put away 存款 take away的意思
He’s dangerous. Keep away. 他是个危险分子,离他远点。也可以表示动作,“离开”:She walked away.她走了。
He moved away from the window. 他从窗边走开了。
Keep away from her. 远离她!  When he saw me ,he turned away.当他看到我的时候,他转过身去了。
Throw that old shirt away. 把那件旧衬衫扔掉。
我们来看一下用put away 这个词组的例子:
Put your toys away. 把你的玩具说得好。 People like that should be put away.你这样的人应该被抛弃。
put away还有“存款”的意思:
I put away £50 every week for holidays. 我为了度假每周存50英镑。
“取走,拿走”是take away 的字面意思。
This food is awful. Please take it away. 食物很糟,请把它扔掉。
take away还有“减去”的意思:
Take away four from six and the answer is two. 六减四等于二。
She gave all her jewels away. 她把她的首饰全部送掉了。
away with还用在do away with 和get away with 这两个惯用语中:
The government wants to do away with passports. 政府想要废除这些护照。
He got away with it because nobody saw him. 他挠幸偷走了它,因为没有人看见它。
           A Novel and a Poem   小说和诗歌
Jenny 和peter green, Kate 和Tom 四个人一直去吃晚餐。让我们看一下晚餐的情况。
Jenny  What do you want to do when you finish university, Tom?
Tom   I’m studying French and German, so I ’ll probably be a translator. But what I’d like to be is a novelist.
Peter  Oh, that reminds me. I’ve got a present for you. Jenny.
Jenny  A present for me?
Peter  Yes, here you are.
Jenny  Thank you. It feels like a book. Oh, it’s a play. Educating Rita. 
Peter  Have you read it?
Jenny  No, I haven’t but I’ve heard of it.
Peter  I think you ’ll like it. It is set in a university in the north fo England.
Jenny  Manchester?
Peter  No, but not far away: Liverpool.
Jenny  Is it a tragedy or a comedy? 
Peter  It’s a comedy. But it says a lot about the British and university life. So I thought it would be just the book for you.

put away 存款 take away的意思

He’s dangerous. Keep away. 他是个危险分子,离他远点。也可以表示动作,“离开”:She walked away.她走了。
He moved away from the window. 他从窗边走开了。
Keep away from her. 远离她!  When he saw me ,he turned away.当他看到我的时候,他转过身去了。
Throw that old shirt away. 把那件旧衬衫扔掉。
我们来看一下用put away 这个词组的例子:
Put your toys away. 把你的玩具说得好。 People like that should be put away.你这样的人应该被抛弃。
put away还有“存款”的意思:
I put away £50 every week for holidays. 我为了度假每周存50英镑。
“取走,拿走”是take away 的字面意思。
This food is awful. Please take it away. 食物很糟,请把它扔掉。
take away还有“减去”的意思:
Take away four from six and the answer is two. 六减四等于二。
She gave all her jewels away. 她把她的首饰全部送掉了。
away with还用在do away with 和get away with 这两个惯用语中:
The government wants to do away with passports. 政府想要废除这些护照。
He got away with it because nobody saw him. 他挠幸偷走了它,因为没有人看见它。
           A Novel and a Poem   小说和诗歌
Jenny 和peter green, Kate 和Tom 四个人一直去吃晚餐。让我们看一下晚餐的情况。
Jenny  What do you want to do when you finish university, Tom?
Tom   I’m studying French and German, so I ’ll probably be a translator. But what I’d like to be is a novelist.
Peter  Oh, that reminds me. I’ve got a present for you. Jenny.
Jenny  A present for me?
Peter  Yes, here you are.
Jenny  Thank you. It feels like a book. Oh, it’s a play. Educating Rita. 
Peter  Have you read it?
Jenny  No, I haven’t but I’ve heard of it.
Peter  I think you ’ll like it. It is set in a university in the north fo England.
Jenny  Manchester?
Peter  No, but not far away: Liverpool.
Jenny  Is it a tragedy or a comedy? 
Peter  It’s a comedy. But it says a lot about the British and university life. So I thought it would be just the book for you.


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:ify结尾的动词归类
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