市场进行过仔细研究。 不可能不知道市场的上涨趋势吧。
  F:恰恰相反,我们对市场的动身了如指掌。不过如果你们价格太高,我们仍然难以接受。我们不可能亏本做买卖呀。你们至少要给部分佣金, 这样才能鼓励我们的积极性嘛。

上一篇:优朗英语最新开班   下一篇:


(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



1. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
  1. What did Mr. Liu and Mr. Ali discuss about?
  2.What did Mr. Ali think about the commission he was going to be biven?
  3. Could Mr. Liu give him more?
  4. Why couldn’t Mr. Liu give Mr. Ali bigger commission?
  5. If you were one of the other mr. Ali a bigger commission?
  6. Why would it be embarrassing if other customers get to know mr. Liu had allowed Mr. Ali a more favorable commission?
  7. Did Mr. Ali agree to Mr. Liu’s point of view?
  8. Mr. Liu and Mr. Ali held two different poinions. Which side are you on? Give your reasons.
  9. Did Mr. Liu share Mr. Ali’s opinion in the end?
  10. What did Mr. Ali propose?
  11. Mr. Liu accepted Mr. Ali’s proposal on the spot, didn’t he?
  12. Why couldn’t Mr. Liu accept Mr. Ali’s proposal on the spot?
  13. When couldn’t he be able to give Mr. Ali definite reply?
II. Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.
          insist on        give up
          in general       make clear
under offer      for friendship’s sake
          put to          adviseof
1.We are studying your list of commodities and will _______ you ______ our interest.
2._______, we will exceptionally keep our offer open for another three days.
3.The ever-increasing demand ______ the firmness of the market.
4. The buyer _______ the importnce of making punctUAL SHIPMENT.
5. Women ______ like to shop for new clothes.
6. ______, commisson is given to agents only.
7. Both the buyersand the seller had _______ all hope of coimg to terms with each other.
8. needless to say, we have been ______ great expense by your delay in making shipment.
9. We have only a parcel of 100 ton left, which is ______ elsewhere.
10. I will ______ to you the whole matter by and by.
III. Make a dialogue in the following situation.
  You are holding a talk with a foreign businessman. In the course of the talk the foueign businessman asks about our usual rate of commission given to commission agents. Then he asks if you could allow him 2% more commission. To this you say 2% more commission may be considered if….
IV. Translate the following sentences into English.
5. 佣金已从装运货物的货值中扣除。
V. ranslate the following into English orally.
  C: 是我们的报价单。所有价格对我无约束力, 并以我方最后确认为准。
  F: 请问你们的价格中包含佣金吗?
  C:我想你一定对市场进行过仔细研究。 不可能不知道市场的上涨趋势吧。
  F:恰恰相反,我们对市场的动身了如指掌。不过如果你们价格太高,我们仍然难以接受。我们不可能亏本做买卖呀。你们至少要给部分佣金, 这样才能鼓励我们的积极性嘛。

上一篇:优朗英语最新开班   下一篇:


(一)成人英语培训 (二)商务英语培训   (三)大学英语培训  (四)公共英语培训   (五)英语口语培训



上一篇:外贸英语之付款方式 下一篇:外贸英语习题
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