Wilson:It’s really very kind of you to come and see me off at the airport, Mr. Wenhui.
Wenhui:My pleases, Mrs. Wilson. What a pity you can’t saty in Shanghai a few more days!
Wilson:I’d like to, very much indeed, if it weren’t for the fact I have to rush home and preside over the meeting of the board of
Directorsd next Monday. Anyhow, I enhoyed everyminute of my stay here. Your warm reception, as well as your working enthusiasm has left a deep and vivid impression on my mind and help make my trip a productive one.
Wenhui:I’m glad you think so. Through amicable negotiation we have mutually solved all the disputes and got the contract signed. I’m sure our initial transaction will pave the way for further cooperation between our two companies. We’ve been brought colser to one another by this transaction. It’s essential for us, or for a country, to strengthen economic contact with the outside world, isn’t it?
Wilson: I share your view. In the long run, it make sense for a nation to specialize in certain activities, producing the goods in which it has the most advantages and exchanging them for those in which it does not have the advantages.
Wenhui:You’re being an economist, Mrs. Wilson.
Wilson:You are to blame for it, Wenhui. If you hadn’t started this talk about a country’s economic… Well, let’s drop this topic.
economist or not, I hope business between us will proper. Then we’ll have more opportunities to meet one another. To
tell the truth, I find it very hard to part from you. I shall be missing you, Wenhui.
Wenhui:Me, too. I shall be looking forward to your visit again.
Wilson:Next time I come, I shall see more of you.. But hear, are they announcing my flight over the public address system? I’m afraid I have t check in now.
Wenhui: Bon Voyage, Mrs. Wilson.
Wilson:Good-bye. Let’s keep in contact.
pity 遗憾 strengthen 加强
rush 急进 economic 经济的
preside 主持(会议等) share 分享
board 甲板,董事会 advantage 优势
director 主任,董事 economist 经济学家
reception 接待 blame 责备
enthusiasm 热情 prosper 繁荣
deep 深深的 hard 艰难的
vivid 鲜明的,栩栩如生的 part v. 分开
impression 印象 miss v. 想念
productive 生产的,有成果的 announce 宣告
amicable 友善的 flight 飞行
mutually 彼此地 public 公众的
dispute 分歧地 address 讲话
initial 最初的 system 系统
pave 铺平 check 检查
essential 至关重要的 Bon Voyage 再见,一路顺风
see off 送行
what a pity… 真遗憾
preside over 主持(会议等)
leave an impression on one’s mind 给……留下印象
pave the way for 为……铺平道路
in the long run 从长远来看
share one’s view 同意某人观点
make sense 理解,合理
You are to blame for it. 这全怪你。
public address system 扩音器
check in 签到
keep in contact 保持联系