Jenny  Thank you very much. I’ll enjoy reading it. I’m sure.
Waitress  Can I take these plates away now?
Peter  Yes, it was very nice, thank you .
Jenny  Have you read Educating Rita, Tom?
Tom  Ni. I saw the film, and I liked it very much. But I don’t enjoy reading plays.
Jenny  What do you like reading?
Tom:  I like reading novels, and I love poetry.
Jenny  What about you, Kate? What do you enjoy reading?
Kate  I don’t read much fiction. I read a lot of biographies, though. I’m reading a good one at the moment. It’s about Bismark
and the unification of Germany.
Jenny  Oh, it sounds interesting. Kate  Yes.
Tom  Ah, more food.
Waitress  Who’s having fish?
Jenny  That’s mine.
Waitress  And chicken?
Peter  Me, please.
* remind   v.  提醒     * feel likae 想要      *be set in  以……为背景     *Liverpool 利物浦(英国城市)
*tragedy  n. 悲剧     *comedy n. 喜剧   *plate n.盘子          *poetry n. (总称)诗;诗歌;韵文
*fiction n.(总称)小说   *biography n. 传记   *Bismark 捭斯麦(德国首相) *unification n.统一;联合
A  POET  诗人
Paula  Daddy, can you help me? I have to write a poem  for homework.
Jack  OK. What’s the poem about?
Paula  The title is ‘My Special Friend’. And I only have to write one verse.
Jack  OK.
Paula  I’ve written most of it, but I can’t think of a work that rhymes with ‘fun’.
Jack  ‘Gun’?
Paula  No!
Jack  What a bout ‘one’? That almost rhymes.
Paula  ‘One’. Yes, that’s great. Thanks, Dad.
Jack  You’re welcome. Can you put those b ooks away when you’ve finished, please?
Paula  Sure.
*poem  n. 诗      *verse  n. 诗;韵       *thyme  v. 押韵       *put away  收拾‘整理


Jenny  Thank you very much. I’ll enjoy reading it. I’m sure.
Waitress  Can I take these plates away now?
Peter  Yes, it was very nice, thank you .
Jenny  Have you read Educating Rita, Tom?
Tom  Ni. I saw the film, and I liked it very much. But I don’t enjoy reading plays.
Jenny  What do you like reading?
Tom:  I like reading novels, and I love poetry.
Jenny  What about you, Kate? What do you enjoy reading?
Kate  I don’t read much fiction. I read a lot of biographies, though. I’m reading a good one at the moment. It’s about Bismark
and the unification of Germany.
Jenny  Oh, it sounds interesting. Kate  Yes.
Tom  Ah, more food.
Waitress  Who’s having fish?
Jenny  That’s mine.
Waitress  And chicken?
Peter  Me, please.
* remind   v.  提醒     * feel likae 想要      *be set in  以……为背景     *Liverpool 利物浦(英国城市)
*tragedy  n. 悲剧     *comedy n. 喜剧   *plate n.盘子          *poetry n. (总称)诗;诗歌;韵文
*fiction n.(总称)小说   *biography n. 传记   *Bismark 捭斯麦(德国首相) *unification n.统一;联合
A  POET  诗人
Paula  Daddy, can you help me? I have to write a poem  for homework.
Jack  OK. What’s the poem about?
Paula  The title is ‘My Special Friend’. And I only have to write one verse.
Jack  OK.
Paula  I’ve written most of it, but I can’t think of a work that rhymes with ‘fun’.
Jack  ‘Gun’?
Paula  No!
Jack  What a bout ‘one’? That almost rhymes.
Paula  ‘One’. Yes, that’s great. Thanks, Dad.
Jack  You’re welcome. Can you put those b ooks away when you’ve finished, please?
Paula  Sure.
*poem  n. 诗      *verse  n. 诗;韵       *thyme  v. 押韵       *put away  收拾‘整理


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:put away 存款 take away的意思
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