* old-fashioned style  过时的款式     * take off      剪掉                * all one length   全部是一样长
* normally          一般地         * in that case   在这种情况下        * tie back       绑在后面
* fringe    n.       刘海           * come over    过来                * special  adj.   特殊的,特别的          
* have a date        有约会         * nervous  adj.  紧张的              * get on with sb.  与……相处                                            
* talk to sb.         与……交谈     * figure out      想出               * dress up         装扮
* suit              适合           * serious  adj.   认真的; 严肃的     * stylish  adj.    时髦的,流行的
* formal   adj.      正式的         * put on         穿戴               * eye make-up    眼影
* jewellery  n.      珠宝           * silver necklace   煞项链             * bracelet  n.    手镯    
* earring           耳环 
Intransitive Multi-Word Verbs with Adverbial Particle     动词+副词用做不及物动词
Transitive Multi-Word Verbs with Adverbial Particle      动词+副词用做及物动词
Multi-Word Verbs with Prepositional Particle            动词+介词
Multi-Word Verbs with Two Particles                  动词+副词+介词
Intransitive Multi-Word Verbs with Adverbial Particle动词+副词用做不及物动词
The boy ran away. 那个男孩跑掉了。   
Everyone stood up when the president. Walked in.总统进来的时候,每个人都站了起来。
The boy ran away happily. 那个男孩高兴地跑掉了。
House prices have gone up unexpectedly. 房价出人意料地飙升。
Transitive Multi-Word Verbs with Adverbial Particle动词+副词用做及物动词
Please turn on the light. 请把灯打开。
She’s brought up sixteen children. 她养大了16个孩子。
We set up two companies in 1991. 我们1991年创办了两个公司。
Please turn the light on. C 
She’s brought sixteen children up.
We set two companies up in 1991.
I can’t make out the meaning of this letter.
这句话还可以用下面这样的语序。I can’t make the meaning of this letter out.
Please turn it on.
( x Please turn on it.)
She’s brought them up.
( x She’s brought up them.)
We set brought up in 1`991.
( x We set up them in 1991.)
She’s brought them up strictly.
 She’s brought up her children strictly.


* old-fashioned style  过时的款式     * take off      剪掉                * all one length   全部是一样长
* normally          一般地         * in that case   在这种情况下        * tie back       绑在后面
* fringe    n.       刘海           * come over    过来                * special  adj.   特殊的,特别的          
* have a date        有约会         * nervous  adj.  紧张的              * get on with sb.  与……相处                                            
* talk to sb.         与……交谈     * figure out      想出               * dress up         装扮
* suit              适合           * serious  adj.   认真的; 严肃的     * stylish  adj.    时髦的,流行的
* formal   adj.      正式的         * put on         穿戴               * eye make-up    眼影
* jewellery  n.      珠宝           * silver necklace   煞项链             * bracelet  n.    手镯    
* earring           耳环 
Intransitive Multi-Word Verbs with Adverbial Particle     动词+副词用做不及物动词
Transitive Multi-Word Verbs with Adverbial Particle      动词+副词用做及物动词
Multi-Word Verbs with Prepositional Particle            动词+介词
Multi-Word Verbs with Two Particles                  动词+副词+介词
Intransitive Multi-Word Verbs with Adverbial Particle动词+副词用做不及物动词
The boy ran away. 那个男孩跑掉了。   
Everyone stood up when the president. Walked in.总统进来的时候,每个人都站了起来。
The boy ran away happily. 那个男孩高兴地跑掉了。
House prices have gone up unexpectedly. 房价出人意料地飙升。
Transitive Multi-Word Verbs with Adverbial Particle动词+副词用做及物动词
Please turn on the light. 请把灯打开。
She’s brought up sixteen children. 她养大了16个孩子。
We set up two companies in 1991. 我们1991年创办了两个公司。
Please turn the light on. C 
She’s brought sixteen children up.
We set two companies up in 1991.
I can’t make out the meaning of this letter.
这句话还可以用下面这样的语序。I can’t make the meaning of this letter out.
Please turn it on.
( x Please turn on it.)
She’s brought them up.
( x She’s brought up them.)
We set brought up in 1`991.
( x We set up them in 1991.)
She’s brought them up strictly.
 She’s brought up her children strictly.


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:理发方面的英语口语对话
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