Exercise 1     Complete the Dialogue
Complete the following dialogue with the help of the clues provided.
1.       Besides 120, people can also call 999 for first aid services. Talk to your foreign friend (A ) about it. You ( B) need tell him some first aid services that 999 offers.
A: What should I do if I __________ some medical emergency in Beijing?
B: besides 120, __________ 999 for ___________. Usually, they’ll get to you in _______, give you ___________ and send you ____________.
A: What will their first aid services include?
B: It depends on the patient’s symptom (症状)。Generally, they will provide the patient with services such as ___________.
2.       Your conversation continues. Your friend ( B ) wants to know some dos and don’t when calling 999.
A: What should I do when I call 999?
B: Well, you should stay calm and tell _________, _____________and ___________________.
A: OK, I’ll remember all these. Any other suggestions?
B: Yes. You’d better not move the patient if you’re not allowed to. Of course, you may also ask for help from passers-by. They will ______________.
A: Thanks for your information. You’re so helpful.
Exercise 2     Communicative Activities
Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue, using the following information.
Xiao Chen ( A) is on duty in the consulting office (咨询室)at 120 medical Emergency Center. A foreigner ( B ) calls him and requests information about how to get first aid services at 120.
A: Answer all the question B asks and try to be informative and polite.
B: Before the dialogue, think about all the questions you are going to ask and make short notes about these questions on your notebook.
You may begin like this:
A: Hello, consulting office at 120. Can I help you?
B: Yes, I want to know...


Exercise 1     Complete the Dialogue
Complete the following dialogue with the help of the clues provided.
1.       Besides 120, people can also call 999 for first aid services. Talk to your foreign friend (A ) about it. You ( B) need tell him some first aid services that 999 offers.
A: What should I do if I __________ some medical emergency in Beijing?
B: besides 120, __________ 999 for ___________. Usually, they’ll get to you in _______, give you ___________ and send you ____________.
A: What will their first aid services include?
B: It depends on the patient’s symptom (症状)。Generally, they will provide the patient with services such as ___________.
2.       Your conversation continues. Your friend ( B ) wants to know some dos and don’t when calling 999.
A: What should I do when I call 999?
B: Well, you should stay calm and tell _________, _____________and ___________________.
A: OK, I’ll remember all these. Any other suggestions?
B: Yes. You’d better not move the patient if you’re not allowed to. Of course, you may also ask for help from passers-by. They will ______________.
A: Thanks for your information. You’re so helpful.
Exercise 2     Communicative Activities
Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue, using the following information.
Xiao Chen ( A) is on duty in the consulting office (咨询室)at 120 medical Emergency Center. A foreigner ( B ) calls him and requests information about how to get first aid services at 120.
A: Answer all the question B asks and try to be informative and polite.
B: Before the dialogue, think about all the questions you are going to ask and make short notes about these questions on your notebook.
You may begin like this:
A: Hello, consulting office at 120. Can I help you?
B: Yes, I want to know...


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:英语口语对话(急救)task4
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