valentine (1)
◆    Have a crush on someone(迷恋,喜欢某人)
Derek has a huge crush on Meg, but he’s too afraid to tell her.(Derek非常喜欢Meg, 可他不敢告诉她。)
值得一提的是,crush虽然泛指迷恋,但have a crush on someone大多形容暗恋。
◆    Beauly is in the eye of the beholder.(情人眼里出西施。)
Honestly, Pauline isn’t very attractive in the traditional sense,but her husband thinks she’s absolutely gorgeous. As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. *(说实放在,Pauline的外貌让人不敢恭维,但她先生却认为她非常漂亮。这正应了那句老话:情人眼里出西施。)
◆    the third wheel(电灯泡)
My brother asked me to have dinner with him and Mary, but I said no. I don’t want to be the third whe
有意思的是,不少美国人也把“电灯泡”叫the fifth wheel.倒是很符合中国中情,因为自行车只需要两个轮子;而且third也比较容易让人联想到中文里的“第三者”
◆    taken (nnxce ll /vvv eedcb )
I was helplessly in love with her, but she was already taken. (我不可救药地爱上了她,但她已经名花
还有一个类似的说法是attached to someone,孔表示已经不再是单身。
I’m smitten with her, but she’s attached to my best friend. I can only let go.(她让我神魂颠倒,但她是我最好的朋友的女朋友。我只好放手。)
◆    hook up (谈恋爱)
Paris: You won’t believe this. Andy and Laura have hooked up! (Paris:你不会相信这个消息的。
   Melinda: maybe they were just pretending because they didn’t want others to know.(paris:可能他们不想让大家猜到他们在谈恋爱,所以才装的吧。)
◆    ask someone out(追求)
Jake : Are you free Frisday night? (Jack:星期五晚上你有空吗?)
Kate: Yes.What’s up?(Kate: 有啊。什么事?)
Jack: I’m wondering if … uh,if you’d like to have dinner with me. (Jack:我在想……呃,你能不能赏脸与我共进晚餐。)
Kate: Are you asking me out? (Kate:你这是在正式追求我吗?)
Ask someone out是“追求某人”最普遍、最延期的说法。很多学英语的国人喜欢说pursue someone,不建议使用。美国人一般都觉得它听起来比较别扭,所以很少这样说。
◆    dump ()
She always plays that “I’m gonna dump you” card when they quarrel, because she knowsa he’s wimp
and that he will certainly compromise first.(他们吵架的时候她总来“我要甩了你”那套知道他很没用,一定会先妥协。)
◆    two-time somebody(脚踩两只船)
Nicole is heartbroken,because she found her bodfriend had been two- timing her since day one.(Nicole很伤心,因为她刚发现她男朋友一直在脚踩两只船。)
还有一个类似的说法是play the field,表示一脚踏多船。比如:
Enjoy your single status while you can! If you get married, you can’t play the field any longer.(趁着意向的时候好好享受吧。结了婚照就不能乱来了。)
◆    Absence makes the heart grow fonder.(距离产生美。、小别胜新婚。)
I know long-distance relationship hard, but you’ve got to believe.absnece makes the heart grow fonder, or you’ll never make it.(我知道分开两地的恋情很痛苦,但你必须坚信“距离产生美”,不然这段感情是没法持续下去的。)
◆    on-again, off-again(时分时合)
Their on-again, off-again relationship always keeps friends guessing.(他们分分合合的关系总让朋友猜不透。)o
注释on-again, ff-again因为巨星Jennifer Lopez和Ben Affleck的分分合合成为2003年美国媒体使用最高的词汇之一。


valentine (1)
◆    Have a crush on someone(迷恋,喜欢某人)
Derek has a huge crush on Meg, but he’s too afraid to tell her.(Derek非常喜欢Meg, 可他不敢告诉她。)
值得一提的是,crush虽然泛指迷恋,但have a crush on someone大多形容暗恋。
◆    Beauly is in the eye of the beholder.(情人眼里出西施。)
Honestly, Pauline isn’t very attractive in the traditional sense,but her husband thinks she’s absolutely gorgeous. As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. *(说实放在,Pauline的外貌让人不敢恭维,但她先生却认为她非常漂亮。这正应了那句老话:情人眼里出西施。)
◆    the third wheel(电灯泡)
My brother asked me to have dinner with him and Mary, but I said no. I don’t want to be the third whe
有意思的是,不少美国人也把“电灯泡”叫the fifth wheel.倒是很符合中国中情,因为自行车只需要两个轮子;而且third也比较容易让人联想到中文里的“第三者”
◆    taken (nnxce ll /vvv eedcb )
I was helplessly in love with her, but she was already taken. (我不可救药地爱上了她,但她已经名花
还有一个类似的说法是attached to someone,孔表示已经不再是单身。
I’m smitten with her, but she’s attached to my best friend. I can only let go.(她让我神魂颠倒,但她是我最好的朋友的女朋友。我只好放手。)
◆    hook up (谈恋爱)
Paris: You won’t believe this. Andy and Laura have hooked up! (Paris:你不会相信这个消息的。
   Melinda: maybe they were just pretending because they didn’t want others to know.(paris:可能他们不想让大家猜到他们在谈恋爱,所以才装的吧。)
◆    ask someone out(追求)
Jake : Are you free Frisday night? (Jack:星期五晚上你有空吗?)
Kate: Yes.What’s up?(Kate: 有啊。什么事?)
Jack: I’m wondering if … uh,if you’d like to have dinner with me. (Jack:我在想……呃,你能不能赏脸与我共进晚餐。)
Kate: Are you asking me out? (Kate:你这是在正式追求我吗?)
Ask someone out是“追求某人”最普遍、最延期的说法。很多学英语的国人喜欢说pursue someone,不建议使用。美国人一般都觉得它听起来比较别扭,所以很少这样说。
◆    dump ()
She always plays that “I’m gonna dump you” card when they quarrel, because she knowsa he’s wimp
and that he will certainly compromise first.(他们吵架的时候她总来“我要甩了你”那套知道他很没用,一定会先妥协。)
◆    two-time somebody(脚踩两只船)
Nicole is heartbroken,because she found her bodfriend had been two- timing her since day one.(Nicole很伤心,因为她刚发现她男朋友一直在脚踩两只船。)
还有一个类似的说法是play the field,表示一脚踏多船。比如:
Enjoy your single status while you can! If you get married, you can’t play the field any longer.(趁着意向的时候好好享受吧。结了婚照就不能乱来了。)
◆    Absence makes the heart grow fonder.(距离产生美。、小别胜新婚。)
I know long-distance relationship hard, but you’ve got to believe.absnece makes the heart grow fonder, or you’ll never make it.(我知道分开两地的恋情很痛苦,但你必须坚信“距离产生美”,不然这段感情是没法持续下去的。)
◆    on-again, off-again(时分时合)
Their on-again, off-again relationship always keeps friends guessing.(他们分分合合的关系总让朋友猜不透。)o
注释on-again, ff-again因为巨星Jennifer Lopez和Ben Affleck的分分合合成为2003年美国媒体使用最高的词汇之一。


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:up的英语用法总结。
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